Minmaxer's Delight: Difference between revisions

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** ''[[GURPS]]'' does price its advantages higher than the point value of the opposite-number disadvantage, though, in an attempt to mitigate this (ie. to pile up on points from disadvantages you generally have to take severe ones.)
*** GURPS also forbids taking an advantage and its corresponding disadvantage.
*** In addition, a disadvantage can be taken only if it would actually come up in normal play. Taking 'Phobia: Fear of Oceans' if you were doing a game set on the planet [[Dune|Arrakis]], for example, would be worth zero points.
** The ''[[New World of Darkness]]'' games have a flaw system that averts this; you get no extra points at character creation for taking the flaw, the only way your flaw gives you EXP is if it actually affects you in a completely negative way ''in play''.
** ''[[Deadlands]]'' did the same thing: Hindrances, as they were called, must come up in play to give you an advantage, though some of them were hysterically fun (like the one where your character [[Genre Savvy|knows he's in a pen-and-paper RPG]] and is [[Medium Awareness|paranoid about his "character sheet" burning up in a fire]].)