Mortal Kombat 2/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|The supreme ruler of Outworld and one of the biggest threats facing Earthrealm, Shao Kahn is one of the most powerful forces in all the realms. The emperor has long been obsessed with the conquest of earth.}}
{{quote|Shao Kahn was once The Dragon King Onaga's advisor. Before the Dragon King could obtain immortality, Kahn poisoned him and took his former master's throne. Eventualy going on to conquer countless lesser realms through brute force and Mortal Kombat, he consumed untold souls in his neverending quest for power. }}
{{quote|When he took Edenia, a milestone in his campaign, he murdered King Jerrod in battle and took his wife Sindel as his bride. He then raised Jerrod's daughter Kitana as his own and trained her to be his personal bodyguard. Sindel eventually killed herself rather than be his slave, but even death would not free her of Shao Kahn; he trapped her soul in Outworld denying her the afterlife. His next target was Earthrealm. He sent Shang Tsung and then Goro to gain enough victories in Mortal Kombat to allow him to freely invade. Despite a 500 year winning streak, Goro was denied the vital tenth victory by Liu Kang, a descendant of the very man who had put an end to Shang Tsung's dominance of the tournament centuries ago. Enraged, Kahn brought Tsung before him to punish him personally. However, the sorcerer begged him for another chance, one that the emperor believed might hold the key to undoing five centuries of wasted plans. The plan was to draw Liu Kang and his allies into an Outworld tournament where they would surely die. However, the champion of Mortal Kombat proved too great even for the emperor himself, defeating him personally. Unwilling to accept this, Kahn ordered his forces to kill the Earthrealm force, but they managed to escape.}}
{{quote|Shao Kahn had one last plan up his sleeve, however. Ordering Shang Tsung to complete a plan 10,000 years in the making, his long dead wife Sindel was resurrected, not on Outworld, but on Earthrealm. This allowed Kahn to step through the realms to claim her and undermine the safeguards of Mortal Kombat, where he then launched a full invasion of Earth. Consuming countless millions of souls upon entering the realm, he sent extermination squads to destroy those possessing souls he could not steal. The chosen few eventually defeated Outworld's forces, with the emperor falling once again to the might of Liu Kang. Shao Kahn was greatly weakened by this defeat, and Earthrealm was restored. Much of his so-called loyal soldiers had abandoned him, and Kitana had turned Sindel to her side, restoring Edenia as an independent realm. To make matters worse for Kahn, the Shokan had joined them. When Shang Tsung and Quan Chi came before him to pledge allegiance, it soon became an assassination attempt and seemingly his reign had finally come to a violent end. However, ''Deception'' revealed the emperor had planted a clone in his stead and restored the mortally wounded Goro with his remaining power regaining the Shokans as allies.}}
{{quote|In in the events of ''Armageddon'', he would go on to form an uneasy alliance with Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Onaga in the hopes of preventing the forces of good from defeating Blaze and then seizing his own oppertunity to strike when it came.}}
{{quote|Avoiding Shao Kahn's causing of Armageddon is the basis of the entire storyline of ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]''.}}
* [[Actually a Doombot]]: Remember him getting killed by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi in the beginning of ''Deadly Alliance''? Yeah, neither does he.
* [[Adaptational Attractiveness]]: Normally, he looks like a monster under his helmet (see "[[Butter Face]]" below). In ''Annihilation'', he looks like a regular human being. In ''Legacy'', he's even got a good head of hair!
* [[The Announcer]]: In ''MKIIMortal Kombat II'' and ''MK3Mortal Kombat 3'', to the point that if he wins a round in the latter, he says, "''I'' win.".
* [[Attack Reflector]]: From ''Deception'' to ''vs. DCUDC Universe'', Shao Kahn can erect an energy barrier that reflects projectiles. [[Barrier Warrior|Contact with it can also harm his opponent.]]
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass Boast]]: Delivers a truly amazing one at the begining {{spoiler|[[Book Ends|and at the end]]}} of ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9''. [[Evil Is Hammy]] at its best.
** [[Badass Cape]]: Often shown with one in other media, but it wasn't until recently when he started wearing one in the games themselves.
*** In ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9'', his younger self doesn't wear it, but the one from the original timeline does.
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: He ultimately wins after the events of ''Armageddon''; surviving the ascent up the pyramid and follows that by attempting to kill Raiden. This prompts the thunder god to [[Invoked Trope]] the [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] and telepathically send a message to his younger self from the time of ''[[Mortal Kombat (video game)|Mortal Kombat]]'', warning him of the events to come, before Kahn can strike the killing blow.
** {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope]] in ''9'', where this trope actually proves to be the key to Shao Kahn's defeat and the prevention of Armageddon. Raiden's words to his past self ("He must win.") actually refer to ''Shao Kahn''; Earthrealm must ''[[Sheathe Your Sword|let]]'' Shao Kahn win and merge Outworld with Earthrealm so that the Elder Gods will then punish the emperor for his treachery.}}.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: Under the helmet.
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Black Magic]]
* [[Butter Face]]: Below the neck: musclebound shirtless hunk. Above the neck: [ what looks like a cross between] [[Star Wars|Darth Maul]] and [[The Lord of the Rings|an orc]]. Thank goodness for the helmet.
* [[Cool Helmet]]: And as seen in ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9'', [[Rule of Cool|it got cooler]] as time went on.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: It was his most feared special in ''MK3Mortal Kombat 3'' and later became his weapon style in the Gamecube version of ''Deception''. Raiden had one too for ''MK4Mortal Kombat 4'', before it got put on the top of the Lightning tower. (Hishis favoured weapon's a Staff, which he uses in ''Deadly Alliance'' onward, even though he supposedly gave it to Kai, canonically.).
* [[The Emperor]]:
** [[God-Emperor]]: See "[[A God Am I]] below."
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Raiden.
* [[Evil Is Hammy]]:
{{quote|''"Is that your best?"''
''"You're still trying to win?"''
''"You will never win!"'' }}
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Evil Overlord]]
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* [[A God Am I]]: Worshpipped as such in Outworld and other realms, or expects his subjects to anyway. He is Raiden's opposite number too, which implies he might be the geniune article. Definitely one in ''Annihilation'', but the less said about that, the better.
** In ''9'', at the end, when he's staring down an elder god-empowered Raiden, Kahn casually laughs at the deities arrayed against him and announces that he will become '''the''' Elder God.
* [[Hammerspace]]: Literally in his case. Look closely at the sprites for his hammer attack in ''MK3Mortal Kombat 3'' and the move in ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9'', and it appears to materialize out of thin air.
* [[Hero-Killer]]: Was thought to have done this to Kung Lao in ''3'', but Kung Lao was [[Faking the Dead]]. {{spoiler|He kills Kung Lao ''for real'' in ''9'', and his self from the original timeline kills (at least) Raiden during ''Armageddon''.}}.
* [[Immortality]]: Type II at least, though itsit's not clear how he differs from the millions of others in Outworld or Edenia (or, basically, anywhere but Earth). Raiden explicitly refers to him as an immortal in the first film, and the games are somewhat vague on the matter. Several characters do try to kill him, but actually doing it seems to be a bitch. However, {{spoiler|1=Raiden, with the help of the Elder Gods, may have actually succeeded in killing him at the end of ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9''}}.
** He does seem to be the oldest of Outworld's denizens (who seems to be pushing tens of thousands of years), and when he offed Onaga, he seemed to shelve the latters plans of gaining eternal life, suggesting he already had it. His origins have never been explored, but itsit's generally implied that he is was not an oridinaryordinary citizen of Outworld. The most plausible explanation seems to be that he is a god, or at least some kind of demigod.
*** In ''Deception'''s Konquest mode, Damashi {{spoiler|who is the spirtual avatar of Onaga}} states to Shujinko that Shao Kahn was to Outworld is what Raiden is to Earth. So, he seems to be a god or was one, at any rate.
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: Subverted. He just taunts you because you fight against him in Outworld, and you were supposedly stupid enough to want a fight with the big cheese around here. So he assumes that some casual gloating here and there won't hurt since, in his mind, he could swat you away with his index finger. However, in reality, there's nothing calculated behind these taunts and in doing so, he's unable to move or react so he's completely vulnerable to a big combo (this is a major part of beating him in ''II'' and ''9'').
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}: It's a bit early to say, but judging by the amount of divine intervention that was required at the end of Story Mode in the new continuity, {{spoiler|he may finally have met his ultimate defeat}}.
* [[Large and In Charge]]
* [[Large Ham]]: The all-time king in ''MKMortal Kombat''. In some games, he takes time during the fight to [[You Fight Like a Cow|personally insult you]], spouting such nonsense:
{{quote|''"I AM SHAO KAHN... BOW TO ME!"''
''"You weak, pathetic FOOL!"''
''"It's official... [[This Loser Is You|You Suck]]!"'' }}
** In the second film, he borders on [[Ham and Cheese]].
{{quote|''"Father, the merger has begun! Earth is under attack! '''[[This Is Sparta|AND IT. IS. GLORIOUS!]]'''"''}}
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* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Given that he's been around since the time of Sindel (if not ''longer''), his age is easily in ''quintuple'' digits.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Rouge Angles of Satin]]: We dare you to type his name on [[Google]] and take a drink every time it's misspelled as "Khan.". Your liver will fail and you will die.
** [[Gannon Banned]]: Sometimes, there will be heated discussions only by his surname's mispronounciation.
* [[Skeletons in the Coat Closet]]
* [[SNK Boss]]: Shao Kahn in ''MK3Mortal Kombat 3'' and its updates (''Trilogy'' included). While his moveset is exactly the same as in ''MKIIMortal Kombat II'' (even his sprites were mostly unchanged, aside from the addition of some new moves, such as his infamous hammer), he is way more [[Ax Crazy|Hammer Crazy]] than in his previous appearance.
** Back with a vengeance in ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9'', thanks to the ability to negate hit-stun with most of his moves (some of which are unblockable AND stagger), boosted attack and defense power, and inhumanly fast counterattack reactions. True to form of the title of [[SNK Boss]], he is very susceptible to a simplistic attack pattern (he's [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|aggressive to a fault]], attacking as much as possible and leaving himself open to being jumped over).
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: One of his taunts' is "You suck.". There's also an even MORE faux-sophisticated, almost memetic version: "Its official. You suck!"
* [[Sorcerous Overlord]]
* [[The Starscream]]: Towards Onaga.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: A very rare male version of this. Just look at his costume!
** Downplayed in his alts in ''Deception'' and ''Armageddon'', which give him pants.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: Took Sindel as his wife after killing King Jerrod and usurping the throne, although Sindel was soon [[Driven to Suicide]] afterward. {{spoiler|This is more noticeable in ''9'', when he enthralls the [[Back from the Dead|revived]], yet [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] Sindel to his side, effectively making her his new [[The Dragon|Dragon]]. Sindel seemed pretty eager to serve as his right-hand woman. An almost exactly similar situation between the two also played out in ''Annihilation''.}}.
** In ''[[Mortal Kombat: Legacy]]'', it's stated that he actually fell in love with Sindel himself. However, the series is non-canon.
* [[Victory Is Boring]]: If he takes over all the Realms in ''Armageddon'', this is his ending. Almost became canon, if it wasn't for Raiden rebooting the franchise before this could happen in ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9''.
** Given the fact that what happens in ''9'' is an alternate course of history, it ''is'' canon, we just don't see the fallout from what happens when he does.
* [[Villainous Valor]]: {{spoiler|1=In ''MK9Mortal Kombat 9''. Even when the Elder Gods (through Raiden) are telling him quite clearly how he's going to pay for breaking their rules, Kahn just scoffs at them and declares he'll be THE Elder God.}}.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]