Neutral Good: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hajime no Ippo|Ippo]] is so polite, nice and well-meaning that it almost hurts sometimes, feeling sympathy to almost all of his opponents. That said, his devotion to winning even during the toughest of odds leaves him to do whatever it takes, but he still is extremely polite to his opponents even after they lose.
* [[Liar Game|Nao Kanzaki]] is about as Neutral Good as it gets - yes, she'll trick people, but only if they don't trust her enough to believe that she's really looking out for them. And she is - she pays off all her opponents' debts after beating them, even though this will almost certainly leave her with an unpayable (in the 'billions of yen' range) debt at the [[Dark Tournament|Liar Game Tournament's]] end.
* Alphonse Elric from ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' is definitely Neutral Good, conscience-driven and kind. His brother Edward is [[Chaotic Good]].
** Winry is also Neutral Good.
* Gintoki from ''Gintama'' fits in this alignment. Usually, he is a useless lazy bum who is happy to go along with rules. However, he won't hesitate to break all rules and throw himself in fire when it comes to protecting those he cares about, whether it is his [[True Companions]] in danger or a child Gintoki promised to reunite with his mother.
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* Miles O'Brien from ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' has no problems with orders and laws but will break or bend them for the greater good.
* Karl ("Helo") Agathon from ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'', probably the most purely ''good'' character on the show. A strong case might be made for his being [[Lawful Good]], but his willingness to go beyond or disobey orders puts him more in the Neutral Good category.
* Shepherd Book and Simon Tam from ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]''. Both seem to have a decent amount of respect for law and order, but have no problems breaking any law which endangers their friends or family.
** Also, Kaylee and Wash from the same show. Though they may have chaotic good leanings. They are just generally good, happy (for the most part) people who always try to do what they believe is right. They are also the two least violent people in the show making them [[Technical Pacifist]].
* Hercules, as depicted in ''[[Hercules: The Legendary Journeys]]''.
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* Lee Free Sr. in ''[[Everyday Heroes]]'' balances out here. His motivation, defense of the little guy against the system is Chaotic Good but as a skilled and knowledgeable lawyer he uses the law
* Criminy in Sinfest. Jesus being here should be a no brainer. Fuschia started as [[Chaotic Evil]] but eventually moved to Neutral Good by 2010.
== Web Original ==
* Penny of ''[[Doctor Horribles Sing Along Blog|DoctorDr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]]'', the crush of Dr. Horrible due to the fact that she's the only one who proves to him that [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|Humans Aren't All Bastards]] with her efforts of helping the homeless, as well as being the idealist to Billy's cynic. Caring little for the conflicts of heroes and villains, she chooses to help the helpless and offer a caring hand to those who need it. {{spoiler|Her death would complete Billy's [[Start of Darkness]] as Dr. Horrible}}.
* [[The Medic|Codex]] and [[Genki Girl|Clara]] from ''[[The Guild]]'' both seem to fit into this, or at least balance out Vork's [[Lawful Good]], Zaboo's [[Chaotic Good]], and the [[Neutral Evil]] of Tink and Tordek
== Western Animation ==