Najica Blitz Tactics/Headscratchers

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Humaritts being collected?

  • Ok, so many of Najica's missions are for her to recover Humaritts from masters who are using them for supposedly evil purposes. While it certainly IS true that most of the people Najica encounters really ARE using and abusing the Humaritts for evil, what makes the organization that Najica works for any better? What gives her or her allies the right to seize said Humaritts? What happens to all the Humaritts she and her allies take in from their former (evil) masters? Are they reprogrammed and given new masters like Lila? Are they experimented on?
    • This goes even deeper when it comes to Alpha or the fact that we never see ANY of the other Humaritts besides Lila twice. Why would Lila think it was a bad idea to bring in Alpha if Najica's allies weren't doing anything harmful or questionable to the other Humaritts? Why, if Najica's organization wasn't doing anything wrong, would Najica have secretly agreed with and deliberately provoked Lila into taking Alpha and fleeing?

Dr. Ren, X, the Alpha, and the Humaritts

  • It's revealed that the Dr. Ren that Najica meets toward the end of the story was actually X with a split personality. But, Dr. Ren was the one who supposedly helped make most if not all the Humaritts by that point... It gets confusing when people say that maybe Dr. Ren never even existed, because suppose if that was true and Dr. Ren never really existed and X made all the other Humaritts... Who made X? Why would X create other Humaritts when she herself supposedly lacked a master (which is revealed to be her reasons for creating and creepily obsessing over the Alpha)? The Alpha was the first and only (apparently), "male" Humaritt. Why was that? Why does it being male or female matter? What reason were the Humaritts even created in the first place?

What exactly ARE Humaritts? Are they living things or fully robotic?

  • They are supposedly types of androids, but they bleed, eat, sleep, bathe, and learn things from their "masters". They are also capable of other tasks such as sexual intercourse, tracking, self-defense, and yes killing... not only humans (including their masters), but also other Humaritts. The other thing they seem capable of doing is dying. How does a Humaritt "die"? If they are androids or inorganic, couldn't they simply be repaired, rebuilt, and/or revived? Pretty much NONE of the Humaritts that die in the series (except for maybe 1 or 2 that were completely blown up) were damaged in a way that couldn't be fixed, so again, HOW does a Humaritt die if they are fully robotic or androids? WHAT ARE THEY?