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[[File:narcissus1_8106.jpg|frame|[[Selfcest|I told you not to disturb me.]]]]
Basically, one who has an [[It's All About Me|abnormal fascination with oneself]]. A self-centered nature taken a bit too far. Often thinks of self as one of the [[The Beautiful Elite|Beautiful People]], and to others often comes across as a [[Jerkass]].
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Because stress, anxiety, and depression bring productivity down small amounts of narcissism help in the business world but too much narcissism causes people to procrastinate, become lazy, refuse to admit they made a mistake, become incapable of putting themselves in other people's shoes, turn into a [[Know-Nothing Know-It-All]], or become a victim of [[Pride]].
There is some controversy as to what type of childhood narcissists had. Some researches believe that narcissists were overvalued by their parents, while others think that they had a rather [[Freudian Excuse|dismal childhood]].
Some forms of narcissism employ [[Black and White Insanity|black and white thinking called splitting]] as a central defense mechanism to stabilize their sense of self—viewing themselves as wholly good and those that would criticize or [[Break the Haughty|humiliate]] them as purely wicked or contemptible.
Premodern concepts include the ancient Greek ''Hubris'' which meant excessive [[Pride]] [[Pride Before a Fall|leading to or simply occuring before a fall.]] The contemporary view of narcissists is they're annoyingly unable to see this dynamic repeating itself in their lives, causing disorder on their own personality and others.
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More likely to be into [[Screw Yourself|Selfcest]] than most others.
Compare [[Small Name, Big Ego]], [[The Prima Donna]], [[Spoiled Brat]], [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]], [[Black and White Insanity]], [[Manipulative Bastard]], and [[It's All About Me]]. Compare and contrast [[The Sociopath]] who combines the narcissist's self-centredness with impulsive behaviour and a total [[Lack of Empathy]]. See also [[Hollywood Personality Disorders]].
[[No Real Life Examples, Please]]
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* [[Depending on the Writer]], [[Batman|The Riddler]] can fit this trope.
* As mentioned below Tony Stark / ''[[Iron Man]]''.
* [[Doctor Doom]]. '''''RIIIIIICHARDS''''' became his nemesis because [[I Reject Your Reality|he blamed him for the accident]] which scarred his perfect face.
* [[Lex Luthor]] hate [[Superman]] for [[Holding Out for a Hero|holding humanity back]]...from worshipping ''him'' instead.
** In the [[Silver Age]] Luthor's hatred for Superman began when the latter as Superboy saved his life from a chemical fire after Luthor's experiment to create life went awry. Luthor not only blamed him for intentionally sabotaging his experiment, he also blamed him for turning bald as well. Now if that's not vanity, I don't know what is.
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* Waldo Lydecker from 1944's ''[[Laura]]'' is definitely in love with the main character but his love for her is eclipsed by the blinding rays of his own self-love.
* Daniel Plainview from ''[[There Will Be Blood]]''.
* Tony Stark in the ''[[Iron Man (film)|Iron Man]]'' films. "Textbook narcissism... agreed."
* Pavi Largo from ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera]]'' is so in love with himself that he has a mirror with him at all times.
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* Cat from ''[[Red Dwarf]]''.
* Shawn from ''[[Psych]]''.
* [ Michael] from ''[[The Office]]''
* [[The Master]] from ''[[Doctor Who]]''.
** The Master is more of a [[The Sociopath|sociopath]].
*** The two aren't mutually exclusive.
* Dr. Cox from ''[[Scrubs]]'' is the greatest doctor of them all, a diagnosing machine, this fabulous thing. Too bad his personal life is in shambles. The show has also delivered [[An Aesop]] when showing how a little bit of confidence is not necessarily a bad thing and goes a long way towards making their patients feeling at ease.
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* ''[[Angel]]'': Angel has strong tendencies towards narcissim that crop up on a very regular basis. On the [[DVD Commentary]] for "Billy" the writers admit that scripting scenes for Angel's narcissism is one of their favourite things to do. Angel can become distracted in the middle of interrogations or other serious situations by his narcissism. It's particularly highlighted during the series 2 finale arc where he finds himself in an alternate dimension where he doesn't need to avoid sunlight and he has a reflection. In one scene, while the gang talk in the foreground, Angel can be seen in the background standing in front of a mirror utterly self-absorbed (it's also the scene where they all realise he can see his reflection). They keep having to fight to grab his attention and even have to block his access to the mirror. Eventually, Lorne has to drag him away.
{{quote|'''Lorne''': "Come on, Gorgeous, you can stare at yourself in my grandmother's glass eye."}}
** Though in complete fairness, Angel hasn't seen himself in over 200 years. He'd logically want to see his reflection again.
** [[Evil Me Scares Me|Angelus]] on the other hand has an ego the size of a planet! He really cannot shut up, at all, ever, and is easily one of the cockiest bastards in the series.
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== Video Games ==
* [[Disgaea: Hour of Darkness/Characters|Vyers]] of ''[[Disgaea: Hour of Darkness|Disgaea]]'' both thinks and speaks ''very'' highly of himself, but he is actually a very nice guy.
* Vega from [[Street Fighter]] also combines this with [[The Fighting Narcissist]].
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== Web Original ==
* [[Meaningful Name|Narcissa Richmond]] of ''[[Grandmaster of Theft]]''.
* Rick from ''[[Superego]]''
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** Gaston from ''[[Beauty and The Beast]]'' has an entire song dedicated to [ how awesome he is].
** Ratcliffe from ''[[Pocahontas]]'' loves himself almost as much as he loves gold.
** The Evil Queen of ''[[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White]]'', who had a magic mirror specifically to tell her that she's the most beautiful in the land.
** Scar of ''[[The Lion King]]'' is this trope turned [[Up to Eleven]]. "Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning decades of denial is simply why I'll be king undisputed, respected, saluted and seen for the wonder I am, yes my teeth and ambitions are bared, be prepared!" The Sond is called "Be Prepared" and can be listened to on [ here] Youtube ([ The impatient click here and go directly to the moment, where he sings these words.]).
*** The Italian version of the last part translates as: "I'll be a king admired, feared and loved, nobody is better than me!"
*** And in the French version we have "Le seul dieu vivant qu'on acclaime!", which means "The only living god to be acclaimed!".
** And one Disney hero: [[The Emperor's New Groove|Kuzco]].
* Zapp Brannigan from ''[[Futurama]]''