Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: Difference between revisions

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* [[Contrived Coincidence]]: The Raikov mask. Radio conversations reveal that it would have been destroyed had it not been for SIGINT insisting they keep it, and in the Virtuous Mission its only real purpose is to disguise Snake's identity during his HALO jump (and even then only when starting the game under certain conditions). Conveniently, Raikov was Colonel Volgin's lover and the mask allowed Snake access to the high security wing of Groznyj Grad.
** It was implied in a few radio calls that the Raikov mask's original purpose was similar to what it ultimately ended up being used for. Apparently, it was going to be used in a different, previous mission where a CIA agent was to be sent to Tselinoyarsk, pose as a GRU Major (implied to be Major Raikov), and steal some secret documents from within a Soviet installation, but the mission was cancelled before they could put it to use.
* [[Cool Bike]]: EVA's bike is a Chinese-produced copy of the German [http://en.[ R75|BMW R75]], with an optional [[Cool Sidecar]].
* [[Cool Guns]]: Quite a few are taken from the list, particularly Snake's pistol, which he takes time out to explain the extreme coolness of.
* [[Cool Plane]]: Operation Snake Eater commences with Snake being delivered via a [http[wikipedia:// D-21/M-21 |Lockheed M-21]].
* [[Cool Tank]]: The Object 279 tanks stationed at Groznyj Grad are real, and based on a tank that was really too cool for its own good. The vehicle was built by Troyanov for survivability on a battlefield where tactical nuclear weapons were being deployed; the lozenge hull was to prevent the tank being flipped over by blast waves, and the unusual quad tread layout to increase the tank's ground footprint for the same reason. The result was too expensive to mass produce, and the only prototype is now in the Russian tank museum at Kubinka proving ground.
* [[Coup De Grace Cutscene]]: {{spoiler|[[Player Punch|Cruelly subverted]] after fighting The Boss. The player is forced to pull the trigger themselves.}}
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** To put it another way, after the twist, killing the [[Big Bad]] seems much less meaningful.
* [[Downloadable Content]]: There were a few bonus camo patterns available for those with an online PS2, and they can be found on-disc in ''Subsistence''. Unfortunately, a single camo takes up an entire megabyte off the player's memory card.
* [[Duel Boss]]: The Boss. Snake's main mission is to fight and eliminate her, and thus their unavoidable confrontation is hyped up for the entirety of the game. It does not disappoint. ''[[MainAwesome Bosses/Video Game/Bosses/Awesome|Not in]] [[Tear Jerker|the least]]'' (see [[Mirror Boss]] below).
* [[Dying Dream]]: {{spoiler|The fight with The Sorrow qualifies as this. Afterwards, Snake wakes up, realizing it was all just a dream.}} [[Or Was It a Dream?|Or was it?]]
* [[Earn Your Title]]: This game shows how Naked Snake earned the moniker that would stay with him for the rest of his life, {{spoiler|by defeating his lifelong mentor, The Boss, and surpassing her in the eyes of his superiors}}.
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** Otherwise however, character's noticeably keep their finger off the trigger in cutscenes... [[Double Subversion|even when pointing in the general direction of a non-hostile]].
* [[I Let You Win]]: Young Ocelot's excuse every time. {{spoiler|Or maybe not an excuse, since he's your CIA contact.}}
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: Ocelot, as usual. If the player gets the [[New Game Plus+|Single Action Army]], this can apply to Snake as well.
* [[Improperly Placed Firearms]]: The Patriot is an M231 FPW with a Beta C-Mag. FPW stands for a"firing port weapon" and the gun was designed to be used in the hull gun ports of Bradley armoured personnel carriers. The Boss has one a decade and a half before it was designed, and with infinite ammo to boot, because [[Rule of Cool|she is just that awesome]]. [[Hand Wave|And because the magazine's feed mechanism is shaped like the infinity symbol.]]
* [[I'm Standing Right Here]]: Several times, particularly the "Russian Glowcap" conversation, Snake's support team will speak in the background and hope he can't heard them.
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'''EVA:''' Huh?<br />
'''Snake:''' Thanks. }}
* [[ItsIt's Raining Men]]: How Snake entered Tselinoyarsk during the Virtuous Mission and, to a slightly lesser extent, Operation Snake Eater (he parachuted out of the drone upon ejecting in the latter mission)
* [[It Will Never Catch On]]: Sigint wonders what Granin is thinking trying to design a tank on legs, and Snake mocks the addition of a three-round-burst firing mode on the XM16E1. Snake also scoffs at Para-Medic's description of an early VCR -- though he expresses interest in "movies where you control the characters yourself." On the opposite end, Para-Medic is certain ''[[Godzilla (Franchise)|Godzilla]]'' will still be popular by 2004, and Major Zero states he won't be surprised if 20 more ''[[James Bond (Film)|James Bond]]'' movies are created<ref>''[[Quantum of Solace (Film)|Quantum of Solace]]'' was No. 22, and two had been released by the time the game was set, with ''[[Goldfinger (Film)|Goldfinger]]'' being released about two weeks after the end of Operation Snake Eater.</ref>
* [[Just Between You and Me]]: Volgin actually says outright that he's going to explain all his plans to Snake before he kills him, in so many words.
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* [[Mythology Gag]]: There are conversions related to the old gameplay mechanics, including one on the silliness of eating food to recover health, and an extended discussion between Snake and SigInt about why Metal Gears wouldn't actually work.
** Ocelot's boss fight is prefaced with him pulling out [[Guns Akimbo|two revolvers]] and saying ''"This'' time I have twelve shots!" As opposed to the six he had in the original ''Metal Gear Solid''.
* [[New Game Plus+]]: Snake keeps all his gear and camo pickups in a new game plus, and can also get several rewards, including Ocelot's Single Action Army and The Boss' Patriot carbine.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: {{spoiler|When he tries to interrogate Snake, Volgin thinks he's really after [[MacGuffin|the Philosophers' Legacy]], and ends up telling him everything about what and where it is. Ocelot is in the room too, so he learns. And so does EVA, in disguise as Tatyana. And The Boss. And this is ''after'' The Boss tells him Snake was trained by her, and simply will not break. Volgin fails to successfully interrogate ''anyone'' in the entire game. Given that he's a major sadist, one assumes he loses a certain amount of...objectivity.}}
* [[No Fourth Wall]]: It's a ''Metal Gear'' game. What did you expect?
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Volgin does this to Snake. It's not pretty.
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: As a result of {{spoiler|The Boss having to kill The Sorrow}}, The Joy never smiles throughout the events of ''Metal Gear Solid 3''. Conversely, The Sorrow always wears a sinister grin whenever he appears, [[Artifact Title|which essentially makes their original titles into misnomers.]]
* [[Odd Name Out]]: Subverted. Snake ponders why Ocelot, a Russian agent, is named after a North American big cat. He and mission control eventually jot it down to his agility, which turns out to be true. {{spoiler|[[Double Subversion|Subverted again]] when it turns out he's an American spy planted to help Snake.}}
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* [[Peaceful in Death]]: {{spoiler|The Boss. She even orders Snake to pull the trigger.}}
* [[Playing Possum]]: On his mission, Snake is equipped with a [[Cyanide Pill|potassium Fake Death Pill]] in case he gets caught, which drops his vital functions down to almost nothing. When the coast is clear, he can bite down on the Revival Pill embedded in his tooth to get back into action (which plays out his death animation backwards). Of course, trying to pull this trick on The Boss does not amuse her...
* [[Post End Game Content]]: [[New Game Plus+]], the Tuxedo, the Patriot and every unlockable that the player gets by obtaining a specific rank.
* [[Press X to Not Die]]: Used precisely ''once'', and it's [[Inverted Trope|inverted]]: {{spoiler|The player has to press the button to end The Boss' life. [[Tear Jerker]] doesn't even begin to describe it.}}
* [[Product Placement]]: The Calorie Mate and the ''Sabra'' magazine are available (although the latter item is simply mentioned to be a book) Both of those are also anachronisms as the Calorie Mate and ''Sabra'' weren't made until 1983 and March 2000, respectively, and in the case of the former being the chocolate variety, that wasn't even made until later than 1983.
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* [[Rare Guns]]: Only about 3,600 Stoner 63 weapon systems were produced in ''total''. In 1964-rare terms, the SVD had only just begun serial production (making it about equivalent to the PSG-1 of the first game in terms of exoticness, even though it's now one of the most common marksman rifles in the world) and the XM16E1 had barely been issued (though there were still 85,000 units ordered the previous year, so there's still some plausibility there).
* [[Reality Is Unrealistic]]: Those flying buckets sure do look goofy and impossible, don't they? Wait, those things ''actually existed in the sixties?''<ref>Though granted, they didn't actually ''work'' all that well.</ref>
** And that weird plane at the end, that could never...[http://en.[ Beriev VVA-14 |Oh, wait, that's a real plane]].
** Wow, get a load of The Boss' gun, those spinning bullets are completely stupid and unrealistic and exactly the same sort of thing the weapon's real-life counterpart, the M231, would do if it were shortened to that size (so that it better resembles its real-life namesake, the [ RMA Patriot]), leaving the weapon with practically zero rifling. Of course, when the bullets tumble as much as they do, the weapon's accuracy and penetration suffers greatly...which is why The Boss compensates with [[More Dakka]].
** Oh wow tumbleweeds during the fight with Ocelot, how cliche.... wait they actually are native to Russia?
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* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Near the very end, when {{spoiler|Snake has to finish off The Boss.}} Made even worse by the fact that the player has to pull the trigger.
** If the player doesn't pull the trigger after a while, {{spoiler|it will happen automatically.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: Many, in optional radio conversions. Obvious cases are Snake berating overly complicated survival knives (''[[Rambo]]''), Zero's love of ''James Bond'' movies and Para-Medic's B-movie obsession.
** In one sequence, Snake flees Ocelot and his men and jumps out of a high storm drain. This is lifted directly from ''[[The Fugitive (Film)|The Fugitive]]''.
** Want to know what the trophy/achievement for CQC-interrogating a soldier is called in ''Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection''? "[[Twenty Four24 (TV)|Tell Me Where the Bomb is!]]"
** In the intro codec for "Snake vs Monkey," Snake asks the colonel if Sam or Gabe can go on the mission instead of him, referring to ''[[Splinter Cell]]'' and ''[[Syphon Filter]]'', respectively.
** Colonel Volgin sounds very similar to "Colonel Vogel", as in the Nazi Colonel from ''Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade''. Just like Colonel Vogel, he ends up falling into a ravine while inside of a tank{{spoiler|*:Although to be fair for Volgin, it wasn't completely his fault, as he was forced to fall in due to EVA rigging the bridge with C3 and Snake blowing it up.}} Unlike Vogel, however, Volgin does actually manage to get back up.
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* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: Snake has this when it comes to mud. Normally justified in that by the time his head goes under, he'll likely be too far from solid ground to pull himself out, but it also means Indian gavials can instantly kill the player by knocking them on their ass in the wrong place.
* [[Surpassed the Teacher]]: Naked Snake finally surpasses his former mentor The Boss in a final confrontation where he had ten minutes to defeat her or else the area would be napalmed. Amazingly Snake is able to actually defeat her despite earlier not even being able to harm her in hand to hand combat, for the first time in the game Snake can actually counter his mentor's CQC attacks and respond in kind showing a vast degree of improvement in his skills from earlier in the game when she handed his ass to him. For his efforts Snake is awarded the title of Big Boss showing that in the U.S Military's eyes he had surpassed his mentor.
* [[Sympathetic Murder Backstory]]: The game is the story of Big Boss's [[Start of Darkness]], where {{spoiler|he's manipulated into killing his mentor and mother figure, as part of her and the Philosopher's [[Zero -Approval Gambit]].}}
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: {{spoiler|Naked Snake, when he was being tortured by Volgin, ends up counting the bullet chambers as Ocelot decides to play his version of [[Russian Roulette]] with Tatyana when deducing that the latter's the spy, and flings himself at Ocelot to deflect the bullet away from Tatyana. It worked, but in the process, he received muzzle burn near his right eye, costing him the use of his right eye.}}
* [[Temporal Paradox]]: Killing EVA or Ocelot causes a [[Nonstandard Game Over|Time]] [[Memetic Mutation|Paradox!]] The standard Game Over screen also shifts to "Time Paradox" if the player wait a while. This is because Naked Snake is Big Boss. Colonel Campbell warns Big Boss of causing a Time Paradox if he kills either EVA, Ocelot or Sokolov.
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* [[Unexpected Genre Change]]: From stealth to rail shooter, near the game's end.
** And even more [[Egregious|egregiously]], {{spoiler|the ''Snake's Nightmare'' minigame, which the player can play by saving the game in the jail cell and reloading.}}
* [[Victor Gains LosersLoser's Powers]]: If the player defeats The End non-lethally, they get his sniper rifle, the Mosin Nagant. If the player defeats the other bosses non-lethally (specifically The Pain, The Fear, The Fury, Volgin, and The Boss), they will receive their camouflage that includes their abilities (The Pain's camouflage allows for Snake to manipulate the bees, The Fear's camouflage significantly boosts his camo at the cost of stamina, The Fury's Camo allows for Snake to survive fire and explosions, lessening the damage of the former, Volgin's camouflage allows Snake to keep Soviets from firing at him when facing them, and The Boss's camo basically yields a decent camo in most areas (although not to the extent of The Fear's Camo), The End's abilities of regenerating under sunlight as well as 100% camouflage under grassy and mossy areas also qualify (although that only necessitates holding up The End thrice), and technically, The Sorrow's camouflage (which allows Snake's footsteps to be silent and drain stamina of the enemy when holding them up) can be unlocked by defeating him, should Snake end up reaching the end of the path.
* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]: It's entirely possible to beat the game without killing anyone, with one exception: {{spoiler|the game still forces the player to pull the trigger on The Boss.}}
** And in that case, they'll be [[Tear Jerker|crying]] as they do it.
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** In Secret Theatre, Snake and The Boss fight...with [[Rock-Paper-Scissors]]. {{spoiler|The Boss wins with the Davy Crockett.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: An optional conversion with Para-Medic will have Snake explain why he recommended Ocelot use a revolver instead of a semi-auto. Snake doesn't really have an answer when Para-Medic responds by asking him why he was giving combat tips to his enemy.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: Par for the course, as far as the ''Metal Gear'' series goes at least. Try starting a [[New Game Plus+]], wearing the tuxedo and calling The Boss, and be prepared to be berated.
** If the player calls her wearing the Ga-Ko camo, she will give the player the exact same conversation. I guess a tuxedo on a sneaking mission is just as silly as camouflage covered in pictures of bright yellow ducks.
* [[Whole -Episode Flashback]]: To the rest of the series.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Snake is terrified of the undead and ghosts. Just ''mentioning'' Dracula gives him nightmares. It can be inferred, then, that facing all those ghosts of the men he's killed really was the worst possible thing Snake could encounter.
** Considering that one of Big Boss's defining traits later on is his tendency to spare his enemies and show mercy instead of killing them, this could count as [[Fridge Brilliance]].
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* [[You Have Failed Me]]: It's heavily implied from a radio conversion with EVA that the reason why Johnny was unwilling to let Naked Snake escape from the prison is because Volgin would have executed him if he either had Naked Snake escape or if Snake died in the cell before Volgin could continue torturing him.
** Surprisingly averted in regards to Ocelot and his unit at the end of the Virtuous Mission. Considering how they technically failed to capture Sokolov (since The Boss and her Cobra Unit is literally the only reason they even captured him in the first place), you'd think Volgin would have his unit executed. Instead, he is seen talking with Ocelot celebrating the overall success over their capture of the Shagohod and Sokolov without even a hint at wanting to punish Ocelot for the blunder.
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: {{spoiler|Naked Snake gains the title of "Boss" (or rather, Big Boss), after killing The Boss (though this ''probably'' isn't the standard procedure for the promotion).}}
* [[You Monster!]]: EVA says this to Volgin during his torture of Sokolov.
* [[Youngest Child Wins]]: The trope is referenced in an optional radio conversation with Major Zero regarding Raikov.
* [[Zero -Approval Gambit]]: {{spoiler|The Boss and, to a lesser extent, Ocelot.}}