Nagasarete Airantou: Difference between revisions

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* [[Accidental Pervert]]: As much as he tries to avoid an "eyeful" (or a [[Thanks for the Mammary|handful]], or a faceful, or...[[Overly Long Gag|yeah, we'd better stop now]]) Ikuto still crosses into this.
* [[Action Girl]]: Pretty much every girl in the island.
* [[Acquired Poison Immunity]]: After Ikuto accidentally drinks from the wrong cup, Kokoro reveals that she has been putting poison into her daughter's drinks and food for years to gain this affect after Ikuto accidentally drinks from the wrong cup.
* [[Adam and Eve Plot]]: See below.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Listen to the [[Audio Adaptation|Drama CD 1]] To Know More!
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** Ikuto did have trouble believing in the anthropomorphic aspect of Airantou's animals, but that quickly died away when Shima-tora made a..."convincing" argument.
** A recent chapter had Ikuto get sick and get a fever which made him start to believe in magic. Then when he was still recovering he started to mix science fact with magic, and then he freaked out when he realized what he was saying.
** It's revealed later that Ikuto {{spoiler|was put under a jutsu -- by Machi and Ayane's father --}} to make him disbelieve in magic. After that's broken, Ikuto casually mentions the Touhouin family has a ''history'' of interaction with the supernatural, so there was apparently some [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]] involved, too.
* [[Art Shift]]: During Michiru and Tohno's confrontation, they emanate a [[Battle Aura]] that shows them how they should look like outside of Airantou.
* [[Aside Glance]]: Among many other examples:
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* [[Imagine Spot]]: Ikuto has a few.
* [[I'm Taking Her Home with Me]]: Misaki likes cute animals. This is her reaction to especially cute ''small'' animals. In Chapter 138, it turns out the {{spoiler|tiger "cub" she wanted to take is older than she looks ... and Taiga's estranged wife}}.
* [[Indirect Kiss]]: Machi kissed Shinobu to kiss Ikuto (after she found out Shinobu had given him [[Intimate Healing|a mouth-to-mouth medicine dose]]).
* [[Intelligible Unintelligible]]: The animals start this way to Ikuto until he 'gets used to life on the island.' Then they can be heard and understood in Japanese.
* [[Inevitable Waterfall]]: [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by Ikuto, who seems resigned to go over it (and he does).
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* [[Innocent Cohabitation]]: Ikuto and Suzu. There are no [[Those Two Guys]] to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] this, of course, but then again, the rest of the [[Unwanted Harem]] is jealous.
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]]: An entire island full of them. Since most of the main cast grew up without any contact with males they never had to develop a since a modesty. As the story goes on some of the girls begin to realize the affect they have on Ikuto and avert this trope. Mind you they still do the same things they just realize what it entails.
** Averted with Rin who doesn't like to bathbathe or reveal herself even with other females.
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: In Chapter 90, Suzu and Shinobu have a discussion about how much fun it would be to ride Ikuto. Sitting on his shoulders like Yukino, of course.
* [[Interspecies Friendship]]: See [[Fluffy Tamer]] above.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: For their mother's birthday, Shinobu, Mikoto and Kunai decide to give her a grandchild as a present. Which is the person they each chose to "do it" with them? [[Celibate Hero|Ikuto]], [[Even the Girls Want Her|Rin]], and '''[[Everything's Better with Penguins|Totega]]''', respectively. And that wasn't the even ''only'' hint of Kunai's attraction to Totega...
** [[Homosexual Reproduction]]: um, yeah. At least if Mikoto could get what she wants...
{{quote| '''Mikoto''': Rin-neeesamaaaa♥...<br />
'''Rin''': [[Defied Trope|That's impossible between girls,]] [[Megaton Punch|you fool!]] }}
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* [[Jack of All Stats|Jack Of All Trades,]] [[Master of None]]: Ayane.
* [[Jaw Drop]]: An epic one in chapter 5.
* [[Journey to the Center of the Mind]]: Machi finds/creats a spell that allows her to dogo into aanother [[Dream Land|personsperson's dream.]]
* [[Kid With the Remote Control]]: Yukino.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: The South Leader, Shima-tora (cat) and the West Leader, {{spoiler|Karaage, a <s>rooster</s> ''chicken''}}, the latter of which was reputed to be the strongest of the Four Leaders.
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* [[Last-Episode New Character]]: Michiru, daughter of [[Half-Human Hybrid|an islander and a Yuki-onna]] and Obaba's medical apprentice. First appears during the ''end credits'' of the last episode.
** The manga has since [[Retcon|retconned]] her into the very beginning of the story: she is now seen helping treat Ikuto when he first shows up on the island. Her late appearance is explained away as a consequence of being the daughter of a snow woman, a spirit associated with winter. She is immune to cold but sensitive to heat, and thus rarely went outdoors to avoid the sun.
* [[Last of His Kind|Last of Her Kind]]: This is what Tohno believes when she thinks there's no more Kappa on the island. AsShe's itwrong turns... outand Chizuru, she'sof notall andpeople, Ayaneknows andexactly Tohnowhere didn'tall seemthe toother askKappa Chizuruare. ofAyane alland peopleTohno duenever think to ask why her hilariously horrific artwork (which actually looks like outside-world portrayals) always seems to be of Kappa.
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]: Done time to time, but chapter 65 takes the cake.
** And then there is that tendency of the characters to measure time by the issue number, [[Lampshade Hanging|only to be corrected by another character.]]
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** Played straight with her [[Hot Mom]] Shizuka {{spoiler|although it turns out that she's also ''Beniyasha''.}}
* [[Mentor Ship]]: see above.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: lampshadedLampshaded: In Chapter 78, Suzuran makes up her own proverb ("If you disturb other people's relationships, a horse will kick you," and a couple of horses turn up to ask her why they were the ones in the proverb. May also count as a Brick Joke or Call Back, because Kokoro referred to this proverb in Chapter 43. "I don't want to be kicked by a horse and drop dead."
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Pandaro, the East Leader.
* [[Miko]]: Ayane, Machi, Chizuru, Yashiro.
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: Machi is '''18'''.
** [[Berserk Button|Just don't say she's old.]]
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: One picture shows [[Ninja|Kokoro and Hanzou]] getting married...''upside down'', kneeling on the ceiling.
* [[Opening Shout-Out]]: The end of the anime is a bird's eye view of Ikuto being chased around the island, exactly like the chase shown in the OP.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: Oh, yeah.
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* [[Potty Failure]]: Implied to happen to Ayane at the end of chapter 72. Ayane also accuses Suzu of having been a bedwetter until just a year or so ago.
** Apparently for Suzu it's [[In the Blood]]; Suzuran used to wet her bed until pretty late on, according to Karaage.
** Happened to Yukino in chapter 47 when she was frightened. Throughout the chapter, other characters would say things like, "And here's where Yuki-Yuki was standing when she wet herself."
** Happened to Yukino in chapter 47
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: is used to transform as {{spoiler|Devil Sky Dragon Muramasa}}.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Ikuto when [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|punching a]] <s>ghost</s> [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|white bear]] that had just terrified Ayane and Suzu into defeat.
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** {{spoiler|Rin's father}} advocates this.
* [[Thanks for the Mammary]]: Ikuto.
* [[This Is Reality]]: Said in the manga by Tohno to Mei-Mei and Ikuto to Shinobu: "This isn't a manga, you know." (Does this count as [[Hypocritical Humor]]?)
* [[Through His Stomach]]: Most of them do this.
* [[Tomato Surprise]]: Played for laughs with {{spoiler|the West Leader, who never knew that he was a chicken (i.e. couldn't fly) until he was ''6+ years old''. He even had a [[Heroic BSOD]] right afterwards...}}