Minimonsters/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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'''''Minimonsters''''', isamong generallyall a comedy full ofthe [[Comedic Sociopathy]], [[Toilet Humor]] and [[Crosses the Line Twice]]., is a story Behindabout the comedyadventures of a group of [[True Companions]], and as such, there's surprisingly large moments that warm the reader's heart:
== El Veneno de Porcelana (The Porcelain Poison) ==
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== El Gran Partido de Calabacesto (The Great Pumpkinball Match) ==
* When Victor shows up to the gang, Gus enthusiastically gives him the Fresita (Strawberry) Team uniform, thinkingclearly considering him as a memberpart of the team. Unfortunately, Victor [[Kick the Dog|rejects it]], gleefully stating [[Face Heel Turn|he's on the "Muerte Chunga" (Morty's Gang) side now]].
* When Frank and Morty discuss the conditions of their match's bet, they decide what they want of the other if their respective teams win the match. What does Morty want? [[Brain Food|Frank's brains]]. Frank? [[We Want Our Jerk Back|Getting Victor back to his gang]]. That's right: Despite Victor's betrayal, he still cares for him, or at least enough not to let him in [[The Sociopath|Morty]]'s company.
* The Frank's gang considering [[The Pig Pen|Billy]] [[The Reliable One]] to act as Victor's replacement on the team.
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* Piruja's mom is an [[Extreme Omnisexual]], which causes problems to her and ''especially'' Piruja. {{spoiler|But when her spider boyfriend [[I'm a Humanitarian|Arrmando el Arraña]] goes nuts and tries to eat Piruja, she wastes no time in kicking his ass to save her daughter.}} That's [[Mama Bear]] at its finest.
* While Mrs. Einstein [[Running Gag|constantly kissing Frank]] is hilarious, it shows how much she loves her son. She even tells him she's [[So Proud of You|proud of him]] when he sees him trying to intervene between Víctor, Lupo and Momses {{spoiler|while the latter two confront the former about his betrayal.}}
* After {{spoiler|winning the match}}, Frank offers Gus to {{spoiler|carry the trophy}} by calling him "the best Torch Captain ever".
* The whole match shows how much Frank's Gang (Fresita Team) and Morty's Gang (Muerte Chunga Team) [[Foil|contrast]] with each other. The latter may seem [[Evil Is Cool|cool]] on the surface, but in reality they're a mess due to [[A House Divided|inward tensions]] and [[Stupid Evil|overall stupidity]], only managing to score by cheating. The former, while [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|seemingly embarrassing]] in appearance, manage to work incredibly well together via [[The Power of Friendship|teamwork]]. {{spoiler|Hell, which team do you think ultimately won the match?}}
== OthersCazador de Monstruos ==
* At the beginning, seeing Piruja and Henrietta form a [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]] is incredibly sweet.
* In one post-Perfeccionator story, Billy tries to be nice to Henrietta after the two are paired up in class. Given he's [[The Pig Pen]], though, his methods are [[Hilarity Ensues|hilariously]] [[Squick|inappropriate]], a fact not helped by Henrietta being an extremely [[Ill Girl]].
** Even though she's clearly discomforted by it, she patiently and politely deals with it, knowing he is just being friendly to her, at least until [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|she has enough]]. Even so, she didn't snap into [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]] at any point in the story, which means a lot.
* Why did [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]] get mad at [[An Ice Person|Nieve]]? She stole his [[Big Brother Instinct|little sister's]] doll. Aw...
* In the latest storyline, Piruja and Henrietta's interactions in the Twilight Forest are pretty sweet to watch. Which quickly turn hilarious when {{spoiler|Miss Hit}} enters the picture.
** Later, [[An Ice Person|Yokai]] rescuing the two of them from [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|Flan Hellsing]]. This is a weird case as it serves as a backwards [[Pet the Dog]] moment, since [[Sticky Fingers|his]] [[Troll|personality]] wasn't established until much later.
** When Yokai [[Kick the Dog|stole Lupo's younger sister's doll]], Lupo was ''[[Berserk Button|pissed off]]'', showing his [[Big Brother Instinct]] full-time.
* Nieve proves to be a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] when she saves Piruja and Henrietta from Flan Helsing's clutches.
* Album-related example: It's amazing to see how much the guys in the Frank's Gang have changed their opinions of [[Cute Witch|Piruja]]. In the first album, they didn't really consider her a friend, viewing her as [[The Friend Nobody Likes]]. Compare that with the following albums, when they have no problem being with her, and are even happy she joins them (see the aforementioned heartwarming moment about her in the fourth album). Part of it is a case of [[Characterization Marches On]], but that doesn't make it any less heartwarming.
* Piruja shows herself to be an avid [[Shipper on Deck|shipper]], squeeing at Frank/Henrietta and Lupo/Nieve as the adventure goes on.
* The comics' original artwork frequently portrays the Frank's gang in usually weird situations. While always hilarious, it's adorable seeing all the six characters ([[Spoiled Brat|Victor]], [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]], [[Cute Witch|Piruja]], [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]], [[The Cutie|Gus]] and [[Lovable Jock|Momses]]) together as a group, especially when in-story there aren't many pics of them as a whole. [ This image] in particular confirms the whole group as inseparable [[True Companions]] who will face anything together, whether they want to or not.
* After falling into the cave, Víctor has to [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|calm Gus down]]. When he hears Víctor screaming, Gus returns the favor with help from Chopped and Buena Suerte. True, he wasn't actually freaking out, but it's the thought that counts.
* Piruja, Lupo, and Nieve teaming up to stop Flan Helsing. Piruja and Nieve even do a high-five!
== Outside examples ==
* [[Big Friendly Dog|Chopped]] and [[Cats Are Magic|Buena Suerte]] completely ''slam'' the dog-cat rivalry stereotype by having the former save the latter without second thoughts.
* Lupo and Nieve's relationship development is this in itself. {{spoiler|Thanks to their adventure, they go from hating each other's guts to having a crush on the other. Especially at the end, when Nieve promises to visit them and Lupo compliments her for her smell, with her being weirded out yet flattered over it.}}
* {{spoiler|When told about the [[MacGuffin|Snow Mandrake]], Henrietta wants to use it to stop transforming into [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]]. Why? Because she wants to stop accidentally hurting the guy she likes (ie. [[Love Interest|Frank]]). If there was any doubt she reciprocated Frank's feelings, this pretty much should dispel all of them.}}
** At the end, {{spoiler|Henrietta is sad because she couldn't use the mandrake. Frank tells her not to worry, since he has started to like Miss Hit a bit too.}}
* [[Fiery Redhead|Miss Hit]] has come a long way since her debut. {{spoiler|She goes [[Leeroy Jenkins]] on [[The Hunter|Flan Helsing's]] ass while calling the Frank's Gang her friends (while she previously tried to brainwash them), and has gone from hating Frank to sharing Henrietta's crush on him, to the point of getting offended when he said he only liked her one bit.}} Not bad from the series' first [[Knight of Cerebus]].
* After seeing that Lupe has lost her doll, {{spoiler|Piruja gives her the Snow Mandrake as a replacement.}}
== "Todo Minimonsters" Extras ==
* In one"Chica post-PerfeccionatorNueva storyen Clase" ("New Girl in Class"), Billy tries to be nice to Henrietta after the two are paired up in class. Given he's [[The Pig Pen]], though, his methods are [[Hilarity Ensues|hilariously]] [[Squick|inappropriate]], a fact not helped by Henrietta being an extremely [[Ill Girl]].
** Even though she's clearly discomforted by it, she patiently and politely deals with it, knowing he is just being friendly to her, at least until [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot|she has enough]]. Even so, she didn't snap into [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]] at any point in the storyhim, which means a lot.
** Hell, the fact that [[Ill Girl|Henrietta]] goes to school is heartwarming in itself. She's no longer the [[Broken Bird]] we saw at the beginning of "El Perfeccionator": She's now a [[Cheerful Child|cheerful young girl]] ecstatic about being in class with her newfound friends and [[Love Interest]], who are clearly happy to see her.
* Why did [[Talking Poo|Caca Einstein]] come to life? Frank wanted a pet like his friends Victor and Piruja. [[Be Careful What You Wish For|Pity it wasn't the kind of pet he wanted, though]].
* The "Todo Minimonsters"'s [ cover] features the cast doing a race around Villa Susto. While incredibly hilarious, it's adorable seeing them having so much fun together.
** On special note goes to [[Grumpy Bear|Victor]] in the front cover. Sure, he's mocking [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]], but he's actually [[When He Smiles|smiling]] while doing so, clearly being [[Friendly Rivalry|playful]] instead of his actual hostile self. Adding the fact Frank grins at him in return, and it becomes incredibly clear that [[Vitriolic Best Buds|despite their constant arguements and hostility, these two are good friends deep down.]]
* The comics"Todo Minimonsters"'s originalextra artworkdrawings frequently portrays theportray Frank's gangGang in usually weird situations. While always hilarious, it's adorable seeing all the six characters ([[Spoiled Brat|Victor]], [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]], [[Cute Witch|Piruja]], [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]], [[The Cutie|Gus]] and [[Lovable Jock|Momses]]) together as a group, especially when in-story there aren't many pics of them as a whole. [ This image] in particular confirmsshows the whole group as inseparable [[True Companions|close-knit friends]] who will face anything together, whether they want to or not.
** If there was any doubt the Frank's Gang are [[True Companions]], David Ramírez's [ twitter] describes them as "inseparable friends".
== OutsideMeta examples ==
* When "Minimonsters" ran on the ¡Dibus! magazine, the creator, David Ramirez, has always been shown to be very close to his fanbase. Some of the things introduced at the comics where their fans' ideas, both characters and stories.
** Even better, there's a lot of his fans who post his signatures with drawings of the characters in it. Heartwarming indeed.
* Why did the "Todo Minimonsters" compilatory album came to life? The author wanted to both appeal to the nostalgic fans and attract a new generation of kids.