My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E09 Sweet and Elite/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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** Also, Fancypants is clearly well connected. It's possible he knows about the bearers of the Elements of Harmony,
** It may seem a bit odd that Applejack would not know what a "garden party" was, given even her brief exposure to the upper class as a filly. However, keep in mind that AJ's Aunt and Uncle Orange were high-life society from Manehatten; they're less likely to have garden parties compared to the upper classes of Europe, instead having events like fancy dinners and balls.
** Fluttershy has learned that acting serenely like a tree is likely a better way to attract the Canterlot wildlife than [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E26 The Best Night Ever|forcing them to love her]].
** Some of the elite ponies manage to talk Rarity into coming to their events by begging, saying how much her being there would mean. They made it seem like she'd be a big help being there (which if you pay attention, she WAS). Rarity has always had a problem getting in over her head when people ask her for help.
*** She is the Element of Generosity, after all. She also spends much of this episode being somewhat [[Stealth Pun|generous]] [[Blatant Lies|with the truth]].