Natural Born Killers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dirty Cop]]: Jack Scagnetti and the prison warden.
* [[Do Not Do This Cool Thing]]: Arguably the whole point of the movie, and a vicious satire of it.
* [[Fake Nationality]]: Australian reporter Wayne Gale is played by American [[Robert Downey, Jr.]]
* [[The Family That Slays Together]]: {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|Subverted]]. Mickey and Mallory end their killing sprees after they decide to settle down and have kids.}}
* [[The Farmer and the Viper]]: A variation is recounted to by a Native American who shelters Mickey and Mallory. {{spoiler|Sure enough, he's killed by Mickey, but accidentally - Mickey comes out of a nightmare and fires his gun on reflex. Mallory is not amused.}}