Maligned Mixed Marriage: Difference between revisions

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== Advertisements ==
* A few years ago, there were no U.S. commercials featuring mixed couples even though there was the occasional movie or tv show. The reasoning was most likely fear that this trope would lose them business. Some only included mixed groups in obviously friendly situations, and some would re-film the whole commercial to have two or three monoracial versions to play to different customer bases. It wasn't until E-Harmony and then started displaying happy mixed race matches and [[Averted Trope|no one seemed to mind]] that other advertisers followed suit including explicitly romantic or sexual elements between people of different races.
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Van and Folken Fanel's parents in ''[[The Vision of Escaflowne|Vision of Escaflowne]]'' were human and Draconian, much to the outrage of the royal court due to the racism against Draconians.
* ''[[Inuyasha|Inu Yasha]]'': Shiori's parents, a human mother and a bat-youkai father, suffered a great deal of persecution, even costing the father his life.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Helo and Athena from ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]''. Interestingly, no one in the show raises an eyebrow at other mixed race couples (Billy and Dee) or gay couples (Felix and Hoshi... well, Tigh does raise the ''one''). But mention that Helo is in love with a Cylon, and everyone thinks he's crazy. It might have something to do with her race having nearly wiped out humanity, but hey, their kid is ''soooo'' cute! {{spoiler|And the Mother of Us All. Do I detect [[An Aesop]]?}}
* An episode of ''[[Reno 911!]]'' featured a KKK member who proposed marriage to his African American fiance. The joke of course was that the two were somehow so madly in love that the woman's race and the man's bigotry were made completely irrelevant.
* In ''[[Charmed]]'' Piper [[Bodyguard Crush|fell in love]] with her [[Lowest Cosmic Denominator|whitelighter]]; this was initially forbidden, but Piper managed to out -stubborn the [[Powers That Be]] into accepting a marriage. Throughout the series, the problems with this marriage kept coming up.
** Not to mention Phoebe falling in love with ''a demon''.
*** Forget him being a demon, he's the Source of All Evil. Kind of a bad idea.