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'''Spoilers are unmarked. Read at your own risk.'''
== The Frank's Gang ==
== Frank's Gang ==
* [[Badass Crew]]: They try, anyway.
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* [[Three Plus Two|Four Plus Two]]: The gang starts with the four-member team [[The Leader|Frank]], [[The Lancer|Lupo]], [[The Heart|Gus]] and [[The Big Guy|Momses]]. Piruja was reluctantly admitted as [[The Chick]] at first, eventually growing to be a full member of the group. Victor joins the gang at the end of the first album, becoming the gang's [[The Friend Nobody Likes|friend that nobody likes]].
* [[Interspecies Friendship]]
* [[Nice Guy]]s: All of the members are shown to be nice, kind-hearted and friendly, the worst having a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] streak whenever they're dealing with [[Jerkass|unpleasant characters]] or [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|embarrassing families]] (like Frank and Lupo). [[Jerkass|Victor]] beingis pretty much the exception, and even [[Hidden Heart of Gold|he]] has his [[Pet the Dog|good moments]].
* [[Odd Friendship]]: They're all completely different from each other, which makes their closeness quite surprising.
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]
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** [[The Heart]]: Gus.
** [[The Chick]]: Piruja.
** [[Sixth Ranger]]: Victor, who is also [[The Lancer]] and [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]. AlsoIn the fifth album, Henrietta occassionallyand Nieve briefly join the group.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: While Victor is generally a pain to work with, he has a severe case of [[Headbutting Heroes]] with [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]] and [[Surfer Dude|Momses]].
* [[True Companions]]: They're pretty much portrayed as this. Despite their occasional disputes, they're almost always together, and the original artwork confirms them as such.
* [[Took a Level in Kindness]]: An [[Early Installment Weirdness]] example, but the first album has Frank, Lupo, Momses and ''even'' Gus be unnecessarily nasty towards Victor and Piruja ([[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|though they were good kids deep down]]). Later albums has them becoming much nicer, the worst is them having a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] streak in [[Jerkass|understandable]] [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|situations]].
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: While this trope isn't applied to the gang itself, this is the gang's relationship with [[The Friend Nobody Likes|Victor]], since he acts like a dick towards everyone in the group. As such, only [[Dogged Nice Girl|Piruja]] likes him.
* [[True Companions]]: They're pretty much portrayed as this. Despite their occasional disputes, they're almost always together. [[Word of God|The author]] even describes them as "inseparable friends".
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: While this trope isn't applied to the gang itself, this is the gang's relationship with [[The Friend Nobody Likes|Victor]] due to his [[Jerkass|godawful personality]]. [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]] finds it difficult to work with him [[Vitriolic Best Buds|despite being his closest friend]], [[Lovable Coward|Gus]] is ambivalent at best, and [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]] and [[Lovable Jock|Momses]] hate his guts, [[Fur Against Fang|especially the former]]. The only one who honestly ''likes'' him is [[Dogged Nice Girl|Piruja]].
=== Victor Von Piro ===
* [[Accidental Kiss]]: {{spoiler|With [[Stalker with a Crush|Piruja]] in the fourth album. [[Squick|He's not amused]].}}
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: If not for Frank feeling pity forpitying him, he would have been victim of this trope. [[Jerkass|With]] [[Spoiled Brat|good]] [[No Social Skills|reasonsreason]].
* [[Anti-HeroAloof Big Brother]]: TypeTo V.Gus, {{spoiler|Brieflyas a Type IV [[Anti-Villain]]seen in the fourthfifth album.}}
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Deconstructed, as he drives people away due to acting like this.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type V. Briefly a Type IV [[Anti-Villain]] in the fourth album.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]
* [[Camp Straight]]
* [[The Chew Toy]]: The sheer amounts of [[Amusing Injuries]] he takes are astounding.
* [[City Mouse]]: And he's not happy about it.
* [[Cry Cute]]: {{spoiler|He sobs a little in the first album. He's not visible at that moment, though.}}
* [[Cry Cute]]: He sobs a little in the first album. He's not visible at that moment, though.
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: To the point of being obnoxious.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Do not expect any loyalty for this guy, he'll flee the scene to save his own butt.
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Played with. Frank, Piruja and Gus forgive him for his betrayal in the fourth album; but Lupo and Momses certainly ''don't'', especially since he didn't even apologize for it.
* [[Expy]]: He's like a rich, vampiric version of [[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy|Eddy]].
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: ''[[Pride]]''. Also [[Envy]] and [[Wrath]] to a lesser extent.
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: The series is about him dealing his new life in [[Quirky Town|Villa Susto]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Being incredibly pampered by his well-meaning parents and suddenly thrown into a [[Cloudcuckooland|borderline insane town]] [[The Chew Toy|out to get him]], not surprising he ended up being such a [[Grumpy Bear|grumpy]] [[Jerkass]].
* [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]: The pity and occasional necessity example. Frank even lampshades this.
* [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]: Due to his [[Jerkass|awful personality]], he's this by default, only staying out of pity and occassional necessity.
* [[Fur Against Fang]]: With Lupo, despite being in the same gang.
* [[Grumpy Bear]]
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: It's very easy to get him on his nerves.
* [[Hidden Heart of Gold]]: It'sHinted buriedat '''very'''many deeptimes down,(when but ithe's there.not Inbeing the[[Jerk firstwith albuma Heart of Jerk|another trope]] entirely, heat least). He shows concern aboutfor his family beingfalling invictims danger, and into the secondPorcelain Poison, helps the gang in taking down [[Big Bad|Miss Hit]] forwith no reasonulterior whatsoevermotives, and tries to calm Gus down when he's freaking out [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|in his own way]]. It's more evident with non plot-driven strips and drawings, showcasing him being able to have fun with his friends and even showing [[When She Smiles|genuine smiles]].
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: Ineffectual [[Villain Protagonist]] at any rate.
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: Implied, although he usually shows only the "Superiority" part.
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: Implied.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: "Von Pijo", an embarrassing one.
* [[It's All About Me]]: His main character trait.
* [[Jerkass]]: He's a rude, entitledself-centered, spoiled vampire who treats pretty much everyone like shit. This is [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: To say he's a karma magnet would be an [[Understatement]].
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]/[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Zigzags between the two. He does most things for his own benefit, but he can act selflessly when things are tough (See [[Hidden Heart of Gold]] above).
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Not as sympathetic as other examples, but he's shown to be quite lonely and doesn't comprehend friendship well (the fact the "friends" he had in Miedópolis had to be paid to play with him speaks volumes of this fact).
* '''[[Narcissist]]'''
* [[NoNervous Social SkillsWreck]]
* [[No Social Skills]]: Oh, so much. In addition of being a [[Jerkass]] [[Spoiled Brat]], he obviously has serious problems when it comes to relating to others, which predictably makes everyone hate him.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: When [[Quirky Town|Villa Susto]]'s quirks are concerned.
** [[Not So Above It All]]: Being a bonafide [[Narcissist]], he's not much better either.
* [[Overly Long Name]]: His full name is "Victor Von Piro da Oskuritas und Malefic".
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red to Frank's Blue.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Played with. He's physically the Sensitive Guy, but he has a rude, agressive personality that contradicts this trope. This is in contrast to Frank's kind and level-headed Manly Man.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Subverted in the "small name" part, but otherwise he fits.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]/[[Royal Brat]]: No shit.
* [[The Starscream]]: Tries to be this to Frank. Keyword being ''"tries"''.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: He's the only member of the gang who is a complete [[Jerkass]]. He also serves as this to his family.
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=== Frank Einstein Jr. ===
* [[The Ace]]: He's known as this, at least in [[Big Brother Worship|Gus]]' eyes. He's more of a [[Broken Ace]], though, given his severe insecurities underneath his self-confident exterior.
* [[Adorkable]]: To a T, especially when he tries to talk to [[Love Interest|Henrietta]].
* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: How his older sister Francesca sees him.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: He's a very nice and friendly person, as long as you don't piss him off.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Has this with his gang, especially his best friend and surrogate baby brother [[The Cutie|Gus]].
* [[Break the Cutie]]: In the second album. He does get better, though.
* [[Breakout Character]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Noticeably so, especially in the second album.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: His feelings towards Henrietta. Justified due to Henrietta's [[Split Personality|personality issues]] and his own poor self-esteem.
* [[Cute Bookworm|Cute]]/ [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[Cool Big Sis|Cool Big Bro]]: To his gang, doubling as a [[Big Brother Mentor]], although he acts more like an [[Aloof Big Brother]] with Victor ([[Jerkass|justifiably]] [[Spoiled Brat|so]]).
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Ditzy Genius]]: He's very smart, but lacks common sense.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]/[[Bungling Inventor]]: Wavers between the two depending on the plotstory.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: As nice as he is, he's not a pushover, having zero problems doing things like subjecting [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] through humiliating challenges [[Break the Haughty|to get rid of his pride]] and exposing [[Invisible Jerkass|Mienai]]'s cheating in an [[Kill It with Fire|unconventional]] way.
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heroic Self-Deprecation]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Gus.
* [[I Just Want to Be Beautiful]]: The reason he makes The Perfeccionator. [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|He gets most of Villa Susto in danger thanks to it]].
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: He takes pride in his intelligence to cover up his insecurities over his physical appearance. Becomes a tragicomedic plot point in the second album, played both comically and seriously.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: While he's usually a [[Nice Guy]], he tends to take pride in his intelligence. Deconstructed, since every time he acts like this [[Inferiority Superiority Complex|is to deal with his crippling lack of self-esteem]].
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Played with. He's considered this by others and can behave arrogantly sometimes, but he's usually portrayed as a [[Gentleman and a Scholar]].
* [[Morality Chain]]: Tries to become this forto [[Jerkass|Victor]].
* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: He has certain pride regarding his intelligence, and has a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|mildly jerkish]] streak when dealing with [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|his family]] or [[The Rival|rivals]], but is a [[Nice Guy]] otherwise.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: In the gang at least, although he's also [[Not So Above It All]].
* [[Official Couple]]: With Henrietta, although it'sA [[Anchored Ship|complicated]] example with Henrietta.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: The Manly to Gus' Sensitive. Played with Victor, see Victor's entry above.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Type A. He pretends to be a confident leader for the sake of the gang, but inside he's a depressed and self-deprecating boy due to his body issues. He doubles as a [[Stepford Snarker]] when dealing with [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|his family]].
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: Regarding Henrietta. [[Everyone Can See It|No one believes him, of course]].
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: He wasn't interested in romance until he met [[Rose-Haired Girl|Henrietta]].
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Type A. He pretends to be a confident leader for the sake of the gang, but inside he's a depressed and self-deprecating boy due to his body issues. He doubles as a [[Stepford Snarker]] when dealing with [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|his family]]
* [[Team Dad]]
* [[Tender Tears]]: WhenIn pushedthe enoughsecond album, as seen in[[Break the secondCutie|with albumgood reason]].
* [[Tough Love]]: Towards Victor. Justified, considering [[Narcissist|his]] [[Jerkass|attitude]].
* [[Trigger]]: His "self-confident leader" attitude ''shatters completely'' once someone calls him "ugly", becoming a depressed wreck instead.
* [[Tsundere]]: Type B. He's a very nice kid, but stubborn and hot-tempered when pissed.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Victor.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]
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* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Her dad is never seen or mentioned, but probably he's either dead or left her mother, considering her [[Really Gets Around]] attitude.
* [[The Ditz]]: She's very absent-minded. That said...
** [[Genius Ditz]]: Her potions can sometimes work, if only for a short time, {{spoiler|as shown in "The Perfeccionator" as a [[Chekhov's Gun]]}}. She's also a damn good broomstick (or toilet brush, in her case) pilot, beingand ableshows herself to drivebe ''toileta talented Pumpkinball player (especially if brushes'she's in her frog form).
* [[Dogged Nice Guy|Dogged Nice Girl]]: To Victor.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: The only redhead so far to [[Averted Trope|avert]] this trope, along with [[Evil Redhead|another one related to it]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Her pushy attitude towards guys can be traced back to [[Serial Romeo|her mother]] (though thankfully she doesn't go nearly as far).
* [[Friend to Bugs]]
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: She's best friends with [[Perky Goth|Guillotine]] despite each other being in rival gangs.
* [[Girl Next Door]]: She's Victor's neighbor.
* [[Hopeless Suitor]]
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: [[Downplayed Trope|Downplayed]]. She normally scolds her mother for her [[Stalker with a Crush]] behavior, while she'sbeing a [[Stalker with a Crush|stalker]] herself., but Piruja [[Like Father,Everyone LikeHas SonStandards|Likedoes Mother,have Like Daughterstandards]] about it, indeedwhile her mother... [[Really Gets Around|doesn't]].
** To be fair, though, Piruja [[Everyone Has Standards|does have standards]] about it, while her mother, however... [[Really Gets Around|doesn't]].
* [[Inept Mage|Inept Witch]]: For the most part.
* [[Informed Deformity]]: Her wart.
* [[Magic Misfire]]: Her spells and potions usually end up like this. {{spoiler|The ones who don't are used as [[Chekhov's Gun]]s.}}
* [[Magic Misfire]]: Her spells and potions usually end up like this. The ones who don't are used as [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov's Guns]].
* [[Morality Pet]]: She makes [[Perky Goth|Guillotine]] much more likable with her presence.
* [[Redhead in Green]]/[[Green Eyed Red Head]]
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: She seems to haveform one with [[Rose-Haired Girl|Henrietta]].
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: She's more than happy to ship her friends together.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: The only confirmed member of the gang to be female.
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: A fairly innocent and sympathetic example, but still.
* [[Sympathy for the Devil]]: While "Devil" is debatable in their case, Piruja shows sympathy towards Henrietta and her father's [[Super-Powered Evil Side|dissociative identity disorder]], even comparing it to her [[Hereditary Curse]].
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The Girly Girl to Guillotine's Tomboy.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The Girly Girl to Guillotine and Nieve's Tomboys.
=== Lupo ===
* [[Berserk Button]]: Messing with his siblings is a huge one for him.
* [[Beta Couple]]: Seems to form one with Nieve.
* [[Beware the Quiet Ones]]: He's pretty calm and laid-back, but it's not a good idea to piss him off.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: He's very protective of his siblings., Messingthus messing with them is his main [[Berserk Button]].
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Due to his sleepy nature, he's rather slow, but he's quite smart when awake.
* [[Brutal Honesty]]: He's outspoken and snippy to a fault.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Hell yes. Even in a [[World of Snark]], he reigns supreme with his quips and putdowns.
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: This guy eats anything. And we mean '''anything'''.
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: He goes from arguing with [[An Ice Person|Nieve]] to flirting with her at the end of the fifth album.
* [[Foil]]: He's one for Victor. He's a cool-headed werewolf who comes for a poor family, while Victor is a rich, hot-headed vampire. As a result, [[Headbutting Heroes|the two don't get along at all]].
* [[Fun Personified]]
* [[Heavy Sleeper]]: So. Much.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Momses. They're almost always together.
* [[IcyInnocent Blue Eyes]]
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: DownplayedPlayed onwith in that the "Jerk" part. He'sis kind,mostly friendlyreserved andtowards loyalpeople to[[Kick thosethe heSon caresof about;a butBitch|who alsoabsolutely verydeserve sarcastic,it]]. snippyHe's anda evenfriendly hostileguy tousually, thethough peoplestill he dislikessarcastic.
* [[Middle Child Syndrome]]: He has two older siblings and three younger siblings, and experiences quite a bit of this.
* [[Not a Morning Person|Not a Night Monster]]
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Blue to Momses' Red. Really, he's the[[Color-Coded Bluefor OniYour toConvenience|fittingly everyoneenough]].
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: He may not agree with Frank's decisions and snark at everyone and everything, but he's loyal to his family and friends to the very end.
* '''[[Sleepyhead]]''': He's the walking embodiment of this trope, often taken to [[Up to Eleven|ridiculous levels]].
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: The ([[Deadpan Snarker|more or less]]) sensitive to Momses' manly.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Nieve.
* [[Stepford Snarker]]: Implied, considering his family situation.
* [[Stepford Snarker]]: Considering his family situation, it's no wonder he snarks so much. Tellingly, his snark turns nastier whenever he feels wronged (with [[Jerkass|Victor]] being the most common target).
* [[Translator Buddy]]: He serves as this to Momses.
* [[Troll]]: He clearly delights in messing with Victor's head. Since Victor is a [[Jerkass]] [[Spoiled Brat]], it's comesa acrossclear ascase of [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]].
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To his loved ones.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
=== Momses III ===
* [[The Ace]]
* [[Bandaged Face]]: As a mummy, this is expected.
* [[Berserk Button]]: The only times he's shown to get angry is when someone messes with his friends. He would have kicked Victor's ass for his betrayal had Frank not intervened.
* [[Black Best Friend]]: To the Frank's gang, but especially [[Heterosexual Life Partners|Lupo]].
** While not as bad, he can get exasperated with Lupo's [[Sleepyhead|constant sleepiness]].
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the second album, thanks to Miss Hit.}}
* [[Black Best Friend]]: To Frank's gang, but especially [[Heterosexual Life Partners|Lupo]].
* [[Competition Freak]]
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the second album, thanks to Miss Hit.
* [[Cool Loser]]: While his friends have some commonly associated "loser" traits, Momses is only considered a loser for associating himself with them. Even taking into account his clumsiness, he's still the "cool dude" of the gang in comparison.
* [[Cool Loser]]: While his friends have some commonly associated "loser" traits, Momses is only considered a loser for associating himself with them. Even taking into account his clumsiness, he's still the "cool dude" of the gang by comparison.
* [[Cute Clumsy Girl|Cute Clumsy Guy]]
* [[Does Not Know His Own Strength]]: He tends to forget his [[Super Strength]], especially when [[The Power of the Sun|getting in contact with sunlight]].
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Headbutting Heroes]]: While not as prominent as [[Fur Against Fang|Lupo]], Momses clearly hates [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] just as much. He was willing to kick his ass for betraying the gang, and broke Frank's invention just to see him suffer.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Lupo.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Intelligible Unintelligible]]: He speaks in mummy, and few people can understand him. Lupo and Frank usually translate what he says.
* [[The Jinx]]: Not to Buena Suerte's extent, but still. Frank even calls it "the mummy's curse".
* [[The Klutz]]: He's very clumsy. This, which combined with his [[Super Strength]], often leads to disaster.
* [[Lovable Jock]]: He's obsessed with sports and competition, but is pretty much a [[Nice Guy]].
* [[Mummy]]: [[Captain Obvious|Well, duh]].
* [[No Mouth]]: His mouth is usually hidden behind his bandages.
* [[Out of Focus]]: He's the member of the gang with the least focus, at least in plot driven albums.
* [[The Power of the Sun]]: His already high strength goes [[Up to Eleven]] whenever he gets in contact with sunlight.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red to Lupo's Blue.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: The manly to Lupo's sensitive.
* [[Super Strength]]: He has this quality, turned [[Up to Eleven]] when getting in contactespecially with [[The Power of the Sun|sunlight]]. Being a very clumsy kid, in addition to forgetforgetting he has this quality, it causes problems more often than not.
* [[Surfer Dude]]: He's usually seen surfing, though seeing him skating is not very rare either.
* [[Troll]]: Not as much as Lupo, but he clearly has fun messing with Victor's head, usually taking advantage of his inability to understand him to screw him over.
=== Gus ===
* [[Adorkable]]: The living embodiment of this trope. He's [[The Cutie|cute]], [[Nice Guy|sweet]], [[geek|geeky]]y, [[Tender Tears|cries easily]], and [[Porky Pig Pronunciation|stutters heavily]]. All of this makes him utterly adorable.
* [[Author Avatar]]: More or less.
* [[Bedsheet Ghost]]: Literally.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Not quite berserk, but he's understandably pissedoutraged when he hears [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] [[The Starscream|plans to overthrown Frank and become leader of the gang]] (not that he can do anything about it).
* [[Big Brother Worship]]: He's [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]]'s surrogate babylittle brother and assistant, and thus looks up to him (Although whether his admiration is platonic is debatable...)
* [[Butt Monkey]]: [[The Woobie|Poor guy]]...
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Frank, you're a g-genius!"
* [[Cowardly Lion]]
* [[The Cutie]]: Even in a series plagued with cute monsters, he reignsstands supremeout due to his [[Adorkable]] behavior.
* [[Cute Ghost Girl|Cute Ghost Guy]]
* [[Expy]]: Of [[Casper the Friendly Ghost|Casper]].
* [[Fragile Flower]]
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: He adores animals, and likes to call them cute names., as {{spoiler|Victor discovered this by himself}}.
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: He's Frank's number one fan.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Frank, although the "heterosexual" label is blurry on his case.
* [[Intangible Man]]: When he wantsdoesn't toget nervous, at least, and that's a difficult task.
* [[Irony]]: When he was human, he was terrified of monsters. Now as a monster, he absolutely fears humans. This gets lampshaded.
* [[Keet]]: Despite being a [[Fragile Flower]], he's very cheerful and enthusiastic about everything.
* [[Kiddie Kid]]
* [[Lovable Coward]]: So much.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: He's shown to be very close to his mom.
* [[Nervous Wreck]]: Not as much as Victor, but still.
* [[Porky Pig Pronunciation]]: His main character trait.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: The sensitive to ''everyone''.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]
* [[Sweet Tooth]]: Loves sweets a lot, or at leastespecially cakes.
* [[Technicolor Eyes]]: Has red eyes, with black eyeballs.
* [[Tender Tears]]: Getting him to cry is ridiculously easy.
* [[Undignified Death]]: It's revealed that {{spoiler|he and his family's cause of death was because of a poisonous car freshener, asphyxiating them.}} As per the nature of the comic, it's [[Played for Laughs]]. {{spoiler|It's dubious if this happened in the real world, though.}}
== Other Minimonsters ==
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=== Henrietta ===
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type II/IV. It's not her fault she has a crazy evil side trying to take over...
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Thanks to [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]].
* [[Apologises a Lot]]: Mostly because of [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Never tell her [[Split Personality|split personalities]] are funny. Mienai learned this the ''hard'' way. {{spoiler|While it was part ofin Victor's nightmare, given her troubles with her [[Super-Powered Evil Side]], this would still be plausible in the real world.}}
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: She's a sweet, polite and adorable little girl with a [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] that can kick ass in less than a second.
* [[Break His Heart to Savethe HimCutie]]: She triesHaving to drivedeal Frank and the others away from her due towith [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]], and ithasn'st implieddone toany havegood beentowards doing this beforeher. Luckily,She [[Throwgets the Dog a Bone|she doesn't have to do it as much anymore]]better.
* [[Broken Bird]]: She was introduced as this. Thankfully, [[Character Development|this has started to fade]] and is now more cheerful.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Having to deal with [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]] hasn't done any good towards her. She gets better, at least slightly.
* [[Broken Bird]]: She was introduced as this. Thankfully, this has started to fade due to taking levels in cheerfulness.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Her feelings for Frank. [[Super-Powered Evil Side|With good reason]].
* [[The Cutie]]: So much. No wonder Frank falls hard for her.
* [[Daddy's Girl]]
* [[Doom Magnet]]: She describes herself as this to Frank. The worst part? She's [[Super-Powered Evil Side|half]]-[[Split Personality Takeover|right]] in this regard. [[The Woobie|Poor girl...]]
* [[Fragile Flower]]
* [[Gibberish of Love]]: Variation. Every time she sees Frank, she often [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|vomits in his face]], duewhich toFrank stress.mistakes Frankit for an expression doesn'tof carelove.
* [[Ill Girl]]: To ridiculous levels. She gets slightly better over time.
* [[Jekyll and Hyde]]: The Jekyll to Miss Hit's Hyde.
* [[Missing Mom]]: Her mother is nowhere to be seen.
* [[Mood Swinger]]: Thanks to Miss Hit, and is not happy about it.
* [[Nervous Wreck]]: Her constant [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|throwing up]] is often due to this, and one story mentions she carries anti-stress pills. Not surprising considering [[Super-Powered Evil Side|who]] she has to deal with.
* [[Nice Guy|Nice Girl]]
* [[Official Couple]]: With Frank, [[Anchored Ship|somewhat]].
* [[Phlebotinum Pills]]: Carries these due to her [[Ill Girl]] status.
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: With Piruja.
* [[ShrinkingRose-Haired VioletGirl]]
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: She falls for [[Dogged Nice Guy|Frank]] for being so nice and helpful to her when she needed it most.
* [[Team Mom]]: If she becomes a full member of the Frank's Gang, she would fillfit this role nicely, especially considering her [[Love Interest]] is the leader and [[Team Dad]] of the group.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The girly towards [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]]'s tomboy.
* [[Tsundere]]: A rare case in that she's the "dere" side, with Miss Hit being the "tsun".
* [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot]]: A [[Running Gag]] concerning her, especially with [[Love Interest|Frank]].
Line 242 ⟶ 276:
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: He's ostracized due to his smell. He doesn't care that much for this, though, since he doesn't even want to join a particular gang.
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the second album, he's one of Miss Hit's victims.}}
* [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]: ToPlayed Mrwith. AbraHe's class,generally avoided due to being [[The Pig Pen]]. That said, how well or badly they treat him depends on the character being either a [[Nice Guy]] or a [[Jerkass]] respectively.
* [[Hates Baths]]: See [[The Pig Pen]] below.
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]]: Played with. He's interested in becoming friends with [[Jerkass|Victor]], but he doesn't want to join a particular gang, and seems happy in his loneliness.
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]]: Played with. He's interested in becoming friends with [[Jerkass|Victor]], but he doesn't want to join a particular gang, mostly because he seems to regard everyone as a friend.
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: He's a well-intentioned kid, but is unaware of how much his [[The Pig Pen|Pig Pen]] status can bother people. For example: He keeps showing [[Ill Girl|Henrietta]] gross things, when she is known for having a [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|very weak stomach]].
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: "Junk Boy"
* [[Keet]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Ironic Name]]: His surname, "Rotten", is a combination of both of this tropes.
* [[Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold]]: Once you forget his smell issues, he's one of the nicest and most pleasant guys in the entire comic.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[No Social Skills]]
* [[The Pig Pen]]: His main trait. He's always in a bin, and even lives in the town dump. {{spoiler|Justified as of the fourth album, since it turns out he gets very sick if he ever bathes.}}
* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[The Reliable One]]: In the fourth album, the Frank's Gang treat him like this, since Piruja was nowhere to be seen and needed another member on their team to not get them disqualified. {{spoiler|Unfortunately for them, Morty was [[Genre Savvy|savvy]] enough to put him out of comission.}}
=== Dayana Von Piro ===
* [[Berserk Button]]: She doesn't like when someone makes fun of her paintings, even if they are genuinely terrible.
* {{spoiler|[[Blind Without'Em]]: It turns out this is the reason why she can't paint properly. Once she gets ones, though, she turns out to be ''way better'' than expected.}}
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: It turns out this is the reason why she can't paint properly. Once she gets ones, though, she turns out to be ''way better'' than expected.
* [[French Jerk]]: Downplayed. She's snobbish and kinda unpleasant, but is nowhere near as a haughty [[Jerkass]] like her cousin Victor.
* [[French Jerk]]: Downplayed. She's snobbish and kinda rude, but is nowhere near as a haughty [[Jerkass]] like her cousin Victor.
* {{spoiler|[[Meganekko]]}}
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: As stated above, she's much more pleasant and sociable than her cousin while still being arrogant and condescending.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Morality Pet]]: Victor treats her slightly better (emphasis on "slightly") than with everyone else. Also, she's the only person [[The Bully|Quasim]] is [[Pet the Dog|outright friendly]] to.
* [[Original Character]]: Was actually a fanmade character, and the author included her.
* [[Stylistic Suck]]: Her drawings. {{spoiler|When she's painting without glasses, though.}}
* [[Terrible Artist]]: {{spoiler|Epically subverted.}}
=== YokaiNieve ===
* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: She has a crush on Lupo, yet steals Piruja's panties for no reason.
* [[Ambiguous Gender]]: Due to his/her androgynous appearance.
* [[An Ice Person]]: As a snowmansnowwoman, this is expected.
* [[Beta Couple]]: With Lupo.
* [[Blinding Bangs]]
* [[Braids of Action]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Puns aside, she does this as a result of hanging out with Frank's Gang, especially regarding [[Ship Tease|Lupo]].
* [[Jerkass]]: S/He's shown as a trollish thief, going as far as stealing [[Kick the Dog|a little girl's doll]].
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: She and Lupo had a bad start, but start bonding after fighting Flan Hellsing, to the point of having a mutual crush.
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: That said, s/he also saves both Piruja and Henrietta from Flan Hellsing's clutches.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: She's introduced as a thief who epically screws over Lupo, yet she's willing to put that aside to save the town, becoming much kinder.
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: S/He's shaping to be this for [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]], being the only character able to actively [[OOC Is Serious Business|piss him off]] (For the record, not even ''[[Spoiled Brat|Victor]]'' managed that).
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]
* [[Sticky Fingers]]: S/He is a master thief.
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: It says a lot about the state of Villa Susto [[Sticky Fingers|she]] is the voice of reason.
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: She starts as this to [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]], being the only character able to actively [[OOC Is Serious Business|piss him off]] (For the record, not even ''[[Spoiled Brat|Victor]]'' managed that). That said, see [[Fire-Forged Friends]] above.
* [[Samus Is a Girl]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Lupo.
* [[Sticky Fingers]]: She's a master thief.
* [[Tomboy]]
* [[Took a Level in Kindness]]
* [[Troll]]
== The Morty's Gang ==
* [[A House Divided]]: See below.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]/[[Foil]]: To Frank's Gang, obviously, but to specify:
** Morty is an obvious one for Frank, being both leaders of their respective gangs and having clear influence over them, but that's when the similarities end. Frank may seem weird and at times tough, but he proves to be an effective leader because of his [[Wise Beyond Their Years|maturity]] and [[True Companions|genuine care for his friends]]; while Morty is cool on the surface yet his [[Ax Crazy|blatant psychopathy]] and [[Bad Boss|abuse of his underlings]] makes him inept at leading a gang, [[A House Divided|and it shows]]. He's also Victor with his jerkassery and arrogance upgraded to outright sociopathy.
** Guillotine is one for Piruja in that they're the only girls on their respective gangs, and is quite stylish like Momses.
** Mienai [[Token Good Teammate|isn't that evil to begin with]], but he can be seen as one for Gus due to their [[Adorkable]], meek personalities and attachments to their band's leaders. However, while Gus' attachment to Frank is out of [[Big Brother Worship|love and respect]]; Mienai's attachment consists of him [[Bad Boss|being abused and screwed over]] by Morty.
** Skin clearly takes after Lupo, being both gluttonous snarkers. However, Lupo's snark is [[Sarcastic Devotee|usually friendly]] and only turns hostile [[Kick the Son of a Bitch|when the target deserves it]]; while Skin is just [[Jerkass|downright nasty]] towards everyone.
* [[Evil Will Fail]]: The fourth album has them falling into this. Due to being [[Stupid Evil]] and spending most of their time [[With Friends Like These...|fighting each other]], them losing the Pumpkinball Match was a [[Foregone Conclusion]].
* [[Five-Bad Band|Four-Bad Band]]
** [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: Morty.
Line 283 ⟶ 337:
** [[The Brute]]: Skin.
** [[The Dark Chick]]: Mienai.
** [[Sixth Ranger|Fifth Ranger]]: Victor in the fourth album. {{spoiler|It doesn't last.}}
* [[Gang of Bullies]]
* [[Go-Karting with Bowser]]: When they're not bullying the Frank's Gang, they're seen hanging around with them, bordering on [[Friendly Enemy]] territory.
Line 291 ⟶ 345:
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: It's clear from the start these guys do not get along with each other, with [[Bad Boss|Morty]] treating the other members (save [[Unholy Matrimony|Guillotine]]) like shit. They're only together to take down the Frank's Gang, and even then, they fail due to each other's differences. This is intentionally done to [[Foil|contrast]] with Frank's gang of quirky [[True Companions]].
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!|We Are Struggling Together]]
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: How the hell they manage to stay together is a complete mystery.
=== Morty Vivente ===
* [[Alpha Bitch|Alpha Bastard]]: To a T, though [[Smallhe Name,deconstructs Bigthis Ego|heas isnhe'ts nearlynot asreally popular asand hehis thinkssociopathic heinsanity prevents him from being an effective leader to his is]]gang.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Once his [[Faux Affably Evil]] façade wears off.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He treats his underlings (especially [[Butt Monkey|Mienai]]) like shit.
* [[Berserk Button]]: His goons' stupidity.
* [[Berserk Button]]: More like "Insanity Button", but mention the word "brains" around him, and he'll end up chopping heads (Mostly [[Butt Monkey|Mienai]]'s).
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: While he was constantlypreviously mentioned, he only filled the role of a direct antagonist in the fourth album., {{spoiler|Andand quickly loses this role in favor of Arrmando el Arraña.}}
* [[Brain Food]]: To say he's obsessed with brains would be an [[Understatement]]. [[Ambiguously Bi|Specifically Frank's]].
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Of the [[Ambiguously Bi]] variety. He's dating Guillotine, but he has an unhealthy obsession with Frank (or more accurately, his brains). To say nothing of his constant hunger [[The Glomp|glomps]] to Mienai...
* [[Detachment Combat]]: He can take off his limbs (as he's a zombie), which he usually uses to hit his underlings.
* [[Enfante Terrible]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Victor. Victor is hardly a saint, but he's mostly naïve and harmless, and has a decent goal in mind (going back to Miedópolis). Morty, on the other hand, is an evil sociopath who performs even worse acts for personal gain and [[For the Evulz|the lulz]].
* [[Evil Redhead|Evil]] [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He can put off a charming, likable appearance, but in the end it's clear he's aan utterly insane sociopath.
* [[The Ghost]]: Until the fourth album.
* [[Gratuitous Italian]]: Often to insult someone, calling them ''“Stupidos!”'' or ''“Imbecilles!”''.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: Don't let his general (although suave) jerkassery fool you, he's actually a borderline evil and unstable sociopath with zero scruples in getting what he wants. It's telling he makes [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] look like a saint by comparison.
* [[Jerkass]]: He seems like this on the outside...
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: ...but inside, he's downright evil and unstable. It's telling something he makes [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] look like a saint in comparison.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Morality Pet]]: His girlfriend Guillotine is the only minimonster he treats with respect. He also has his pet worms as this.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: His three pet worms.
* [[Rich Bitch|Rich Bastard]]/[[Spoiled Brat]]: Even worse than Victor!, which is ''really'' saying something.
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: Frank's.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[The Sociopath]]
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Of Mr. Abra's second year class. He's the only classmate to be explicitly evil due to his insane, sociopathic nature (the other classmates being at worst standard jerks).
* [[Trigger]]: Mention the word "brains" around him, and he'll end up chopping heads (Mostly [[Butt Monkey|Mienai]]'s).
* [[Un Evil Laugh]]: "Jjj, jjj"
* [[Unholy Matrimony|Unholy Couple]]: With Guillotine.
Line 323 ⟶ 377:
=== Guillotine ===
* [[AllA GirlsLighter WantShade Badof BoysBlack]]: She's a bitch towards Frank's Gang, yet she isn't nearly the [[The Sociopath|Mortysociopath]]'s girlfriendMorty is.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: She's [[The Sociopath|Morty]]'s girlfriend (though he treats her decently, all things considered).
* [[Anti-Villain]]: See [[Noble Demon]].
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: She acts this way towards Piruja and, to a lesser extent, Henrietta.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|Even Bitchy Goths Have Loved Ones]]: She genuinely loves her boyfriend Morty, and cares a lot about her friends.
* [[The Fashionista]]: She's obsessed with fashion, and is very talented at making outfits.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: With [[Morality Pet|Piruja]].
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: TheShe heartcan ofbe goldkind iswhenever onlyshe visiblewants to, mostly around her friends, though.
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]
* [[Losing Your Head]]: Her main ability, and the butt of many jokes (some of them even made by herself).
* [[The Matchmaker]]: Tries to hook up Piruja with Victor, often using questionable methods.
* [[Noble Demon]]: True, she's a massivequite bitchbitchy, but is much more noblekind and sanernoble that her boyfriend Morty, showing a kind and helpful side to her closest friends.
* [[Perky Goth]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Her treatment towards Piruja and Henrietta.
* [[Raven Hair, Ivory Skin]]
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Much like Piruja, she's the only female member of the Morty's Gang.
* [[The Snark Knight]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The tomboy to Piruja and Henrietta's girly girls.
* [[Unholy Matrimony|Unholy Couple]]: With Morty.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: A bit withWith Piruja. She can laugh at her sometimes, but is a good friend to her otherwise.
=== Mienai ===
* [[Ain'tAdorkable]]: TooShows Proudshades toof Beg]]:this, Hesuch hasas nowhen problemhe beggingawkwardly tobegs Lupo to help him find his baby sister.
* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: He has no problem asking one of his rivals for help.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type IV. Also could count as a Type II, considering [[Butt Monkey|the loads of shit he has to take from the other members]].
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type IV. Also could count as a Type II, considering [[Butt Monkey|the loads of shit he takes from the other members]].
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: He's very caring towards his little sister, even asking one of his rivals for help to search her.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: He's very caring towards his little sister, even asking one of his rivals for help to find her.
* [[Bumbling Sidekick]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]: He's pretty much Mortythe gang's punching bag., Theespecially other[[Bad members like to pick on him tooBoss|Morty's]].
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Extreme Doormat]]
* [[Dumb Is Good]]: He's the dumbest member of the Morty's Gang, as well as the friendliest and least jerkish of the bunch.
* [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]: To Morty's Gang. A rare case in that he's the ''least'' awful of the group.
* [[Gasshole]]: Due to his invisible potion.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Fond of making these, much to the gang's frustration.
* [[Invisible Jerkass]]: Downplayed in the "Jerkass" part.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]/[[Jerk: withOnce ayou get Hearthim out of Gold]]:Morty's HeGang's a jerk when around Morty and the ganginfluence, buthe isshows perfectlyhimself pleasantto andbe even friendly when they'rea notdecent aroundfellow.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He may bully the main cast, yet he's undoubtedly the nicest guy in Morty's gang.
* [[Minion with an F In Evil]]
* [[Poke the Poodle]]
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: With Skin.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: He's not "good" ''per se'', but is by far the most sympathetic member of the gang, being the only member who doesn't do anything malicious on his own (he's instead a follower).
* [[Toxic Friend Influence]]: He's a pretty nice fellow when left on his own, but being in the company of his [[With Friends Like These...|"friends"]] fuels his [[Jerkass]] tendencies.
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: Averted. When his sister is found, he thanks Lupo without hesitation.
=== Skin Hate ===
Line 365 ⟶ 427:
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type IV. Not as sympathetic as Mienai, though.
* [[Big Eater]]: Only surpassed by Lupo.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the second album.
* [[Black Eyes of Evil|Black Eyes of Jerkassery]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the second album.}}
* [[Dem Bones]]: He's a living skeleton. Which is why [[Big Eater|Lupo]] wants to eat him.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: He's definitely [[The Brute]] in the group, yet so unbelievably stupid [[Everyone Has Standards|he makes Mienai look smarter]]. Justified, as he doesn't have a brain.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: He's a jerkier (and stupider) version of Lupo.
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Holy shit, yes. A [[Running Gag]] is the characters wondering why he's so... well... [[A Worldwide Punomenon|skinny]], judging by how much he eats.
* [[Eyeless Face]]
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Irony]]: He's a [[PunA Worldwide Punomenon|skinny]] skeleton who eats a lot. This is frequently lampshaded and [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Minion with an F In Evil]]: Not as much or nearly as sympathetic as Mienai, but still counts as this due to sheer incompetence.
* [[Oxymoronic Being]]: This skeleton constantly defies logic, and the others waste no time lampshading it.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: With Mienai.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: In the fourth album, he shows himself to be fond of pumpkins.
* [[The Unfavourite]]: Non-related example. His mother treats him like crap, while she swoons over [[The Cutie|Gus]].
Line 381 ⟶ 448:
=== Rattus Sapiens ===
* [[Affably Evil]]: He's pretty friendly and polite for a villain ([[Villainous Breakdown|at first, anyway]]).
* [[Bad Boss]]: He treats his fellow rat minions like crap. {{spoiler|After being [[Brought Down to Normal]], one of them clearly intends to [[The Dog Bites Back|get back at him]].}}
* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: With [[The Bully|Quasim]] in the first album.
* {{spoiler|[[Brought Down to Normal]]}}
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: Literally.
* [[Ditzy Genius]]: He prides himself as an [[Evil Genius]], but he's constantly foiled due to him being easily distracted. {{spoiler|This ends up being his [[Fatal Flaw]].}}
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Frank. Both are polite geniuses who lack common sense, but while Frank uses his inventions for good, Rattus uses them for evil.
* [[I Ate What?]]: Has this reaction after realizing the things he ate that gave him his intellect {{spoiler|were the informatic suppositories of the school’s warehouse. He ate even ''the used ones''.}} Just... [[Squick|ugh]].
* [[Evil Genius]]
* [[I Ate What?]]: Has this reaction after realizing the things he ate that gave him his intellect were the informatic suppositories of the school’s warehouse. He ate even ''the used ones''. Just... [[Squick|ugh]].
* [[Large Ham]]: Hell yes.
* [[Take Over the World]]: As a certified [[Card-Carrying Villain]], this is pretty much mandatory.
* [[Villainous Crush]]: He seems to have one on Piruja, who isn't pleased in the slightest.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[You Dirty Rat]]
Line 395 ⟶ 467:
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: Absolutely ''nobody'' likes this douchebag, and with good reason.
* [[Berserk Button]]: He's always pissed off, but perceived insults to his hump is a good way to get a vicious beatdown.
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]: He's a very stupid individual, but he's also incredibly strong, and is the most fearsome bully in Villa Susto.
* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: With Rattus Sapiens in the first album.
* [[The Brute]]
* [[Dumb Muscle]]
* [[The Dreaded]]: All minimonsters are deathly afraid of this guy, and with good reason.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hate Sink]]: Given the antagonists are [[Love to Hate]] types, he pretty much serves as a target for the reader's wrath.
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: In his introductory scene, he helps Victor to pick up the books he himself threw... and later ''breaks'' them.
* [[Karma Houdini]]/[[Karma Houdini Warranty]]: Unlike other jerks/villains, he usually evades punishment for his behavior. However, there are times he will get some comeuppance (both on and offscreen)
** [[Karma Houdini Warranty]]: However, there are times he will get some comeuppance (both on and offscreen).
* [[Out of Focus]]: He starts losing focus starting with the third album, not appearing at all in the fourth and only making a brief appearance in later comics. [[The Scrappy|Thankfully]].
* [[Out of Focus]]: In the third and fourth albums. He returns to prominence in the fifth.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He's surprisingly friendly with Dayana when she makes him a drawing, and one story shows him socializing (more or less) with Momses.
* [[Redheaded Bully]]
* [[Super Strength]]
Line 416 ⟶ 491:
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: See [[Villainous BSOD]].
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Badass]]: You bet.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Calling her "little" or "weak".
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the second album.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: At the end of the second album.
* [[Broken Bird]]
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: In the fifth album [[Super-Powered Evil Side|by proxy]].
* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]]
* [[Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)]]: Zigzagged. While her punching Frank is [[Played for Laughs]], at no point this is seen as admirable or justifiable, as Miss Hit is clearly a psychopath. The only reason Frank lets this slide is because of her good side Henrietta, and both are terrified of her.
* [[Evil Redhead|Evil]] [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: She constantly demeans [[Jekyll and Hyde|Henrietta]] as a "weakling", considering herself the "superior" personality and [[Split Personality Takeover|usurping]] her, {{spoiler|but when she's forced to confront the fact Henrietta is her true self even with the effects of the Perfeccionator, she has a [[Villainous BSOD]].}}
* [[Jekyll and Hyde]]: The Hyde to Henrietta's Jekyll, obviously enough.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: While not exempt of comedic quirks, "El Perfeccionator" has a more serious plotline due to her putting both Frank and Henrietta's emotions through the ringer. {{spoiler|After her [[Villain Decay]], however, she fully subverts the trope and becomes completely comedicthis.}}
* [[Social Darwinist]]
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Henrietta's. So obvious there's no need for spoiler tags to cover it.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: To Henrietta. Deconstructed, since she's just as unhappy as Henrietta about their situation, if not more.
* [[Super Strength]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The tomboy to Henrietta's girly girl.
* [[Took a Level in Kindness]]: Not "kindness" ''per se'', but she seems to have started to see Frank's Gang as her friends, even sharing Henrietta's crush on Frank.
* [[Tragic Villain]]
* [[Tsundere]]: The "tsun" to Henrietta's "dere".
* [[Villain Decay]]: {{spoiler|After the second album.}}
* [[Villain Decay]]: After the second album.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|After Frank gets the last laugh over her, she has a vicious [[Freak Out]]. This is followed later by a [[Villainous BSOD]].}}
* [[Villainous BSODBreakdown]]: HasAfter oneFrank whengets {{spoiler|shethe lookslast atlaugh theover truthher, mirrorshe andhas realizesa that,vicious even[[Freak-Out]]. withThis theis Perfeccionator,followed herlater trueby selfa is[[Villainous still HenriettaBSOD]].}}
* [[Villainous BSOD]]: Has one when she looks at the truth mirror and realizes that, even with the Perfeccionator, her true self is still Henrietta.
=== Arrmando el Arraña ===
* {{spoiler|[[Dragon Ascendant]]: He starts off as Morty's partner-in-crime to sabotage the rival team, but after Morty's team loses the match, he quickly becomes the [[Big Bad]].}}
* [[Bait the Dog]]: Double-subverted. {{spoiler|At first, he tries to eat Piruja and her mother (by Morty's orders). Then, he becomes a couple with Piruja's mother not long after (which rightfully horrors Piruja). However, he quickly drops it and tries to eat all Minimonsters at the match while attacking everyone, even Piruja's mother.}}
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: He turns out to be much more dangerous than Morty.
* {{spoiler|[[Eaten Alive]]: Subverted. By the time he's eaten, he has been previously knocked out by Mr. Abra's giant bunny.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Eviler Than Thou]]: He turns out to be much more dangerous than Morty.}}
* [[I'm a Humanitarian|I'm a Minimonsterarian]]
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]: He has's been obsessed with eating minimonsters, only to end up being eaten by the minimonsters he tried to eat.}}
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]
* [[Love Redeems]]: He ends up falling for Piruja's mother. {{spoiler|It doesn't last long}}.
* [[Love Redeems]]: He ends up falling for Piruja's mother. [[Subverted Trope|It doesn't last long]].
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Not that Piruja's mom sees it, at least at first.
* [[Spiders Are Scary]]
* [[The Starscream]]
* [[Trrrilling Rrrs]]: He speaks like this.
* [[Vile Villain, Saccharine Show]]: Sure, he's [[Laughably Evil]] and ''Minimonsters'' isn't that light to begin with, but the fact that a [[I'm a Humanitarian|predatory]] [[Spiders Are Scary|spider]] becomes the antagonist in an otherwise straightforward [[Sports Story]] more than qualifies him for this category.
* [[Walking Spoiler]]: It's hard to talk about him without spoilering several events in the fourth album.
=== Flan HellsingHelsing ===
* [[Anti-Villain]]: He tries to be a villainousdangerous monster hunter, but absolutely ''sucks'' at it.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He treats his horse Caballa like shit, which leads to said horse to [[The Dog Bites Back|strike back]].
* [[Beard of Evil]]: Although the "evil" part is [[Harmless Villain|debatable]].
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "[noun], [noun] and more [noun]!"
* [[Cool Guns]]
* [[The Ditz]]
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: "Evil" is a strong word, yet for all his abuse, he does genuinely care about Caballa.
* [[Expy]]: He's the ''[[Minimonsters]]'' response to [[Dinokid|The Animal Collector]].
* [[Harmless Villain]]: To the point ''his friggin' horse'' has to do all the work for him.
* [[The Hunter]]
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: So much so, he makes [[Phineas and Ferb|Doofenshmirtz]] look like [[The Joker]].
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: He talks a lot about how awesome of a monster hunter he is, but it's painfully clear he does this to cover the fact he can't hunt anything besides ''squirrels''.
* [[Jaded Washout]]
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Subverted. [[Humans Through Alien Eyes|From the monsters' perspective]], he's shown to be this, since he's a monster-hunting human who has been allowed to reach the breach between human and monster worlds. From the readers' perspective, though, he's [[Harmless Villain|anything]] [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|but]] [[Laughably Evil|this]].
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Once hit with the Confusion Gem, he becomes a Yeti and proves himself to be a match for the heroes, even managing to knock out [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]]. Unfortunately for him, his lack of intelligence renders him down to [[Harmless Villain]] status.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Hell yes.
* [[Tears of Joy]]: When Victor proves that monsters are indeed real.
* [[Token Human]]
== Other Characters ==
Line 466 ⟶ 561:
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: He's by far the only adult who tries to avert this trope, with varying results.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: He does try to stand up to [[The Bully|Quasim]] in the second album. Unfortunately, he's an [[Inept Mage]], so it doesn't work.
* [[Butt Monkey]]
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: His hat turns out to be this. {{spoiler|Thanks to it, the giant bunny got out and was able to knock out Arrmando el Arraña and save the other minimonsters from its crutches in the fourth album.}}
* [[Cool Teacher]]: At least according to Gus.
* [[Hat of Power]]
* [[Inept Mage]]
* [[Nice Guy]]: A very respectful man who cares a lot about his students.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Despite his good intentions, his incompetence with magic causes his spells to do more harm than good. His solutions range between being accidental, just plain weird, or [[From Bad to Worse|make things worse]]. Mostly the latter.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Despite his good intentions, his incompetence with magic causes his spells to do more harm than good. His solutions range between being accidental, weird, or [[From Bad to Worse|make things worse]]. Mostly the latter.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: While he isn't very competent and gets very little respect, he's by far the only adult figure to actually try to act rational and reasonable in a town where [[Adults Are Useless]].
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: He tries. He ''really'', ''really'' tries.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Literally the Blue to Robert Louis' Red.
=== Mr. Robert Louis ===
* [[Ambiguously GayBi]]: Despite having a daughter, he has a lot of campy mannerisms: He dresses in pink, has feminine manners and interests, and talks in diminutives like [[The Simpsons (animation)|Ned Flanders]]. Averted with his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]], though.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Never, ''ever'', cheat in front of him. {{spoiler|Morty's Gang learned this the ''haaaaaaaaaaard'' way.}}
** He also doesn't like being interrupted, as [[Keet|Gus]] found out.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Just like his daughter.
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: In the second album, by his daughter's [[Super -Powered Evil Side]].}}
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: His [[Super-Powered Evil Side]].
* [[Jerkass]]: Again, his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]].
* [[Like Father, Like Son|Like Father, Like Daughter]]: Down to the [[Split Personality]] thing.
* [[Mood Swinger]]
* [[Nice Guy]]: When not dealing with personality issues, he's very sweet and friendly.
* [[Obnoxious In-Laws]]: Not him, but his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] towards Frank.
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: Due to his daughter being an [[Ill Girl]]. [[Dogged Nice Guy|Frank]] learns this often (although his normal self likes him).
* [[Papa Wolf]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red to Abra's Blue. Literally with his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]].
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: It runs in the family. Unlike his daughter, however, this is strictly [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Tranquil Fury]]: After Morty's Gang try to cheat, he acts incredibly calm before switching to his evil side and giving them their just desserts.
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: Normally, no. His evil side? Yes.
=== The Von Piros ===
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Inverted. Victor treats them like his personal servants, while they give him whatever he wants. [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|He does care for them, though]].
* [[All Take and No Give]]: Their relationship with [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]].
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: ''Especially'' [[Cloudcuckoolander|Victor's grandmother]].
* [[Bumbling Dad]]: Mr. Von Piro.
* [[Extreme Doormat]]: Victor's parents, being the reason why Victor can manipulate them to do what he wants.
* [[Good Parents]]: They may be embarrassing and spoil Victor too much, but it's clear they love their son and do care for him despite his awful attitude.
* [[Grandparental Obliviousness]]: Victor's grandmother, who also averts the [[The Faceless|faceless]] adult rule.
* [[Happily Married]]: Mr. and Ms. Von Piro.
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: Their attempts at fitting in and their privileged status can lead to a potentially insulting attitude, but they're never malicious about it.
* [[Man Child]]: Victor's grandma.
* [[Not So Different]]: From the Einsteins. Their embarrassing natures is one of the few things [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Victor and Frank]] have in common.
* [[Pink Means Feminine]]: Ms. Von Piro.
Line 505 ⟶ 611:
* [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]]
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: They're pretty friendly for a rich family, so far averting the [[Rich Bitch]] trope. Too bad this didn't carry out with [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]].
* [[Vegetarian Vampire|Vegetarian Vampires]]: With the exception of Victor's grandmother.
* [[The Von Trope Family]]
=== The Einsteins ===
* [[Aloof Big Sister]]: Francesca to Frank.
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: Which pisses off Frank to no end. Of course, deep down, [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|he truly loves his family very much]].
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: Which pisses Frank off to no end. Of course, deep down, [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|he does love his family very much]].
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: Francesca.
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: Francesca, although justified considering how weird her family is.
* [[Bumbling Dad]]: Frank Einstein Sr., who is also a ''worse'' [[Bungling Inventor]] than his son.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Francesca.
* [[Happily Married]]: Mr. ans Ms. Einstein.
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: Frank Einstein Sr. For someone who prides himself as the greatest mind in Villa Susto, he's obsessed with getting everyone (especially his son's) approval.
* [[Like Father, Like Son]]: Frank refusesEinstein toSr. admitand ithis son ''really'' have very much in common.
* [[My Beloved Smother]]: Ms. Einstein.
* [[Not So Different]]: From the Von Piros. Their embarrassing natures is one of the few things [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Victor and Frank]] have in common.
* [[Only Sane Woman]]: Francesca is by far the only normal member of the family, which explains why she's always so [[Grumpy Bear|irritated]].
* [[Parental Favoritism]]: The Einsteins show some of this towards their youngest son Frank rather than their elder daughter Francesca. Frank doesn't appreciate it at all.
* [[Quirky Household]]
* [[Sibling Rivalry]]: Frank and his older sister Francesca are a classic example of this.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Inverted with Frank Einstein Sr., who yearns for his son's approval. He goes so far as ''recording his praise on his mobile phone'' (as part of a deal) in the second album.
=== Piruja's mother ===
Line 526 ⟶ 636:
* [[Alcoholic Parent]]: See [[Lady Drunk]] below.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: No matter whom she tries to court, it always results in this.
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: Not nearly as much as Victor's andor Frank's, but Piruja is clearly annoyed at her [[Serial Romeo|courting]] [[Really Gets Around|tendencies]].
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: See [[Mama Bear]].
* [[Broken Bird]]: Frequently implied.
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]: Implied to be the reason why she drinks so much.
* '''[[Extreme Omnisexual]]''': ''Dear God''. Her obsession with finding a guy goes as far as trying to marry ''a friggin' spider''. Who previously ''tried to kill her''.
* [[Glamorous Single Mother]]
* [[Good Parents]]: Piruja's mom, for all her faults, is a caring and loving mother to Piruja, and is definitely less dysfunctional than the Von Piros and the Einsteins.
* [[Lady Drunk]]: Implied in one story, when she suggests to her kid daughter to [[Drowning My Sorrows|drown her sorrows]] in wine.
* [[Like Father, Like Son|Like Mother, Like Daughter]]: Piruja definitely inherited her looks and stalking tendencies. Unlike [[Everyone Has Standards|Piruja]], she takes her man obsession [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Mama Bear]]: Mess with her daughter, and she'll unleash hell upon you. Even if you are her scary-as-hell spider boyfriend.
* [[Really Gets Around]]
* [[Redhead in Green]]
Line 536 ⟶ 652:
=== Lupo's siblings ===
* [[Alliterative Family]]: All siblings start their names with "Lu", save for [[Odd Name Out|Segismundo]] (granted, he's nicknamed "Lupa" to keep with the family tradition).
* [[Aloof Big Brother]] [[Big Brother Bully|Bully]]: [[Informed Attribute|According to Lupo]], Lupus is a mild version of this.
** [[Big Brother Instinct]]: That said, Lupus seems concerned for his siblings' well-being.
* [[Annoying Younger Sibling|Annoying Younger Siblings]]s: Lupo's little brothers have shades of this, although they turn out to be more responsible oncethan theirexpected older brotheronce Lupo falls asleep, [[Running Gag|as usual]].
* [[Big Brother Worship]]: Lupe, Lupín and Segismundo towards Lupo, as long as he doesn't [[Sleepyhead|fall asleep]].
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Lupus in the second album.}}
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: Lu. The fact she's best friends with fellow BTD Francesca confirms this.
* [[The Cutie]]: Lupo'sThe little siblingstriplets.
* [[The Ghost]]: Their parents. Justified, since they're busy working.
* [[Icy Blue Eyes]]
* [[Innocent Blue Eyes]]
* [[Massive Numbered Siblings]]
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter|Ridiculously Cute Critters]]s: Lupo'sAgain, littlethe siblingstriplets.
* [[Sibling Rivalry]]: Between Lupín and Segismundo. Also implied between Lupo and his older brother Lupus.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Justified. The triplets had to become self-reliant due to their parents and older siblings' endless working, as well as Lupo's [[Sleepyhead|narcolepsy]].
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
=== Dr. Momses II ===
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: Very much averted, to the point he could be considered the only normal, competent adult shown in the series.
* [[Good Parents]]: Despite their huge differences, he and his son have a very good relationship.
* [[Intelligible Unintelligible]]: He was introduced as this. Unlike his son, he can switch to normal language to communicate with other monsters.
* [[Like Father, Like Son]]: Averted. He and his son are almost complete opposites, what with him being a meek, down-to-earth medic to his [[Hot-Blooded]], risk-seeking son.
* [[The Medic]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: The only adult that shows signs of competence and common sense.
=== Chopped ===
Line 556 ⟶ 683:
* [[Cool Pet]]: Despite Victor thinking he's pathetic, the rest of Frank's Gang adore him and like to play with him.
* [[Cuddle Bug]]
* [[The Ditz]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Victor does this literally to him in the latest storyline, although it's more "punching him in the head". [[Laser-Guided Karma]] hits immediately and becomes a dog too.
* [[Loyal Animal Companion]]
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: Him swallowing one of the Confusion Gems is the cause of the fifth album's conflict.
=== Buena Suerte ===
Line 566 ⟶ 695:
* '''[[The Jinx]]'''
* [[Loyal Animal Companion]]: Piruja's.
* [[Troll]]: While his collateral damage is usually unintentional, he delights in putting [[Jerkass|Victor]] through the wringer.
* [[Walking Disaster Area]]: Boy howdy. He causes chaos and maythem whenever he passes by. The only thing to stop his bad luck is {{spoiler|being inside Lupo's stomach}}.
* [[Walking Disaster Area]]: Boy howdy. He causes chaos and maythem whenever he passes by. The only thing to stop his bad luck is being inside Lupo's stomach.
=== Caca ("Poo") Einstein ===
Line 573 ⟶ 703:
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Frank wanted to have a loyal mascot like his friends Victor and Piruja. He got his wish for sure, just not the "companion" he had in mind.
* [[Cuddle Bug]]: Very much so, much to Frank's chagrin (since he's a living poo).
* [[Not So Different]]: From Chopped. They're very affectionate towards their owners, and they show reluctance to reciprocate their affection (In his case, it's justified for being a literal poo).
* [[Loyal Animal Companion|Loyal Companion]]: To Frank.
* [[Original Character]]
Line 581 ⟶ 711:
=== Caballa ===
* [[Berserk Button]]: She doesn't take it well when [[Jerkass|Flan HellsingHelsing]] takes credit of her accomplishments. Neither he [[Not What It Looks Like|seemingly]] trying to eat another horse.
* [[Cool Horse]]
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: Especially at the end, when she takes advantage of Flan Helsing's amnesia to treat him as her pet.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: He does all her owner's work.
* [[Morality Chain]]: Somewhat. She's Flan HellsingHelsing's voice of reason.
* [[Silent Snarker]]: Uses banners to communicate.