Needs More Love (Sugar Wiki): Difference between revisions

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* [[Katharine Kerr]]'s ''[[Polar City]]'' books - there's two of them, ''Polar City Blues'' and ''Polar City Nightmare''. Difficult to find in bookstores, and Kerr apparently doesn't even have her own page here—just the Deverry page. Humanity is a tiny republic trapped between two alien powers who hate each other, and the possible appearance of a new species in human territory has the potential to start a war. Interesting setting and genuinely likeable characters, particularly the first book.
* The ''[[Dragaera]]'' books. An excellent, inventive, long-running fantasy series, and almost the only people I know who've read them are the ones I introduced it to.
* ''[[The Lighthouse Trilogy]]'', by Adrian [[Adrian Mc Kinty]]. It's three books that are more teen-oriented, but it's really just a well-written book. It's a shame it doesn't have it's own page here.
* The book ''[[Finding Darwin's God]]'' by Kenneth Miller. It goes into the debate between evolution and creationism and talks about how one can find a happy medium in between them. For some reason, it's not getting the love that it should for some reason. I guess there are still people who refuse to think science and religion can coincide with one another.
* ''[[Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist]]'': The book more so than the movie. After [[Film of the Book|the movie]] came out it faded into obscurity, and the book gets very little recognition. The book focuses more on characterizing the eponymous characters; both of which are funny, eccentric, and emotional, and connects them through their love of music. They're surrounded by an equally strong cast of supporting characters: Tal—Norah's [[Jerkass]] ex, Tris—Nick's [[Alpha Bitch]]-but-still-rather likable ex, Caroline—Norah's inebriated best friend, and Dev and Thom—Nick's gay and wildly funny band mates. It's like an indie movie in book form, and a nice break from a lot of the Girl-Meets-Vampire Boy books that crop up nowadays.