March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany

Inside Nazi Germany, an edition of the popular newsreel series The March of Time, concentrates solely on Nazi Germany: its propaganda machine, discrimination against Jews, youth indoctrination, and increasing militarization.

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It persuasively criticizes the regime, but often through unethical methods not uncommon at the time: stock footage was edited out of context, events were re-enacted or fabricated, and voiceovers misrepresented the images depicted. While this newsreel fueled anti-Nazi sentiment, its manipulative approach perpetuated a journalistic movement that valued sensationalism over reality.

March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany was added to the National Film Registry in 1993.

Tropes used in March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany include:
  • Don't Shoot the Message: Despite all of the flaws in the delivery, the point about the Nazis still needed to be made.