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*** [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|It's World Of Darkness.]] What did you ''expect''?
*** In the cosmology of the World of Darkness a stagnant world will fester. The Technocracy doesn't know it, but they are setting the stage for things much worse than them.
**** 'The Technology wants to enforce total stasis' hasn't been canon since the first Revised chapter book. Remember that the Technocracy are the same people who were behind the Enlightenment, the Renaissance, and the Industrial Revolution.
*** And a world of unfettered creation is ultimately a world of chaos, not that such a thing could ever happen under the wise and fractured leadership of the various mage factions. After all, [[Blatant Lies|the pre-modern world was an awesome place for normal humans!]]
*** The modern world won't be so awesome when the Technocracy literally calcifies the entire universe to death, the inevitable outcome if they're not stopped.
* [[Complete Monster]]: The Technocracy, the Traditions, and the Marauders all have examples of this; the Nephandi ''define'' this trope.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: The Taftani, a craft of mages hailing from the Middle East, uses the ancient Arabian legends of genies, magic carpets, magic lamps and myriad other fantastic things pulled straight out of the Arabian Nights as the basis for their magic. They see Paradox as a badge of honor for imposing their will on the universe and practice magic as blatantly as possible to change the Consensus. And they live lives of opulence and luxury, lavishing feasts and gifts on honored guests while regaling them with tales of bottling djinn or retrieving their assorted Wonders. At least until Paradox blows them up.
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** It might also have something to do with the fact that, this being the [[Crapsack World|World of Darkness]], just about every other supernatural group is either inherently and horrendously evil (the vampires), inefficient (the hunters), too busy bickering among themselves to ever be of much use to anyone... [[Exactly What I Meant to Say|that is]], being [[Final Solution|hunted down and exterminated]] [[Knight Templar|by the Technocracy]] (the Traditions), or genuinely committed to fighting the forces of evil but ''seeing humanity as part of those forces'' (the werewolves). The Technocracy is pretty much the only faction that's determined, organized, competent, ''and'' interested in making sure that ''you'', [[Muggles|puny mortal]] though you are, ''don't'' get eaten by a monster ([[Fate Worse Than Death|or worse]]). Essentially, the Technocrats aren't good guys by any stretch of the word, but in the World of Darkness they're the [[Closest Thing We Got]]. And they look [[Badass|awesome]] while doing it.
*** Pity the Technocracy is determined to [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|not let you know about those monsters]], making it virtually impossible to defend yourself. Plus, you know, [[Room 101]]. ''It's [[Anvilicious|called Room 101]], for crying out loud.''
**** In the real world, professions that involve regular exposure to horrible or disturbing sights (soldiers, homicide detectives, paramedics, etc.) are infamous for developing a really high level of [[Black Humor]]. Sarcasm is one of the primary methods by which you induce psychological desensitization, which is necessary in those kinds of jobs to keep from going completely batshit insane from all the shit you keep seeing. I'm entirely unsurprised they named it Room 101, or their main social engineering branch the New World Order, or any of the rest of it.
*** That's not true at all. They will let you know all about the monsters, just as soon as they have a plausible explanation for them that fits within the grander scheme of their dominant paradigm. Once they can precisely explain that strange genetic mutation that afflicted that poor man, they will quite happily publish that work for all the world to see. And the truly wonderful thing of it all is, once enough people have read and understood their will be true, whether it originally was or not. A Technocracy-dominated world isn't a world where monsters don't exist, it's a world where monsters can be explained, categorized, and dealt with. [[Utopia Justifies the Means|And if that means stripping the world of its infinite possibility, so be it]].
*** Yes, because knowing about the existence of whatever elder horror was about to gnaw your legs off ''totally'' let peasants do a great job defending themselves against such things back in the Age of Myth. At least the ignorance has a point; it helps strengthen the Gauntlet!
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* [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Moment of Awesome]]: "We have another way to bring sunlight to Bangladesh." Say what you will about their ethics, but the Technocracy got one against Zapathasura (aka 'Ravnos') in the Week Of Nightmares. A vampire of godlike power, so mighty that his rise from torpor was felt by every supernatural being on Earth, classified as a potentially world-ending threat... And what do they do? They nuke him and the Boddhisatvas blocking the Bengal sky with clouds from orbit, and shine on him with [[That's No Moon|sattelite-sized]] orbital mirrors, that's what they do. Because man-made sunlight is the best way to deal with vampires!
** It's the only way to be sure.
** Somewhat undercut when said action created [[Hunter: The Reckoning|revenge seeking zombies]], [[Changeling: The Dreaming|maddened radioactive fae ghosts]] and [[Demon: The Fallen|awakened sleeping horrors]]. Still, omlette,beats eggs..having Ravnos devour the souls of all humanity that afternoon.