Nanny McPhee: Difference between revisions

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* [[Beauty Inversion]]: spun into a ''plot point'' for Nanny McPhee. {{spoiler|Every time the children learn something, one of her many hideous blemishes disappear. By the time her job is done, she's a completely unblemished Emma Thompson. Essentially, she's as ugly on the outside ''as they are on the inside''.}}
* [[Be Careful What You Say]]: see [[Playing Sick]] below.
** In the sequel, the farm kids refuse to share their beds with the city kids, claiming they'd rather share their beds with the farm's goat and cow. Then the smallest farm kid blurts out "elephant" as his choice, leading up to Nanny McPhee trying to hide a literal [[Elephant in Thethe Living Room]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: in the sequel. One of the city kids deliberately takes a jar of jam the farm kids were saving for their [[Disappeared Dad]]. And it breaks. They go justifiably postal.
* [[Blitz Evacuees]]: The cousins from London. {{spoiler|Though that wasn't the only reason...}}
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* [[Continuity Nod]]: In the sequel, {{spoiler|Mrs. Dottie was the youngest Brown child from the previous movie.}}
* [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]]: The chef, specifically when she makes her 'army broth'.
* [[Denied Food Asas Punishment]]: Mr. Brown tries this on the children, but it doesn't work.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: the premise of the sequel.
* [[Eek! Aa Mouse!]]: Faked by Celia in the sequel to keep her aunt from signing Phil's contract to sell the farm.
* [[Expy]]: Nanny McPhee is [[Mary Poppins]]. Only more interesting.
* [[Fake Brit]]: Maggie Gyllenhall proudly takes her place on the list of "American actors who can actually do a convincing English accent".
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* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: Implied. Nanny McPhee asks Norman to not lose her stick as the paperwork to replace it is unbelievable.
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "I did knock." Although it is more like a borrowed (by Simon) [[Catch Phrase]].
* [[Pie in Thethe Face]]: Or wedding cake in the face, actually.
* [[Playing Sick]]: The children try this on Nanny McPhee, but she doesn't buy it for a second. {{spoiler|And she punishes them for it by making them sick for real and physically unable to get out of their beds. Ouch!}}
** {{spoiler|They also Played Attacked-By-Bees at the wedding. It worked.}}
** Revisited in the sequel, {{spoiler|involving a [[Eek! Aa Mouse!|"mouse"]].}}
* [[Rags to Riches]]: {{spoiler|Evangeline, who gets taken in by Aunt Adelaide in place of one of the children.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Really 700 Years Old]]: If the fact that she's the same in both movies despite a possible time difference of ''60 years'' is any indication.}}