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* ''[[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IV]]''. "You [[Spoony Bard]]!" It's a silly and mistranslated line, but so well loved that it's preserved in all remakes and sequels.
* Most fans of ''[[Final Fantasy V (Video Game)|Final Fantasy V]]'' cite the generally upbeat characters, silly dialogue, "save the crystals" Light Warriors plot and the game's tendency to [[Leaning On the Fourth Wall|lean on the Fourth Wall]] as the reason they love it... in other words, the very reasons many fans of "Classic Final Fantasy" (before Square [[Unpleasable Fanbase|ruined everything, of course]] seem to ignore it. Which is not to say the game is devoid of seriousness, because in certain scenes there may well be [[Tear Jerker|something in your eye]]...
** Special mention goes to the GBA port, whose English translation [[Woolseyism |Punched up the dialogue]] with some great cornball lines, while keeping the original intent intact. And you've gotta love Gilgamesh saying "It's morphing time!" and "Now we fight like men, and women, and women who dress like men!"
** In ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'', the scene between Tidus and Jecht, specifically after Jecht thinks Tidus is down for the count. Cue [[Autobots Rock Out|''Otherworld'']] [[Theme Music Power-Up|theme]] and [[Heroic Second Wind|Tidus getting back up to fight]], followed by '''''[[Narm Charm|"There's no tommorrow]]''''' '''''for me''''', '''''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|unless I beat you today!"]]'''''.
* ''[[The Seventh Guest]]'' -- with the narrator's ghoulish puns and [[Tales From the Crypt|Cryptkeeper-style]] delivery, the lame lines spoken [[Large Ham|hammily]] by obvious non-actors, the honky-tonk closing sound track... [[So Bad It's Good]], and though it chased away any potential for horror, it managed to leave the mystery intact.
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* While some of the voices in ''[[My Little Pony]]'' may sound really goofy but they typically work well for the characters.
* The scene where Kid Flash screams {{spoiler|Artemis's name when she supposedly dies,}} and then later has a yelling fit complete with slamming his fist on the bioship console in the ''[[Young Justice (Animation)|Young Justice]]'' episode "Failsafe" may qualify as Narmy, but the drama of the previous event plus the fact that Kid Flash has NEVER reacted like this to ANYTHING, makes it touching, and even a Tear Jerker.
* In the [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 (Animation)|2003 incarnation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]], The Shredder's catch phrase of sorts is "None of you will leave here alive". In the two parter "Rogue in the House" he actually utters the phrase "None of you will leave ''this boat'' alive". For an otherwise serious take on Shredder, this line seems corny, even cartoonish, but it somehow manages to work.
* The ''[[Thundercats 2011 (Western Animation)|ThunderCats (2011)]]'' version of Lion-O resently pulled ''this'' off, perfectly.
{{quote| '''Lion-O''': [[Punctuated Pounding|THESE BEARS ARE NOT YOUR PROPERTY!!!]]}}