Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness/Physics Plus: Difference between revisions

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* The ''[[Uplift]]'' series, by David Brin: Hard science mixed with a lot of [[Imported Alien Phlebotinum]] to make one of the 'hardest' of the [[Space Opera|Space Operas]], a sub-genre that is usually very 'soft'. Although, in fairness, there are really two Uplift series. The first trilogy is vastly harder than the second, which degenerates into pure magic alien squishiness by the end -- including aliens wishing their enemies out of existence through reality warping.
* ''[[The Pentagon War]]'' has the Quantum Confinement-and-Constriction field, the Magnetic Focuser, Hyper Holes, and a gizmo whose very existence flies in the face of Einsteinian relativity. It tries to apply these consistently, however, and is careful not to break established laws like Conservation of Momentum or the Laws of Thermodynamics.
* The 20032004 reboot ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' series seems to fall in this category. Cylon resurrection is never really explained, but spacecraft movement seems to follow [[Real Life]] physics and the FTL jump drive's limitations are applied more-or-less consistently.
* Arguably ''[[Sword of the Stars]]''. FTL methods are based on esoteric if not outright fictional scientific theories like the so-called "Menisceal Principle", high-end techs include weaponized sub-atomic particle beams and there are bevies of [[Precursors]]-leftover tech that defies current scientific understanding, but much is also feasibly extended from existing scientific knowledge. To its credit, ships are much more modestly sized than in most other series; even the ~800m Leviathans, monstrous by the series's standards, fail to break the kilometre mark common to many other series' capital craft, and definitely are far from the multi-kilometre hulks of higher-end/softer works. However the first game goes to the opposite extreme with FTL capable destroyers that are smaller than [[Real Life]] space shuttles.
** The Liir have no explanation for how their "stutter" drive teleports short distances every few milliseconds, until the second game where the [[Abusive Precursors|Suul'ka]] are capable of psionically folding space.