
Revision as of 13:57, 9 January 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (Mass update links)

  "...basically helped to remind the world that giant Japanese electronics companies, well, they get along about as well as giant Japanese everything else."

  • The B Roll Rebus for Thor illustrates "the mainstream public" with an image of Deliverance-esque redneck hicks.
  • From the Big Picture episode Science...
    • On the subject of where his jetpack is, when his offered solution to the air-traffic problem is that he was only asking where his jet pack was, not everyone else's...

  "Seriously, if you promise to make my jetpack, I swear I won't tell anyone else it exists, and no one will know that I have it- until I poop down their chimney from fifty-thousand feet."

    • On the subject of applying artificially-grown organ technology to producing meat that living animals didn't have to die for...

  "Lemme look this up on the Not-Quite-A-Jetpack-But-Still-Pretty-Useful-Invention (Over a picture of Wikipedia's logo)"

    • After proposing that the space guys lie about their little rover guy having found oil on Mars in the name of securing funding...

  "An alternative proposal, how 'bout you tell Glenn Beck you found gold on the moon, and then don't let him come back? Just a thought..."