Monster Tale: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Zoe.
* [[Bread and Circuses]]: It's implied that Meade is doing the "circuses" part, at least.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: Using skills eats away at Chomp's life bar, but it's easy enough to recharge.
* [[The Chosen One]]: Ellie, kind of. See [[All Myths Are True]], above.
* [[Collision Damage]]: Played straight, plus some enemies wield melee weapons and attacks that do more damage than simply touching them.
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* [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]]: Fire is strong against Earth is strong against Water is strong against Fire. Or, more accurately, Red beats Green beats Blue beats Red, as few if any monsters show elemental traits besides color (and for those that do, it's the color that really matters).
** [[Infinity+1 Element]]: Light (White), which resists attacks of other elements (even [[Non-Elemental]]) and in turn other elements are resistant to its attacks; and Dark ([[Purple Is the New Black]]), which has strong attacks against everything and vice-versa.
* [[Empathic Healer]]: Chomp's Healing skill works this way, due to the fact that all skills are [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]].
* {{spoiler|1=[[Heel Face Turn]]/[[Defeat Means Friendship]]}}: {{spoiler|The Kid Kings, except for Priscilla, each eventually come around after fighting Ellie for various reasons. Zoe and Ethan even provide [[Big Damn Heroes|Big Dang Heroes]] moments while you're storming Pricilla's castle.}}
** {{spoiler|Deanu [[True Neutral|wasn't really evil to begin with]], though.}}
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** [[Multiform Balance]]
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: when Ellie first enters the monster realm she doesn't seem too surprised that not only is she in a completely different place, but it has also instantly turned from night to day. Of course there's a reason for this, {{spoiler|her great uncle is Henry Hatsworth, adventuring runs in the family.}}
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: The first kid king, Meade, is this.
* [[Warmup Boss]]: The unnamed two-headed dragon at the beginning of the game.
* [[You Have Researched Breathing]]: Most of Ellie's powerups, actually. She needs a powerup just to learn how to ''swing her knapsack''. She then needs an additional powerup to swing it continuously, and another to swing it in an uppercut.
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