My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Difference between revisions

Fridge Brilliance
(Fridge Brilliance)
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=== Provides examples of: ===
* [[Bad Bad Acting]]:
{{quote|"Oh. Woe to me. Business is bad."}}
* [[Beautiful All Along]]
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]
* [[Black Sheep]]: Toula.
* [[Closer to Earth]]: Toula's mother, compared to her father. When Toula announces she's getting married, her father has a [[Heroic BSOD]] while her mother tries to convince him nothing's wrong with it.
* [[California Doubling]]: A movie about events that took place in Winnipeg, written by a Winnipeg writer, starring a Winnipeg actress... was set in Chicago and filmed primarily in Toronto.
* [[Close-Knit Community]]
* [[Closer to Earth]]: Toula's mother, compared to her father. When Toula announces she's getting married, her father has a [[Heroic BSOD]] while her mother tries to convince him nothing's wrong with it.
* [[Converting for Love]]: Ian, to Greek Orthodoxy. Since the Church isn't used to adults converting, he is baptised in a kiddie-pool.
** Actually, there are plenty of adult conversions. You wear a white gown, not bathing trunks, then dress in a special outfit afterwards. There are special tubs for adult baptisms.
* [[Culture Clash]] / [[Not So Different]]: The entire point of the movie is [[An Aesop]] about this, with plenty of [[Rule of Funny|opportunity for jokes]] along the way.
* [[Cultural Posturing]]: There is nothing that Mr. Portokalos can't trace back to Greece. Even ''[[Up to Eleven|kimonos]]''.
* [[Culture Clash]] / [[Not So Different]]: The entire point of the movie is [[An Aesop]] about this, with plenty of [[Rule of Funny|opportunity for jokes]] along the way.
* [[Distracted by the Sexy]]: Toula, when she first sees Ian. Later Ian when he sees Toula in the tour office, leads to a brutal beatdown by an old lady.
* [[Engagement Challenge]]
* [[Fairytale Wedding Dress]]: Toula's dress, even though with the veil it looks overdone.
* [[Fourth Date Marriage]]
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: What's so weird about an adult converting to Greek Orthodoxy? Nothing if you're in Greece or Turkey, but in America people so inclined would be much more likely to become Roman Catholics.
** You'd be surprised.
* [[Fun with Foreign Languages]]
* [[Glad You Thought of It]] - The best way to get Gus's consent is to let him think it was his idea.