Mister Metokur/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{creator}} These things about ''[[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}]]'' are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them. * Acceptable Targets: For Jim, "cucks", "soy boys", "...")
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** Transgender people have consistently been targets of Jim's criticism and mockery, which played a big part in YouTube purging his videos from the website, his Patreon account terminated and [[Twitter]] to ban his main account.
** Also people who engage in [[Polyamory]] have been extensively mocked and derided by Jim.
* [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]]: Despite their main focus being providing laughs and entertainment, Mister Metokur's videos do oftentimes contain valuable life lessons one can apply in their own life, mainly derived from the glorious fuckups made by the people and groups he covers.
* [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]]: [[Mister Metokur/Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped|It's enough to have his own page for it!]]
** A recurring lesson from many of Jim’s videos is that if someone makes fun of you online, you should react in one of three ways: ignore them, [[Self Deprecating Humor|laugh along with them]], or [[Constructive Criticism|use it as a means to better yourself]]. What you shouldn’t do is lash out at the people making fun of you, or abuse Terms of Service to try and take them off the Internet. It never works out in your favor, and only serves to validate the trolls and gives them more ammunition to use against you. Examples of people finding this out the hard way are MundaneMatt, KrautandTea, and many of the DeviantArt communities.
** From his Nick Bate and Jonathan Ross videos: if someone is going around bragging about doing something abhorrent, or constantly throwing out red flags indicating that they will do something illegal, it's probably best to take it seriously and make sure they are dealt with accordingly. Because either they will almost certainly do something illegal (in Ross' case), or they would have actually done something illegal (in Nick’s case).
** From "TGWTG Episode 3" (on [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Lewis Lovhaug]]): ''Never'' make an account on a porn site. If you feel that you absolutely must, do '''not''' use the exact same account name on all of them. It WILL come back to haunt you, and then everyone will know your various fetishes, including how much you want to jack off to the Green M&M.
** From his videos on [[Angry Joe]], [[The Spoony Experiment]] and [[Wings Of Redemption]]: always respect your fans and be sure to not take advantage of their generosity and goodwill, because they are both finite. There’s only so much BS your fans will take before they abandon you all together (in Spoony’s case) or resort to trolling you (in Angry Joe's and Wings of Redemption's case).
** From "Internet Insanity, Terry A. Davis": real mental illness, especially when untreated, ruins your life and prevents you from being taken seriously ever again, no matter how talented you may be.
** From "Internet Insanity, Randy Stair": Mass-shooters should be mocked and ridiculed, instead of being given deference and put on a pedestal. Because when they’re the ass-end of every joke, no-one will want to emulate them.
** From "Metokur in the Morning - Sped Dating", if a dorky momma’s boy like Joey can get an ENTIRE room of girls to give him their numbers and want to date him, then there’s hope for just about anyone. You CAN get a girlfriend if you apply yourself.
*** Also: if you’re chubby, don’t wear a [[Bare Your Midriff|midriff exposing outfit]] that draws attention to the fact that you’ve got a bit of weight to you. You’ll genuinely end up looking worse than if you had covered up.
** From the Tumblrisms episode about Headmates: don't fake a mental illness—especially a debilitating one like schizophrenia or DID—just for the sake of feeling more special or getting attention. All that will accomplish is spreading misinformation that is potentially damaging to actual sufferers of the disorder, as well as the uninformed laypeople looking to understand it better. Plus when it gets found out that you're lying (and it's not "if", it's "when" if you keep it up), you're going to be mercilessly pilloried from all sides for your abhorrent behavior.
** From "Internet Tough Guy: The Story of Tonka Trucks": No one is impressed by [[Internet Tough Guy]] behavior. You look like a complete idiot challenging everyone to fights. Plus, in the rare case someone actually does take you up on your offer for a fight, [[Morton's Fork|any option ends up with the same bad outcome]]. You'll either have to put your ass on the line and likely lose, which means you'll get mocked; or sheepishly back down and reveal to the world that you're a complete coward and a liar, which means you'll get mocked.
** Be careful what you post online, especially how much of your personal life you expose to the world. If you're not careful, you may end up destroying your life, your career, and everything you’ve built up with a single social media post. [[Pro Jared]] learned this fact the hard way.
*** On a slightly less serious note: don't post pictures of your penis anywhere. Just don't. It never ends well, and it's just an invitation to get mocked into oblivion.
** From Metokur’s stream covering BuntyKing’s "I’m a Cuck (Let’s Talk)" video: NEVER tolerate being cheated on, disrespected, or forced to compromise on your ideals by your partner. Groveling at your partner's feet and putting then on a pedestal will never win over somebody who is clearly taking advantage of you. You need to respect yourself enough to walk away from a toxic relationship and find someone who genuinely loves you for you.
** From "Howard S. Schneider: World’s Worst Dentist": It’s not only morally unprofessional for a dentist to abuse children during their operations and to also take advantage of their patients who can’t afford better because of their insurance plan, but it’s also appalling for a large dental organization to ignore the concerns of the parents complaining, all while promoting said dentist as their top recommended one in their area in the process, and the concerns of worried parents shouldn’t be ignored.
