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* [[Breakfast of the Gods]]: [[It Makes Sense in Context|Toucan Sam]] throws his lot in with Tony and the rest of the kingdom's defenders, after witnessing Count Chocula {{spoiler|set Cap'n Crunch up to be murdered.}}
* [[Pibgorn]] [ There's no way to be neutral with demons].
* ''[[Crimson Dark]]'' had it played out "World War [[In Space]]" style over the Farhaven blockade. Once the situation got stirred, semi-autonomous [ Nyardeen Ward] condemned Daranir's slaughter of civilians and demanded that UTC (leaning toward supporting Republic of Daranir) pulled the Republic's leash. Then [ UTC decided to intervene], {{spoiler|playing peacekeepers, but making clear they're for all intent and purpose on the side of Republic, and stopped the Coalition's fleet rescuing their own colony}}. Then Souri Collective, that {{spoiler|already sponsored the Coalition (what's with it being an obvious barrier for the other powers) and was in cold war with UTC... well, they [[Beware the Quiet Ones|said nothing]], but when UTC intervened, they chose to make their point simply by jumping a ''huge'' ship into the ongoing battle and punching a few holes ''through'' UTC battleship leading the attack, and then their flagship for good measure.}} Naturally, everyone else decided it's a good time to fall back. After the battle, Nyardeen Ward {{spoiler|''became'' a neutral state by finally seceding from UTC}} (they are [ mostly ''behind''] the Coalition), which immediately elicited a comment:
{{quote|'''Sarah''': Yeah, that'll last. The war's going total. }}
== Web Original ==
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** The U.S. sat out the Cuban rebellion against Spain for about fifteen years until the ''USS Maine'' blew up in Havana Harbor, which got the U.S. into [[Spanish–American War|the war against Spain]].
** The U.S. stayed neutral in [[World War One]] until it looked like German victory was imminent ''and'' the Germans were caught attempting to form an offensive alliance with Mexico against the United States.
** The U.S. didn't really start to help the Allies in [[World War Two]] until after the fall of France, and did not get into the war until after Pearl Harbor (seizing Japanese assets may count as an act of war, but no shots were fired at that point yet), and did not declare war against Germany until after Germany declared war against the U.S. (after years of supporting UK and Soviet Union with the amount of resources comparable to expenses of actually fighting a war, but again, not jumping into action directly).
** When the Cold War began, the Truman administration was quite indifferent to what happened in mainland east Asia, cutting off aid to Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT in the critical year of 1946, and then, after the Communists took over China, withdrawing American forces from Korea and declaring South Korea to be outside the American "defense perimeter in Asia." When the North Koreans then promptly invaded South Korea with Soviet and Chinese backing, the U.S. intervened on the South Korean side.
** When Lyndon Johnson became President, he declared that he was "not going to send American boys halfway around the world to do a job that Asian boys can and should do for themselves." When it became apparent in 1965 that South Vietnam was months if not weeks from falling to the Communists, however, ''and'' Communist forces fired on a U.S. naval vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin, he did exactly that.
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*** So, yeah, this trope could easily be given the alternate title of "American Foreign Policy."
* Italy in both World Wars. In [[World War I]], Italy was supposed to immediately enter the war on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, but refused due a loophole and stayed neutral for about a year before entering the war AGAINST them. In [[World War II]] it happened TWICE: first Italy was supposed to join Germany as soon as France and Britain declared war, but stayed neutral until the war appeared to be already won and attacked France and a small British colony just for the show, only to find out that the British Empire wouldn't surrender; in 1943 an invaded Italy sued for peace and became neutral again until the German reinforcements sent to help the defense were ordered to become an occupation force.
* To protest against [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|SOPA and Protect IP]], [[The Other Wiki|Wikipedia]] blacked out their website on January 18, 2012. Wikipedia is notable for stayingclaiming asto be [[True Neutral]] as much as possible, making this a ''huge'' change in their policy.