Powers up: "Now I'm better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does!"

    • When he haggles a SHIELD agent over how much money the agent will pay for freeing him.
  • "Stretchy man suggest Hulk release anger with words. Hulk call it 'Hulk-ku'"

"Hulk smash wide load sign;"
"Not appreciate insult;"
"Hurt Hulk's self image."

    • Or:

"Hulk break lots of things
"Everything make noise when broke"
"Hank wrong about mimes."

    • Or the best:

"Hulk want hug kitties;"
"But they so easy to squish;"
"Hulk live in cruel world."

  • The recording Fury left for Stark:

Computer: (Fury is trying to activate the self-destruct protocol for Prison 42) There is not enough free memory to run this program. Quit one or more programs, and try again.
Fury: Stark... your IT department sucks.

  • Some of the early boss battles can be this when it's 4 on 1 against a fairly easy foe. Bullseye in particular will end up getting curbstomped by four heroes in a pretty hilarious image.
  • An announcement comes over the PA in Stark Tower saying "Warning, a small thermonuclear device has gone missing, and Deadpool was last seen in the weapons lab". Later on, you can hear one announce that Deadpool has returned the device - it didn't make a very good basketball.
    • The Stark Tower PA is good for a lot of funny, from Johnny Storm leaving a prank "Happy 65th birthday, Ben Grimm" announcement to reminders that "Miss Bambi and Miss Heather" are still waiting for Tony in the main lobby.
  • Deadpool will make an interesting comment if you have him in your party when you go anti-registration.

Commander Maria Hill: You don't know what you're doing!
Deadpool: Par for the course, crazy lady! Besides, I can always go the other way on my next play-through.

Dr. Doom (even if beating a basic Mook): *levels up* Finally! I have achieved my ultimate triumph!