Napoleon Dynamite/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** Also, the scene where Kip is giving the demonstration with the van and the dinnerware. Originally, he was to roll over it, and the plastic would deform but reshape itself, to which Kip was to say, "Pretty cool." However, the plastic was unable to comply due to the laws of physics, and that is what is seen in the film. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|It turns to be actually funnier]].
* [[Unintentional Period Piece]]: Subverted, in a way. The film immediately dates itself at the start by setting the year as 2004-2005, but the film's aesthetic more resembles the 80s, with only one song from the 2000s at the end. When asked what time period the film takes place in, Jared Hess replied "Idaho." Most assumed that this was a case of [[Teasing Creator]], but it was his way of explaining just how behind the times the state is. Many who visited Idaho after the film came out were quick to note how little the creators exaggerated its distance from the pulse of the rest of society.
* [[Write What You Know]]: Jared and Jerusha Hess are from a small Mormon community in Idaho, and Pedro was based on Jared's friend.
** Many of the events are also from the directors' own life, such as the cow shooting scene, the "Happy Hands" club, the "I like your sleeves" line...
[[Category:Napoleon Dynamite]]