My Hero Academia/Recap/Entrance Exam Arc

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The Entrance Exam Arc covers chapters 1-4 of the manga and episodes 1-4 of the anime, and is the first arc in the series.

We're introduced to five-year-old Izuku Midoriya, the Quirkless son of a Japanese couple who both have Quirks, hopelessly defending a bullying victim from his former friend, Katsuki Bakugo. Lying beaten up and powerless, he remarks how not all people are created equal.

Nine years later, he witnesses pro Heroes Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady defeating a villain together and vigorously takes notes - this is because he aspires to become a pro Hero one day, despite being Quirkless. While he receives encouragement from a stranger, he is ridiculed by his classmates and viciously bullied by Bakugo, who goes so far as to burn one of his notebooks and spitefully give him a suicide dare. To boot, Bakugo aspires to become a pro Hero himself and possesses a very potent Explosion Quirk. As he returns home from school, he recalls the first time he saw his favorite Hero, All Might, and being told that he was born Quirkless at age 4.

On his return home, Midoriya is attacked by a Sludge Villain who wants to hijack his body and choke him to death for cover. Before he passes out, he is rescued by a strapping Hero with a wide smile. Midoriya is in utter shock when he wakes up - it was All Might, in the flesh! Desperately wanting to hear his opinion on whether or not he should become a Hero, Midoriya grabs onto All Might as he's about to fly away, and just before he asks him the question, he sees his favorite Hero deflate into a sickly, emaciated man.

Midoriya is utterly flabbergasted, but All Might notes that his present state was induced by a grievous injury he received five years ago, which the public wasn't informed about on his behest; he can only use his full power for three hours a day. The Hero beseeches the boy not to write about it or tell anyone, and notes that being a Hero without a Quirk is far too dangerous to be feasible as he leaves. Midoriya walks back home in disappointment, while All Might notices that the bottle he used to contain the aforementioned Villain was gone - he had dropped it when Midoriya grabbed onto him!

As he walks along, Midoriya hears an explosion and heads over to investigate - he sees that the Sludge Villain was at large once again, and that his current victim was Bakugo. There are several Heroes on location already, but they can't operate because of the narrow location and the fires Bakugo's Explosion Quirk started. Feeling guilty and horrified, Midoriya has a lapse in judgment and hopelessly tries to rescue Bakugo from the Villain. Just when the villain is about to attack him again, he's stopped again - by All Might. He was already at the scene in the first place, lamenting not being able to act. However, witnessing Midoriya's heroism spurs him into action despite his weakened state and he defeats the Villain for good. All Might is hailed by the citizens, Bakugo is praised by the Heroes and Midoriya is scolded for his recklessness.

As Midoriya once again heads home, Bakugo catches up to him - his pride wounded, the bully shouts that he never asked for Midoriya's help not and claims he doesn't owe him anything before leaving in a huff. Midoriya is fully determined to give up his dreams of heroism when All Might appears before him again! The Hero thanks the young man for giving him the push of strength, but Midoriya blames himself for the villain's escape and getting in the way of All Might's work just for his sake. All Might states that it was exactly because of him - timid and Quirkless - that All Might was able to act in spite of his time limit, and that the true mark of a Hero is to act before they have a chance to think. Realizing that All Might is telling him that he's worthy, Izuku is overwhelmed by emotions and falls to his knees in tears. Then, the man he admired the most told him these words: "You, too, can become a Hero."

All Might notes that he came to this city to find a successor to his Quirk, "One For All". He notes that it wasn't innate to him, but that he inherited it from a previous wielder - the power to transfer power and generate strength with each new wielder. Having heard the offer, Midoriya accepts it without hesitation. For the next ten months, he undergoes a grueling training routine to become fit enough to handle the Quirk's power, which involves turning a junkyard beach back into a clean tourist site. On the morning of the Entrance Exam to U.A., his desired Hero School, Izuku Midoriya gains One For All by eating a strand of All Might's hair.

At U.A. High School, the examinees are greeted by pro Hero Present Mic, a teacher. He explains that the way to score points in the exam is to destroy villain bots - one, two and three points each - and to beware the massive zero-point villain. When the exam starts, Midoriya is completely unable to score any points, because he doesn't know whether or not he's inherited the Quirk at all. Eventually, the examinees are attacked by the giant zero-point villain bot. Midoriya tries to run, but then he hears the cries of a girl - a friendly young lady whom he encountered at the gate - trapped in rubble and in danger of death. Once again, Izuku makes a heroic dash, but this time, he launches himself in the air with the power of One For All and destroys the villain bot with a single punch, while everyone else looks on in awe. This new power, however, hasn't come without a caveat - this move broke both his legs and his right arm, and he falls helplessly to what seems to be certain death. He's only saved by the timely intervention of the aforementioned girl, who uses her gravity-manipulating Quirk to break his fall in time. As time runs out, the injured students are healed by Recovery Girl, the school nurse.

Seven days later, Midoriya receives a letter from U.A., which actually contains a holographic projector - to his surprise, All Might is the one being projected. The Hero reveals that he was hired by U.A. to become a teacher, but chose to keep it a secret until the school year had begun. All Might notes that Midoriya has scored zero points on the practical exam, but then plays a video: it shows the girl Midoriya saved, later found to be named Ochako Uraraka, pleading with Present Mic to lend some of her points to the boy who saved her. Mic says it can't be done, but also that there's no need for it. All Might reveals that the entrance exam was also graded on rescue points - earned by helping and saving fellow examinees - and that Izuku's leap earned him a total of 60, which is more than enough to pass. All Might encourages Midoriya, who sheds tears of joy and whose life has changed forever.

This arc contains examples of:

  • Establishing Character Moment: As is part and parcel for the beginning of a series, this arc has several:
    • Izuku Midoriya: he's first shown standing up for a battered boy, defending him from bullies. This highlights his compassionate, considerate nature and his inability to ignore those in danger.
    • Katsuki Bakugo: in his very first scene in middle school, it's made clear that he's as an arrogant, cantankerous douchebag who is especially cruel to Midoriya and sees his aspiration to be a Hero to be a personal attack because Midoriya's Quirkless.
    • All Might: in his debut video, the essence of his heroics are on display very clearly: his desire to bring hope and peace to people are reflected in his beaming smile and his words of reassurance.
    • Ochako Uraraka: the first thing she does is stop Midoriya from face-planting with her Quirk and wishing him luck on the exam; this goes a long way to show that she's a tender, compassionate young lady.
  • Hidden Purpose Test: The entrance exam. While villain points are a valid source of scoring, the exam is also graded on rescue points, unbeknownst to most of the examinees.
  • Nothing but Skin and Bones: When his power limit goes out, All Might goes from a muscle-bound giant with a wide smile to a sickly, emaciated man with messy hair and sunken eyes.