Mister Metokur/YMMV

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/wiki/Mister Metokurcreator

These things about Mister Metokur are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • Acceptable Targets: For Jim, "cucks", "soy boys", "beta males" and what he considers weak men in general who let people walk all over them (especially women) are also a very frequent target for Metokur’s mockery, albeit in a light-hearted manner and not in a caustic way, which he reserves for genuine scummy people.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
    • Does Mister Metokur choose to remain as anonymous as he does simply because that’s his style and its part of his appeal, or does he do it to protect himself and his loved ones from the sometimes truly deranged people and groups he mocks?
    • Is Jim The Gadfly who flits about the internet annoying the overly-serious and mocking those who deserve to be mocked? Or is he "A Pigeon playing Chess" who knocks over the pieces, shits on the board and then unironically claims victory?
    • Does Jim make videos on people because he thinks they deserve to be taken down a peg? Or does he make videos on people because he thinks it will be funny/popular?[1]
    • Considering the fact that he openly claims to give white supremacists, transphobes and other questionable views attention and exposure (both positive and negative) in his videos arguing "free speech", combined with several "edgy" quips he's made which are outright racist and has actually defended racist incidents. Is he in reality a covert racist / white supremacist?
    • There are some amongst his followers who don't take his cancer reveal at face value, and instead speculate that Jim simply lost interest on making videos and streams after being hit with several de-platformings and de-monetizations.
  • Broken Base: Naturally Jim himself qualifies as this due to his online activities and the type of content he produces. While many people view him as a funny and talented entertainer who also occasionally exposes legitimately sick and deranged individuals for the world to see, others view him as nothing more than a bully who goes after weak people who can’t defend themselves.
    • There's also a perspective that casts doubt over the legitimacy and accuracy of his claims, particularly about fellow youtubers, that holds the view that Jim is willing to misrepresent or outright lie about people that he takes a dislike towards, and that he's more involved in some of the drama that he talks about than he lets on (see: Internet Bloodsports).
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • On the 4th episode of Deviants, Jim mocks the people leading the "diaper jihad" against his channel by showing a screen cap of YouTube claiming that his videos don’t fall under hate speech as they claimed, thus he was able to get his 3rd episode put back on the channel. By the latter half of 2019 YouTube actually purged Jim's videos from the website as hate speech (see Once-Acceptable Targets below).
    • During his TGWTG videos, Jim points out that he didn’t have enough material to work with regarding other creators from the website and saved some of the controversy for the finale video. Had Jim waited until 2018 with the rise and controversy of the #ChangeTheChannel movement, he would’ve had more ammunition to work with.
    • During the period of December 2019 - February 2020, Jim made several streams poking fun at the then-endemic-to-China Coronavirus outbreak, saying how screwed everyone would be if it spread to the U.S. and the rest of the Western world and joked about how he's been preparing a bunker and stockpiling provisions and weapons to self-isolate if that happens, well... Unsurprisingly, he stopped doing streams since March 2020, and his activity has been greatly reduced barring a few guest appearances on other people's livestreams.
    • Jim's frail health was nicknamed as "CancerAids" by his fans, until it was revealed in the summer of 2020 that he had actually been diagnosed with Stage III Indolent Lymphoma (literally a blood cancer that causes autoimmune conditions).
  • Most Wonderful Sound: Jim’s laugh is this for many people.
  • Once-Acceptable Targets:
    • Transgender people have consistently been targets of Jim's criticism and mockery, which played a big part in YouTube purging his videos from the website, his Patreon account terminated and Twitter to ban his main account.
    • Also people who engage in Polyamory have been extensively mocked and derided by Jim.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: It's enough to have his own page for it!

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  1. An example of this is his history with Tonkasaw, who's Internet Tough Guy act Jim was entirely happy to play into - even making a video praising the concept of Internet Bloodsports - while it was popular, but when Tonkasaw's popularity collapsed Jim promptly started mocking him for the things he previously played straight, another telling case were his multiple streams making fun of COVID19 until the world crisis was declared and he quickly went silent