Mugging the Monster: Difference between revisions

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* In 1890 the three Dalton brothers and two henchmen came riding into Coffeeville Kansas in order to gain fame by robbing two banks at once across the street from each other. Of course there were problems with this scheme notably that before their job was done word got out among the townsfolk. And a typical Western town had a lot more than five people, and an awful lot of guns.
** They were attempting to outdo [[Jesse James]]... who had come to grief trying to rob a bank in Northfield, Minnesota in the 1870s. Unfortunately for Jesse, he had forgotten that he was no longer in his usual hunting grounds of Eastern Kansas/Western Missouri...and the locals not only did not include any sympathizers of his, but had their life savings in the bank he was targeting and no sense of humor about losing those savings. [[Oh Crap|Oops...]]
*** Worse yet, Jesse had forgotten about a certain historical event of the previous decade known as the Civil War, and about Union recruitment patterns in rural Missouri. Something like half the men in town were combat veterans.
* On September 2, 2010, Bishnu Shrestha was on his way home in East Bengal when forty gangsters stopped boarded it, and started robbing the passangers. Bishnu complied, knowing fighting these gangsters wasn't worth his life - up until the leader of the train-robbers decided to rape a girl. At this point, Bishnu drew a [[Kukris Are Kool|kukri]], took the gang's leader as a human shield, and started hacking down thugs left and right. You see, Bishnu Shrestha was a Corporal in the [[Nepali With Nasty Knives|7th Battalion of the 8th Gurkha infantry]]. In the subsequent torrent of ass-kickings that followed, three gangsters were killed and eight more disabled by Bishnu's knife, and the rest of the robbers took off in sheer terror. It should be noted that they all had guns, and all he had was his kukri. There's a reason that Gurkas are some of the most feared and respected soldiers out there.
* An April 2011 incident in Britain had 3 burglars in for a shock when they [ broke into a house only to find out it belonged to a soldier] who, completely naked, gave chase to one who tried to make off with his car, complete with breaking open the driver's window with his bare hands!