Mobile Fighter G Gundam/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Everything in the whole show can count as this.
* [[Crosses the Line Twice]]: All the ethnic and national stereotypes probably would've been more offensive if the series wasn't so over-the-top and silly.
* [[Die for Our Ship]]:
** Allenby with the Domon/Rain shippers and Rain with the Domon/Allenby shippers. The former is [[Fan Dumb|particularly absurd]] given that by time of the finale Allenby becomes [[Shipper on Deck|the biggest in-universe Domon/Rain shipper]].
** Domon, if you ship Rain with George or Chibodee. Because it's not like he has quite the [[Freudian Excuse]] that makes him harsh to everyone, nooooo, he ''has'' to be a drunkard and evil [[Domestic Abuser]]...
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Hans Holgar from Neo Denmark. He's got a fish-shaped Gundam, but his [[The Smart Guy|smarts]] and [[Mr. Fanservice|and VERY good looks]] have given him a special place in the fans's hearts
** To a lesser extent, Master Asia's horse and gloating platform, Fuunsaiki.