Mass Effect 3: Difference between revisions

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** Brutes can crush the player if they get too close.
** Banshees grab you and kill you instantly, and they love flying about the battlefield spamming their biotic charge ability constantly. If they warp to right beside you, or block you from the only exit in running out, it does not matter how many shields you have, you die, period. Thankfully, [[Save Scumming|the game auto-saves before each fight]].
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: {{spoiler|Harbinger shows up at the very end to stop Shepard's charge into the beam up to the Citadel. It ''almost'' works.}}
* [[Our Founder]]: There is a large statue of Jon Grissom in Grissom Academy.
* [[Outrun the Fireball|Outrun The Blast Wave]]: At the end of the game, {{spoiler|the ''Normandy'' is seen attempting to outrun the blast wave caused by the overload of the Mass Relays. It fails and is forced to make a crash landing on an unidentified planet}}.