My Vitriol: Difference between revisions

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[[File:jpg_243_1242312847_453.jpg|frame|Probably the most emo-looking non-emo band there is.]]
[[My Vitriol]] is a British alternative rock band consisting of Som Wardner (vocals, guitar and lyrics), Ravi Kesavaram (drums), Seth Taylor (guitar) and Laura Claire (bass), responsible for the [[Shoegazing]] resurgence of the 2000s. The band was formed in 1999 and enjoyed play on alternative and indie radio stations throughout the UK until 2001 when they landed a better recording deal.
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Since then, the follow-up to ''Finelines'' has been in [[Development Hell]]. The band are still fondly remembered, but thanks to the huge wave of new [[Shoegazing]] artists they're lack of activity has made them somewhat of a footnote in [[Alternative Rock]] history. Strangely enough, their story marks similarities to [[My Bloody Valentine (band)|My Bloody Valentine]] (namely the sparking of an interest in effects-based experimentation and the long wait since their [[Magnum Opus]]). [[My Vitriol]] are notable for taking [[Shoegazing]]'s sound and giving it a modern, more melodic edge. Definitely [[Needs More Love]].
[[My Vitriol]] contains examples of the following tropes:
* [[Album Filler]]- ''Finelines'' has a few short instrumental tracks that serve no other purpose than filler.
* [[The Cover Changes the Gender]] -- They have a cover version of [[Madonna]]'s "Oh Father" and the feel is much different with a male singer.