Moebius Neighborhood: Difference between revisions

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Sometimes, the "other" neighbours may make a brief, single-episode appearance, only to be [[Brother Chuck|promptly forgotten again.]] And no, this trope has nothing to do with [[Fresh Pretty Cure|President Moebius]]. And given the [[Loads and Loads of Characters|large cast]] of the [[Sonic the Hedgehog]] games, the neighborhoods in Moebius are probably not Moebius Neighborhoods.
== Comic Books ==
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* In ''[[Clerks]]'' (and ''[[Clerks the Animated Series]]''), the convenience store, as far as we know, has only the video store next to it—thus making it an interesting case of a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Moebius Strip Mall]].
** One of the many ''Clerks'' comic book stories involves the clerks finally noticing a small store set in between the locations. Turns out an old, bearded guy named Claus runs it.
*** There is in fact a ''door'' between the Quick Stop and the video store at the [,-74.0573535,3a,75y,100.35h,82.94t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1siKd_wnshQzNGKHpOqiqLDA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en actual location where the films were shot], but it doesn't lead to a shop of any sort. And there are two more stores on the other side of the video store from the Quick Stop.