Nagasarete Airantou: Difference between revisions

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** Played straight with her [[Hot Mom]] Shizuka {{spoiler|although it turns out that she's also ''Beniyasha''.}}
* [[Mentor Ship]]: see above.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: Lampshaded: In Chapter 78, Suzuran makes up her own proverb ("If you disturb other people's relationships, a horse will kick you,!"), and a couple of horses turn up to ask her why they were the ones in the proverb. May also count as a Brick Joke or Call Back, because Kokoro referred to this proverb in Chapter 43. "I don't want to be kicked by a horse and drop dead."
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Pandaro, the East Leader.
* [[Miko]]: Ayane, Machi, Chizuru, Yashiro.
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* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: You'd never guess ([[The Untwist|at first]]) that {{spoiler|Karaage, the goofy-looking family <s>man</s> chicken}} is one of the island's most powerful residents...
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: There are a few in the cast, but {{spoiler|Ikuto}} gets a special mention.
** {{spoiler|He both [[Subverted Trope|subverts]] ''and'' plays this trope straight. The reason he never lets any of the girls too close is that he knows they don't really mean it. They are more interested in the fact that he is the only man on the island than the man himself. Played straight when the girls really ''do'' begin to develop real feelings for him, and he still thinks itsit's only the idea of love the girls are acting on.}}
*** Wow, {{spoiler|Ikuto}} shows us how this is done, [[Serial Escalation|and the manga is still ongoing]].
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Ikuto''': In the end...I still don't understand why Machi suddenly kissed me...}}}}
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* [[Potty Failure]]: Implied to happen to Ayane at the end of chapter 72. Ayane also accuses Suzu of having been a bedwetter until just a year or so ago.
** Apparently for Suzu it's [[In the Blood]]; Suzuran used to wet her bed until pretty late on, according to Karaage.
** Happened to Yukino in chapter 47 when she was frightened. Throughout the chapter, other characters would say things like, "And here's where Yuki-Yuki was standing when she wet herself.," and she'd growl in outrage.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: is used to transform as {{spoiler|Devil Sky Dragon Muramasa}}.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Ikuto when [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|punching a]] <s>ghost</s> [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|white bear]] that had just terrified Ayane and Suzu into defeat.
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** {{spoiler|Rin's father}} advocates this.
* [[Thanks for the Mammary]]: Ikuto.
* [[This Is Reality]]: Said in the manga by Tohno to Mei-Mei and Ikuto to Shinobu: "This isn't a manga, you know." (Does this count as [[Hypocritical Humor]], since Tohno at least has other times acknowledged it '''is''' a manga?)
* [[Through His Stomach]]: Most of them do this.
* [[Tomato Surprise]]: Played for laughs with {{spoiler|the West Leader, who never knew that he was a chicken (i.e. couldn't fly) until he was ''6+ years old''. He even had a [[Heroic BSOD]] right afterwards...}}
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Tohno and Mei-Mei, apparently.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: After some training, Ikuto can now go toe to toe against the Leaders. [[My Friends and Zoidberg|Oh, and the Panda, too.]] Sure, when he last fought them the battles were non-"traditional", but still...
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: For their mother's birthday, Shinobu, Mikoto and Kunai decide to give her a grandchild as a present. WhichWho is the person theydid each chosechoose to "do it" with themher? [[Celibate Hero|Ikuto]], [[Even the Girls Want Her|Rin]], and '''[[Everything's Better with Penguins|TotegaTogeta]]''', respectively. At least Shinobu's choice was biologically possible, but there was no way she could pop out a kid by the next day, let alone the fact that she does not know what sex is]], or at least that that's how one makes a baby.
** Apparently it is rather common to not know what sex is and be in thethis [[Harem]]. Ayane [[Double Standard Rape (Female on Male)|paralyzed him and was going to try and get pregnant]] with his child so that he could not leave the island. She never expected to get [[Butt Monkey|this far]] in her plans anyway.
*** This may be [[Justified Trope|justified]] because there were no men on the island up till now so teaching your girls about the birds and bees may have seemed a waste of time. You would think that they would have got a crash course though once Ikuto showed up.
* [[Tough Love]]: Machi really ''does'' care for her little sister Ayane. She just has a...weird way of showing it. She even [[Lampshade Hanging|said so herself]]. While there's good reason to doubt this statement, Machi actually provides a visual example {{spoiler|by giving Ikuto himself an example of her "love".}} [[Fridge Brilliance]], folks.