My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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'''Ask That Guy With the Glasses:''' Well, there's sort of a tragedy to Twilight Sparkle-- she spends all her time studying, but she just wants to be loved, which is a need that doesn't always get fulfilled by the other ponies. Sure, she has to look up how a slumber party works in a ''book'', but she's trying! But then again, Rainbow Dash is pretty awesome, too. She knows how cool she is, and she's not afraid to show it. So it really depends on if you like the confident ponies or the insecure ponies. But of course, overconfidence is a ''sign'' of insecurity, isn't it? So all in all, Twilight Sparkle is the best pony in Equestria. ''([[Beat|pause]])'' I mean '''FUCK THAT SHIT I GOT BALLS.''' This is [[Freudian Slip|My Little Pony]] saying... '''''JUST LET ME LIKE GIRLS' SHOWS!!!!''''' ''(runs off singing)'' [[Ear Worm|My little pony, my little pony, lalalala...]]|'''[[Ask That Guy With The Glasses]]''', Episode 63}}
{{quote|''This is why I love this fandom!''|'''Various people whenever they come across [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Fan Non CanonWorks|an epic piece]] of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] [[Fan Work]]'''}}
{{quote|''There's a reason why it's so popular. Quality shows get viewers and fans. The size of the fanbase is not an attempt at trolling the world or whatever some people seem to think. It is not weirdos trying to be children. It IS normal people enjoying a show that's genuinely funny and cute. And, contrary to what some insecure men seem think, men are allowed to enjoy cute things. The community of FIM fans is enormous; you can't stop it. The harder you try, the bigger it gets. Pony on.''|'''Nightweaver1''', Youtube Commenter}}