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David M. Keirsey took Myers's work, and, inspired by one of her observations, made his own adaptation, in which the 16 types are organized into four main groups. Guardians are "social people" who hunger after stability; these desire to be buttresses of society. Their top skill set is in organization or "logistics" as the writer calls it. Typical Guardians, might be [[The Patriarch]], [[Apron Matron]], etc. Many [[Badass Bureaucrat]] s are Guardians though it is also a profession fit for Artisans especially when they combine it with being [[The Scrounger]]. Artisans are "physical people" who hunger after freedom, exuberance and wildness. Artisan characters might be a [[Blood Knight]], [[Glory Seeker]], or [[Passionate Sports Girl]], and express themselves with their prowess. Or they might express themselves with their looks or sexuality and be [[The Fashionista]] or a [[Chivalrous Pervert]] or a [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]. Their top skill is "tactics" or handling themselves for the moment. They think "quickly" while rationals think "deeply". Rationals are "mental people" and hunger after knowledge and for skills as something to ''possess'' rather then as something to ''play with'' as in the artisans case. A rational is likely to be a [[Badass Bookworm]], a [[Guile Hero]], or a [[Gadgeteer Genius]]. Their top skill is "strategy" or planning. A artisan knows how to do things and doesn't need to ask why. A rational knows what to do and why to do it. Idealists are "spirtitual people" who hunger after "something higher"; they may not even know themselves what their "something higher" is. Idealist characters might be a [[Knight in Shining Armor]], a [[Good Shepherd]], [[The Heart]] or [[The Messiah]]. If an idealist is not [[The Chosen One]], he or she will act like it anyway. Idealist skill set is "diplomatic"; they are good at inspiring people.
For fun, see [[Examples of Myers Briggs Personalities in Stories/Just For Fun|Examples of Myers Briggs Personalities in Stories]].
== Guardians ==