Megamind: Difference between revisions

Murphy's Bed
m (added Category:3D Movie using HotCat)
(Murphy's Bed)
(5 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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** Comes to a head when he discovers that {{spoiler|Metro Man is still alive. His reaction: ask the ethereal shade what messages he brings from beyond, and ''poke his face'' to see if he's incorporeal.}}
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Deconstructed with Hal, who has all the dogged determination but lacks a few of the required qualities.
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"]]/[[That Man Is Dead]]:{{spoiler|Titan tells Roxanne never to call him Hal ever again. He is Titan from now on.}}
** {{spoiler|Metro Man calls himself Music Man after faking his death, so that he doesn't have to change the M on his costume.}}
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Both Megamind and Metro Man come from one. As a bonus, it turns out they are from the same star system.
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* [[Enfant Terrible]]: Subverted. He was destructive even as an infant, with a knack for creating "objects of mayhem", but he [[Children Are Innocent|was not malicious]] [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid|about it]].
* [[Entitled to Have You]]: A big part of what makes Hal so creepy.
* [[Eskimos Aren't Real]]: "There is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of England!"
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: Hilariously invoked with {{spoiler|Titan}}, who's angry at Megamind for, among other things, "lying" to [[Paper-Thin Disguise|Space Step Mom]].
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Want to defeat your arch-nemesis and rule the world? Go knock yourself out. {{spoiler|Want to ''destroy'' the city because of [[Who's Laughing Now?|all your bottled-up resentment from a lifetime of rejection]]?}} Not cool. At least, Megamind knows how to take "no" for an answer.
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* [[Moses in the Bulrushes]]: Megamind's parents (and Metro Man's parents) sent their children off in escape pods to escape their planets being pulled into a black hole.
* [[Motion Capture Mecha]]: Megamind has one.
* [[Murphy's Bed]]: Hal is trapped inside his Murphy Bed twice in quick succession, first when he is knocked into it by his front door, and secondly when he is hit over the head with the "Forget-Me Stick".
* [[My Brain Is Big]]: As you can see in the picture.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The spider ''[[Canis Latinicus|Arachnis deathicus]]''. Which Megamind had [[Blatant Lies|totally planned to threaten Roxanne with]].
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** {{spoiler|Averted in the end, with Megamind's bots helping rebuild efficiently Metro City's destroyed real estate.}}
* [[The Seven Basic Plots|Regeneration/Redemption Plot]]: It'd be difficult to find a more exhaustive exploration of a character arc, from birth through raising through [[All of the Other Reindeer|rejection by the "normals"]] to the embracing of [[You Can't Fight Fate|the role "destiny" forced him into]]; the [[Love Redeems|catalyst for change]], debate over which role to accept, "wooing" of the protagonist [[Becoming the Mask|back toward the light]], unexpectedly challenging him<ref>(through a sort of justified [[Deadly Change-of-Heart]] followed by the revelation that he can't go back to the way it was - the rules have changed)</ref> to do more than ''play'' at normalcy, to [[Taking Up the Mantle|pick up the hero's mantle]]... then a [[Refusal of the Call]], but [[The Call Knows Where You Live|it's not that easy]], and our [[Iron Woobie]]<ref>I'm not really sure which Woobie is right for him, but this one seems most likely aside from those puppy-dog eyes and "Did you ever look back?"</ref> protagonist has to ''[[The Determinator|work]]'' [[Earn Your Happy Ending|for his happy ending]].
* [[EskimosReindeer Aren't Real]]: "There is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of England!"
* [[Rescue Romance]]: Roxanne gets hit with zig-zagging flavors of this.
** Metro Man is always saving Roxanne, {{spoiler|but they never had any romantic relationship at all; he was just "not her type"}}.
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** Also, the "observatory" plan counts on {{spoiler|Megamind knowing that Roxanne would give away his position, and pretending to act shocked at the reveal}}.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[The Incredibles]]'' meets ''[[Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog|Dr. Horrible]]'', with just a hint of ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' thrown into the mix.
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]]: {{spoiler|Titan to Roxanne}}.
* [[Your Costume Needs Work]]: As Megamind flees the Metro Man museum, {{spoiler|which he is trying to blow up}}, he runs into Bernard, who starts deriding him for his "tasteless costume".
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[[Category:3D Movie]]
[[Category:Western Animation of the 2010s]]