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{{quote|Now we are all sons of bitches.|'''Kenneth Bainbridge''', Trinity Test Director, Manhattan Project}}
** On the topic of [[WW 2]], the Marines having arrived on Okinawa, experienced no resistance from the Japanese. This had the marines extremely on edge, especially the first night since the Japanese were infamous for night attacks (especially of the Banzai Charge nature). Unfortunately that night, a convoy of Okinawan civilians were fleeing the Japanese. [[Tragic Mistake|The Marines thinking it was a Banzai Charge...]] This trope was the reaction of the Marines.
* [[wikipedia:Ashoka the Great|Ashoka the Great]], emperor of India in the 3rd century BC, is said to have uttered this line after a bloody military campaign and then converted to Buddhism and never waged war again. That's right, [[Older Than Feudalism]].
* Alfred Nobel developed dynamite in order to make the nitroglycerin used for mining, quarrying and construction safer to use. Instead it became widely employed as a weapon, to the point that a paper mistakenly published his obituary on the occasion of his brother Ludvig's death, with the title "The merchant of death is dead". His personal fortune at the time of his death was approximately 250 million dollars in today's money. He bequeathed ''0.5%'' to his family, and the rest to the newly founded Nobel foundation. He also specified that race and nationality was not to be a factor in choosing recipients, which caused a major stir at the time. (The prize committee made good on this specification relatively quickly, giving the Literature Prize to Indian [[wikipedia:Rabindranath Tagore|Rabindranath Tagore]] in 1914.)
* Sociologist Robert Putnam was so horrified by the results of a study he performed that among other things suggested that racially diverse societies caused individuals to become more isolated that he almost didn't publish it. [ He did eventually]. When criticized about witholding his findings he explained that he was terrified his work would be used by racist organizations to justify their hatred.
* When the hysteria died down following the Salem witch trials, the people of Salem went straight to [ Psalm 51].
* A classic sports example of this happened when Lawrence Taylor gruesomely (but inadvertently) [ broke Joe Theismann's leg]. As soon as it happened, Taylor—known then as a vicious defensive player and a bit of a trash-talker—immediately and frantically called to the sidelines for the medical staff to come and help Theismann, knowing that he'd inflicted an exceptionally serious injury. Indeed, it ended Theismann's career.
* A rather literal example is HMS Beagle captain Robert FitzRoy, who was a fundamentalist Christian creationist. He regretted being part of the Beagle expedition that led to Darwin publishing On The Origin Of Species, thereby indirectly contributing to the development of the theory of evolution, which contradicted [[The Bible]]'s account of creation( (though now it's thought to be one valid interpritationinterpretation by some, including the Vatican). It may have contributed to the depression and anxiety later in life that ultimately led to him [[Driven to Suicide|committing suicide]].
* A common reaction by people when they kill someone, especially the first time. The degree of trauma depends on a number of factors, such as group participation (squads, teams, etc), range (greater distance = more detachment), emotions and weapons used.
** It's a YMMV reaction more than anything else; it is impossible to know how someone will react to killing beforehand. Some people [[Heroic BSOD|BSOD]], others [[Axe Crazy|find the experience intoxicating.]] Most people just feel a bit uncomfortable about it for a while but remain psychologically healthy.
* [[Stephen King]] had one of these after he found out about the number of school shootings that had been linked to his novel ''Rage'', in which a high school student snaps after being expelled from school, takes out a pistol, and then kills multiple people as well as hold several students hostage and is portrayed as a [[Sympathetic Murderer]]. Investigation of students who had started shootings in their schools revealed that several of them had copies of ''Rage'' in their possession. Stephen King then requested that ''Rage'' be taken out of print in an attempt to make up for it.
* The story goes that General Launcelot Kiggell, Chief of General Staff in the British Army in World War One, saw the conditions at Passchendaele at the end of the battle, cried "My God, did we really send men to fight in that?" and burst into tears. Now considered to be anecdotal, as the higher-ups knew damn well what the conditions were but had legitimate military reasons for continuing. (Whether those reasons constituted ''justification'' for continuing is a matter for debate.)
* First car crash anyone?
** Even more so if you just happen to [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|run over someone's pet]], more often than that, you ''will'' feel like a [[Complete Monster]]. Unless, of course [[Lack of Empathy|you just]] [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|don't care]].
* Many raiders who run in on people in their homes threatening the occupants and getting them to tell said raiders, for example, the password to the home safe, will hate having to do this to parents of kids (particularly if the kids are seeing the whole ordeal). There have even been cases in which robbers have turned themselves in due to their guilty conscience about how they traumatized a poor kid haunting them. Some raiders will even try and comfort the kids, if they have to.
* A [[Real Life]] self-styled [[Evil Debt Collector]] quit the industry after he discovered that a woman he'd tried to collect from [ died in 9/11].