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== Subpages ==
== Politicians ==
* Pretty much ANY''any'' given US politician who has ever been disgraced by a scandal they were in. Namely due to when they these politicians get themselves in a scandal the media [[And That's Terrible|exploits how terrible it is]] every chance they get. (Doesn't help that some of them never really got all that well known in the media until they are ''in'' a scandal.)
** A particularly bad example is Gary Condit, who was ''already'' an average Congressman. However in May 2001, Chandra Levy, a young intern who had worked in his office and with who he had been having an affair, disappeared. Condit proceeded to lie to police about the affair, and, when public opinion turned against him, gave an evasive interview with Connie Chung that made him look like he had everything to hide. Naturally, the media soon moved on to other issues following September 11th, but the damage to his reputation had been done. Condit lost the Democratic primary in March 2002, and spent the remainder of his Congressional career under a cloud of suspicion, especially after Levy's body was discovered in May 2002. Her real killer was only arrested in May 2009.
* President [[Herbert Hoover]] is continually remembered as the president who caused the Wall Street Crash of 1929. No one remembers he was known as the "Great Humanitarian" during [[World War I]] for his aid overseas (in Belgium, his name even became a word meaning "to help"), and he saw the crash coming and tried to avert it, but is 'remembered' as someone who "did nothing", though even [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]]'s own advisers said that "practically the entire New Deal was extrapolated" from Hoover's programs. Facts be damned, he's now so associated with disastrous economic policy that, for example, one of the more memorable lines of the 1992 election was [[Bill Clinton]] repeatedly referring to the incumbent President [[George H. W. Bush|George Herbert Walker Bush]] (whom he defeated) as "George Herbert Hoover Bush".
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** And, of course, the ever infamous "Read my lips: No New Taxes!", which came back to bite him on the ass in the next election.
* [[George W. Bush]] will never live down "Mission Accomplished". In a sense, he was right; they had deposed Saddam Hussein three weeks previous to the speech, but fighting in Iraq continued for another seven years, mostly in the form of anti-insurgency, and it was definitely not the end of "major combat operations".
** Also, the 'Mission Accomplished' banner had been hung by the crew of the aircraft carrier -- because the ''ship's'' mission had been accomplished, its deployment was finished, and it was pulling into home port.
** [[George W. Bush]]'s presidency was full of these moments: when first informed of the 9/11 attacks, he was reading a book to a kindergarten class, and instead of getting up to do something he stayed and kept reading. Then there was the above mentioned Mission Accomplished blunder. Then there was Katrina, really the whole thing, but especially the visual of him having birthday cake with John McCain at the same time that New Orleans was catastrophically flooding was an especially harsh instance of this trope.
*** The other side of these situations often goes unreported. In an interview conducted on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the kindergartners to whom Bush was reading said that they felt he did the right thing, since leaving in a hurry would have made them panic. Likewise, Louisianans blame the state government, and not the federal, for not properly maintaining the levees.
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* [[Dan Quayle]] is remembered for misspelling the word "Potato" as "Potatoe" and denouncing [[Murphy Brown|Murphy Brown's]] single mother status.
** And mangling the UNCF's "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste" motto, declaring the Holocaust was the most obscene event in American history and a strange statement about how Mars had a human-habitable atmosphere based on [[Science Marches On|severely outdated theories about the Martian "Canals"]]. People got so used to him saying stupid things that when he tried to be legitimately clever with the now infamous "Great State of Chicago" remark, people took it as a gaffe and it is largely remembered as such.
* Dick Cheney [[I Just Shot Marvin in the Face|shot someone in the face]]. He already had a reputation as an [[Evil Chancellor]], but after the guy he shot ''publicly apologized for being shot'', it pretty much made sure that no one is ever going to forget that. To be fair to the man, it really ''was'' the other guy's fault, because he displayed a startling lack of basic safety<ref>WhenQuail you'rehunts goingare huntingorganized ingroup a groupactivities, you'rewith notspecific supposedzones marked off for specific people to wandershoot offinto. The person VP Cheney accidentally hit had wandered away from the group and into one of the zonefiring yourzones, partnersomething isyou aboutare tospecifically shoot''not'' intosupposed to do.</ref>, but you'll never see that in the media.
* [[Neville Chamberlain|Neville "Peace for our time!" Chamberlain]].
** Modern history (if not the general public) is starting to have a ''slightly'' better opinion of Chamberlain, namely that although he placated Germany, he may have done so because England was extremely not-ready to start fighting either, and needed more time to get ready (which they were). Had he called Hitler on taking over Czeckoslovakia, and shooting had started, things might have gone much worse.
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* "Democracy is finished in England. It may be here." When Joe Kennedy, father of JFK said that in regards to the German attacks against England in [[WW 2]], he basically became the American Neville Chamberlain.
* Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Bloc Québécois for 14 years, one of the longest-serving leaders of a major political party in recent Canadian times, former Leader of the Opposition. Dude takes one perfectly normal tour of a cheese factory like any other politician, with perfectly sensible, standard-issue hygiene precautions, and for the rest of his life he's the [ dude in the shower cap].
* While there are various other reasons for Hillary Clinton's failed bid for US President in 2016, none might be quite as iconic as her "basket of deplorables" line. It certainly did galvanize a lot of people who, even if they didn't necessarily like Trump, were still displeased enough by the quip in question as to vote against her.
* Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke and "Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47". Because nothing quite gets you remembered like publicly giving the lie to the common refrain of gun control activists that "no one is coming for your guns".
== Entertainers ==
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* Though he gets a lot of flak for other things he did during his involvement with ''[[Star Trek]]'', Brannon Braga claimed in a ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Voyager]]'' DVD commentary that fans never live down the fact that he wrote "Threshold":
{{quote|'''Braga''': People are very unforgiving about that episode. I've written well over a hundred episodes of Star Trek, yet it seems to be the only episode anyone brings up, you know? "Brannon Braga, who wrote Threshold!"}}
** It doesn't help his case that many of the other episodes he wrote also sucked. Fans just use his most infamous episode to lead off the criticism with precisely because it is his most infamous episode.
* Mark A. Hicks, professional Hollywood stuntman. How is he best remembered by the Internet public? As Chris Tucker's body double for the first two ''[[Rush Hour]]'' movies, netting several awards in the process? As the man who's done dangerous work in everything from ''Coyote Ugly'' to ''[[Firefly|Serenity]]''? Not likely. He is best known for [ flubbing a flip during an audition for a Nike ad]. After which he ''got the part''. Seriously.
* Sally Field is one of America's most famous actresses, with a string of iconic roles (as well as two Oscars and three Emmys) under her belt. But what does the layperson remember her for? Gidget? The Flying Nun? Sybil? Norma Rae? [[Brothers and Sisters|Nora Walker]]? Even [[Robin Williams]]' ex in ''[[Mrs. Doubtfire]]''? Nope - her 1985 Best Actress Oscar acceptance speech for ''Places In The Heart'': BKA, better known as "[[Beam Me Up, Scotty|You like me! You really like me!]]"
* [[Mel Gibson]] was once known as a hunky jokester, action star, and surprisingly successful film director. Then he made ''[[The Passion of the Christ]]'' and began airing his staunchly conservative Catholic beliefs. ''Then'' he got arrested for drunk driving while making racist and sexist comments. For years he was mocked by the media, until the joke got a little old. He had ''almost'' lived it down when he was recorded by his ex-girlfriend making misogynistic and racist remarks, re-igniting the flames and basically ensuring that he'll never be able to show his face in polite society again. And just when things couldn't get any worse, you've got his father's traditionalist (read: ''even more'' staunchly conservative) Catholic beliefs brought to light, including conspiracy theories and Antisemitic ramblings. He just doesn't seem to take a break, does he?
** In April 2012 the son of screenwriter [[Showgirls|Joe Eszterhas]] taped Gibson spewing yet another profanity-laced rant. Some are calling said rant the final nail in the coffin of Gibson's career.
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* [[Woody Allen]]: Director, actor, screenwriter, comedian, playwright, [[So Bad It's Good|musician]], writer... but what really comes to mind when he's mentioned today? Marrying the adopted daughter of his now ex-lover Mia Farrow, [[Wife Husbandry|after serving as her father figure since she was seven]] (they married when she was 22 and he was 56). He's another popular target for paedophilia jokes, despite the fact that Soon-Yi Previn was a legal adult when their relationship started. One of Farrow and Allen's biological children still hasn't forgiven him for this. On top of the relationship issue has been the rapidly declining quality of Allen's films, so the only thing many younger filmgoers know him for is the marriage to Soon Yi and not the era in which his films were landmark events.
* [[Orson Welles]] is considered to be one of the best filmmakers of all time. In popular culture, he's more well known for ''[[Citizen Kane]]'' and for his later life in which he was obese and did commercials about [[Memetic Mutation|frozen peas]].
** Some best remember him for the infamous radio broadcast of ''[[The War of the Worlds (novel)|The War of the Worlds]]'' that caused people to panic when they mistook it for genuine news coverage of a Martian invasion.
* Sir Alec Guinness expressed great irritation that he only seemed to be remembered for [[Star Wars|that one role]] he didn't really like in the first place and he did because [[Money, Dear Boy|he needed the money]], and once flipped out at a [[Loony Fan]] who wouldn't stop pestering him. He was bitter about this to the end of his life... and naturally, every obituary for him focused more on his role in ''[[Star Wars]]'' than anything else.
** [ Poor, poor Jake Lloyd]. How ''dare'' an eight-year-old actor deliver a juvenile performance!
** Hayden Christensen, who played Anakin in Episodes 2 and 3, has received just as much, if not more ire for his performance of the character. Though opinion seems to have taken a turn years afterwards.
* [[Chris Columbus]] wrote ''[[Gremlins]]'' and ''[[The Goonies]]'', directed two ''[[Harry Potter (film)|Harry Potter]]'' films and ''[[Mrs. Doubtfire]]'' as well as the film adaptation of ''[[Rent]]'', but is apparently going to be "the ''[[Home Alone]]'' guy" for all eternity. On the other hand, maybe he's lucky he's not "the ''[[Stepmom]]'' guy".
** Amongst Harry Potter fans, he is very much known as the director of 1 and 2. [[Base Breaker|the fandom is divided]] as to whether or not that's a good or bad thing.
* [[Kanye West]] may be a very talented rapper, but he became most known by non-fans as "that guy who said George Bush doesn't care about black people." Several years' worth of parodies, spoofs, and (to Kanye, at least) agreement with this comment by the general public likely led him to think he could pull a similar stunt and escape unscathed. Now he's known as the guy who's [[Interrupting Meme|gonna let you finish, but]] [[X-Men|Jean Grey]] had the best [[Never Live It Down]] moment of all time. So at least he lived down the ''first'' one...
** It didn't help that his [[Cloudcuckoolander]] ideologies and friendship with [[Donald Trump]] added to his now shattered reputation either. For one, his conversion as a born-again Christian was met with skepticism and doubt over whether his turn to a new leaf is sincere and living up to the tenets of Christianity.
* They're ''still'' cracking jokes about Michael Fish (British weather presenter, now semi-retired) from that one time over twenty years ago that he refused to accept the Great Storm of '87 was happening, ''even as it was happening''.
* According to some of her co-workers, at least one ''[[Deadwood]]'' bit player regularly gets recognized on the street as "Dolly the blow-job whore."
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** Well, with the revelation of his years long affair, and secret child, time will only tell if the trope was averted or merely subverted.
*** One almost wonders if Arnold hasn't been trying to get remembered like this. Or at the very least, testing his luck to see how far he can take it.
* Traci Lords. Despite carving out a decent career as an actress, she'll always be remembered as the [[Squick|underage porn]] queen.
** She is beloved by fans of [[Manic Street Preachers]] for singing on Little Baby Nothing, so there's that.
* Dan Didio and Joe Quesada, heads of DC and Marvel Comics respectively, have very similar moments. Didio has the ''Coutdown to Final Crisis'' series and his claim that it was "''52'' done right," while Quesada has ''One More Day'' and him saying he did it because a married Spider-Man is equal to him growing old and dying. In Didio's case, he did make his statement before the backlash for ''Countdown'' began, and DC's writers/editors have admitted its failure by shoving it into [[Canon Discontinuity]]. But many DC fans still insist Didio's even worse than Quesada, even though Quesada refuses to retcon OMD and insists the millions angered by it simply "don't get Spider-Man."
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** YMMV. ''[[Signs]]'' and ''[[The Happening]]'' are considered examples of [[Mandatory Twist Ending]] as well.
** He also has yet to live down making a [[Smug Snake]] critic character who gets horribly killed, as well as casting himself as a writer so good his work will cause humanity to enter a golden age, in ''[[Lady in the Water]]''. And mind you, this was after a grand total of ''one'' film the critics didn't like.
** He's known in the [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Avatar]] fandom as "the guy who ruined Avatar on the bigscreenbig-screen" with [[The Last Airbender|one of his worst critically and popularly received films yet]]. Poor guy can't get a break.
*** The film's casting director got her own, with the leaked excerpt from the audition announcement [[Did Not Do the Research|"If you're Korean,]] [[Unfortunate Implications|wear a kimono."]]
* If you ask any random person who is [[Yoko Ono]], they will say "[[Yoko Oh No|the woman who disbanded]] [[The Beatles]]". Nothing about her career as a plastic artist, nothing about her childhood in Japan or even her actual relationship with [[John Lennon]]. Just that.
* [[MSNBC]]'s Chris Matthews is the host of the discussion show "''Hardball"''; but falls into this trope for infamously stating that [[Barack Obama]] gave him a "thrill up his leg" during the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination primaries.
* [[The O'Reilly Factor|Bill O'Reilly]] will never live down the debate gaffe he made on air, in which when trying to argue that his guest couldn't explain God, he made the infamous quote "Tides go in, tides go out, you can't explain that." <ref> Because you obviously can explain that. Making his statement seem like an argument against himself</ref> Although Fox Viewers have [[Viewers are Morons|probably forgotten it]] its become [[Memetic Mutation|memetic]] on the internet.
* Filipino news anchor Arnold Clavio would be having a hard time shaking off that child sexual abuse scandal he got into when former overseas Filipino worker and entertainer Sarah Balabagan, who initially gained notoriety for a highly-publicised murder case where she stabbed and killed her employer in self-defence upon being molested by said employer, broke her silence and alleged that she had a child with the anchor, revealing that their relationship happened [[Ephebophile|when she was 17 years old]], just as when Clavio picked up the scoop and covered the murder case exclusively. Unsurprisingly, Filipino netizens took to social media and lashed at Clavio for what they saw as a [[Squick]]tastic relationship with a minor, with one Twitter user branding him a "pedophile". Some however alleged that the Clavio case was at least in part a politically-motivated smear campaign to paint the anchor as a pariah and [[Convicted by Public Opinion|convict him by public opinion]], especially considering Clavio's reports critical of [[Rodrigo Duterte]]'s regime. Well, considering what went down with [[ABS-CBN]] which was forcibly shut down by the government for numerous (alleged) anomalies (though it is fairly obvious that the station's forced shutdown was driven by Duterte's machinations and vendetta against those who dare dissent him), it isn't surprising.
* [[Soupy Sales]] and "little green pictures of George Washington".
* The only thing people seem to remember from Chris Rock's HBO special ''Bring the Pain'' is...yup you guessed it, ''[[N-Word Privileges|Niggas vs. Black People]]''.
* Jonathan Ross has been a broadcaster on British television and radio for the past twenty years and has produced material ranging from film review shows to highly successful chat shows as well as providing the launch pad for the likes of Steve Coogan. He is also a tremendous comic-book fan and has interviewed legends such as Stan Lee. However, to the ''[[Daily Mail]]'', he will always be known as 'man who left a rude message on [[Fawlty Towers|Manuel's]] answerphone.'
* [[James Franco]] and his performance at the 2011 [[Academy AwardsAward]]s. Whether it was he being high during the ceremony or him simply being uninterested (some reports claimed that he wanted out due to a busy schedule but ABC and AMPAS refused to release him), he was singled out for everything that went wrong during the ceremony and his appearance was potentially a [[Star-Derailing Role]] (thankfully, that wasn't the case).
* Al Gore [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|never actually said]] that he invented the Internet, but it's just too funny to forget.
* To [[Myth BustersMythBusters|his co-workers]] Tory Belleci will always be "the guy who (rather unsuccessfully) tried to jump a bike over a little red wagon."
* [[Crazy Survivalist|Bear Grylls]] [[Memetic Mutation|drank his own piss]], and...[ well...]
* Cat Stevens' highly successful musical career has been completely overshadowed by his conversion to Islam, which included being quoted as supporting the fatwa against Salman Rushdie (he's said that the quote was taken out of context, but still refuses to actually condemn the fatwa).
* After a long movie shoot for [[So Undercover]] in New Orleans, [[Miley Cyrus]] and her friends have a goofy late night on the town. Miley curiously picks up a mysterious bottle off the street, sniffs it and giggles, and someone else obviously films the event on their smartphone. It turns out to be a bong of salvia (a legal substance, not to be confused with ''cannabis sativa'', and not likely one Miley knew about when she picked up the object), and the video gets in the hands of [[TMZ]], who make a major scandal of it in the media. Cue stories of [[Contractual Purity|Miley being a drug addict]], etc. during an [[Not Allowed to Grow Up|already controversial period]] in her life, at least by her already vicious hatedom. The video becomes infamous on [[YouTube]], even though she apologizes for it later. [[Values Dissonance|What such a substance was doing]] in the middle of a New Orleans street anyway is never discussed.
** Probably because it's New Orleans. We're quite used to strange things in the middle of our streets.
* Tucker Carlson, to conservative pundits, is a respected thinker. To everybody else, he's "that guy who got utterly destroyed by Jon Stewart, and he wasn't even on 'The Daily Show'".
* The single Sienna Miller and the married father of four Balthazar Getty's very public, very shameless, and very sleazy affair. Said affair cost Getty his role on the series [[Brothers and Sisters]]. [[Small Name, Big Ego|Sienna Miller's]] whining to press about how everyone is so ''meeeaaaan'' to poor little her when she was called out on her behaviour didn't exactly endear her to the masses either (Perez Hilton gave her the less-than-charming nickname of ''Sluttyienna'').
* Despite his lengthy career, [[Dick Van Dyke]] still can't get over his awful attempt at an English/Cockney accent in ''[[Mary Poppins]]'', even though he also played {{spoiler|Mr. Dawes, Sr.}} so convincingly that the audience doesn't know it's him till the end credits.
* Tom Wilson would like you to know that he's still an active comedian and musician, and would like to put his role as Biff in ''[[Back to The Future]]'' behind him. To avoid answering the same questions about the movie, he's made [ a song] and [ a small card] about his experience.
* [[Chris Brown]]. Otherwise known as "[[Would Hit a Girl|that guy who beat up Rihanna]]".
* Terrence "Baby Wipes" Howard earned his nickname after a [[Squick|Squicktastic]]tastic interview in which he detailed the way he preferred women to clean themselves after using the bathroom.
* Between ''Punk'd'' and [[That '70s Show|MichealMichael Kelso]], Ashton Kutcher has had a hard time shaking off the image the public has of him as a loud, obnoxious idiot. An image that for a time, movie executives were more than happy to appeal to.
* Besides being a prominent [[Rodrigo Duterte|Duterte]] crony, having written lyrics to the tune of "Ipaglalaban Ko" (transl. "I Will Fight [For Something]") under the title "Para sa Tunay na Pagbabago" (transl. "For Genuine Change") in support of Duterte, Filipino folk singer [[Freddie Aguilar]] is certainly still derided for his [[Squick]]tastic [[May-December Romance|relationship]] with a ''sixteen-year old girl''. The affair was seen by people as not only [[Hypocrite|hypocritical]] especially in light of his folk songs pertaining to Filipino nationalism and values, the best known of which is the prodigal son tale "Anak" (lit. "Child"), but was also seen as borderline to outright [[Ephebophilia|creepy]] owing to Aguilar and his partner's age gap–at the time of their marriage, Aguilar was 60 while his partner was ''sixteen''. It also didn't help that he was able to [[Loophole Abuse|weasel around]] the age restriction by converting to Islam as the Philippines recognises Sharia law, which had no such restrictions for as long as the girl had ''her first menstrual period''. Paedo concerns aside, some also criticised the girl and her parent and came to call her a [[Gold Digger]] for riding on Aguilar's fame.
* [[Steve Harvey]] would never live down that humiliating mistake he did in [[Miss Universe]] 2015, where he erroneously announced Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutiérrez as the winner instead of Miss Philippines Pia Wurtzbach. It didn't take long for Colombians to call Harvey a ''"Hijo de puta"'' ("Son of a bitch") for his gaffe in the pageant.
* [[Criss Angel]] will never, EVER be left alone for "polluting" [[Cirque Du Soleil]] with ''[[Criss Angel Believe]]''.
** Similarly, Brazillian dancer and artist Deborah Colker has gotten this from Cirque fans over ''OVO'', which she directed and choreographed, claiming her lack of vision ruins not just the show but Cirque as a whole.
* Mark Hamill will forever be known as [[Star Wars|Luke Skywalker]].. unless you're one of those kids who'll forever know him as [[Batman: The Animated Series|the voice of The Joker]]... ''or'' one of the younger siblings of those kids, who know him best as [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Fire Lord Ozai]].
* [[Kathy Griffin]] after her infamous photo shoot in 2017 where she [[Off With His Head|goes Robespierre]] on [[Donald Trump]]'s effigy. Which didn't endear her to many people. In a surprising twist, this led to sudden cancellation of many contracts she had, from a casino gig to Squatty Potty ad campaign. Even CNN fired her. [// So she decided] to [[Never My Fault|paint herself a victim and blame Trump]]. It didn't seem to help. Must be [// a conspiracy of old white guys]. Because either that, or she became less funny. Or maybe even those who hate Trump's guts agree that this "makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it" and steer clear.
* No matter how much [[Robert Pattinson]] diversifies his portfolio, he's probably not going to be forgotten as "the sparkling vampire from ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]''" for a long time.
* [[Ozzy Osbourne]] will always be remembered for biting the head off a live bat on-stage (he thought it was a prop, and there's debate as to whether or not the bat was already dead when it was handed to him.) Still, better that than drunkenly peeing on the Alamo, which got him banned from Texas for nearly a decade.
== Everyone Else ==
* [[Henry VIII]] is sometimes thought of as having executed all six of his wives - this happened to just two (Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard). Two of the marriages Henry had annulled, another wife died in childbirth, and the last one outlived him. There's a handy mnemonic for this: [[Histeria!|Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived]] (even though it should be Annulled&Died-Annulled&Beheaded-Died-Divorced&Survived-Annulled&Beheaded-Survived). Still, seeing as the average persons kills zero wives in their life time it's easy to see why it's become so notable...
* To the man on the street, [[Napoleon Bonaparte]] is not recalled for being a [[Magnificent Bastard]], a military genius, for rising from very little to become the most powerful man in the world before he was thirty-five, or for establishing the Napoleonic Code. To the public at large, he's simply [[The Napoleon|that short guy]]. In reality, he wasn't even short. That idea was mostly spread by British propaganda.
* Erwin Schrödinger introduced the world to an equation as central to quantum physics as Newton's to mechanics or Maxwell's to electromagnetism, numerous methods for solving and interpreting it, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and polyamory in the sciences]]. Yet [[SchrodingersSchrödinger's Cat|what he's remembered for]] is a [[Crosses the Line Twice]] joke about the Copenhagen interpretation and [[That Poor Cat|torturing cats]].
** What makes this even more ironic is that most people think Schrödinger proposed his famous thought experiment in order to highlight how wonderfully weird the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is. When, in fact, he proposed it in order to prove the Copenhagen interpretation wrong. That the cat is simultaneous alive and dead was meant to show how utterly insane the Copenhagen interpretation was, not to show deep physical insight.
* [[Catherine the Great]] was an Enlightened Despot who reformed Russia, planned a coup to dethrone her husband, lead Russia into two successful wars against the Ottomans, and brought Russia into a more important role in European politics. What is she most famous for? The myth that she died [[But You Screw One Goat!|while having sex with a stallion]] when it fell upon her. While she was known for her love life (notably with younger men), this myth is completely untrue since she died from a stroke. However, the myth manages to live on due to the fact its more exciting than what really happened, and is usually referenced in pop-cultural depictions of her.
* Samuel Adams: A great patriot during [[The American Revolution]], one of the Founding Fathers, was largely responsible for the Boston Tea Party. What's he remembered for? Beer. He wasn't even a brewer; he was technically a maltster.
* Ethan Allen gets it even worse, though. Revolutionary War guerilla hero who, among other things, captured Fort Ticonderoga. If you mention his name today, most people will think only of the furniture company that was founded some 143 years after his death. Ethan Allen himself wasn't even a carpenter.
* [[Paris Hilton]], before sex tape: obscure party-hopping heiress. After sex tape: slut. There's also the famous "Wal-mart" quote. Paris later claimed she was joking at the time. And the Hardee's commercial. That's about it, really.
* Criss Angel will never, EVER be left alone for "polluting" [[Cirque Du Soleil]] with ''[[Criss Angel Believe]]''.
** Similarly, Brazillian dancer and artist Deborah Colker has gotten this from Cirque fans over ''OVO'', which she directed and choreographed, claiming her lack of vision ruins not just the show but Cirque as a whole.
* Paris Hilton, before sex tape: obscure party-hopping heiress. After sex tape: slut. There's also the famous "Wal-mart" quote. Paris later claimed she was joking at the time. And the Hardee's commercial. That's about it, really.
** She also tried to justify having cocaine in her purse by claiming that she [[Too Dumb to Live|thought it was gum.]]
** [[Cirque Du Soleil]] fans will also never let her live down the time she and her sister Nikki ran up to someone in line for the premiere if "The Beatles LOVE", and asked Jeff, the creator of the [ Cirque Tribune] (the fan site), if the line was for "Circus Olay".
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** Historically speaking, The Prince could aptly be subtitled "The game sucks and we all know it, but if one must play, this is how to win".
* [[Richard Dawkins]] wrote some of the most popular and extensively-quoted books on evolutionary biology. These days, everybody knows him as the guy who wrote "The God Delusion" and is widely believed to be a frothing militant [[Social Darwinist]] who hates God, despite the fact that he does not advocate violence or force of any kind. He also [[Memetic Mutation|gave us the term "meme"]].
** Dawkins commonly makes the point that it is impossible to say with total certainty that there is no god (because outside of pure mathematics it's impossible to conclusively prove that ''anything'' doesn't exist). No matter how many times he says this, each restatement of the principle is quickly followed by journalists [ acting shocked at this softening of his views].
* Formerly known for being disabled and for being a synonym for uber-genius, [[Stephen Hawking]] is probably best known for his robot voice.
** His activity not directly observed as voice mostly appears in context of not just cosmology (which is already YMMV), but second-hand arguments at best, and yellow journalists' habit of [ using him as] a living [[Magic 8-Ball]] at worst, so there's that.
* Cammie Dunaway, leader of marketing for [[Nintendo]], was practically unheard of until E3 2008 where she made an appearance and got rather "excited" about the casual games they were showcasing while being bad at the games and making some instant meme phrases. This made her instantly hated by Nintendo fans since they saw her as the worst incarnation of a casual gamer and feared Nintendo would go further in this direction. She got better in E3 2009, but people still have not forgiven her. Luckily, she has left Nintendo.
* ''Peter'' Paul Rubens is a famous Baroque painter with many pieces of art of fully-clothed men and women. However, his name has become synonymous with full-figured women, whom he loved to use as nude models for his later works.
** [[Best Known for the Fanservice|Everyone Remembers the Nude Model]]?
* Despite being the 1991 United States Figure Skating Champion and carrying an underdog life story that might otherwise be a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]], Tonya Harding is most associated with the infamous attack on fellow skater Nancy Kerrigan by her husband and another man - an action in whose planning she may not have had any part at all. Go ahead, try to think of ''one'' media portrayal of her (entertainment or otherwise) in the past decade and a half that doesn't have her as a bullying [[Jerkass]], or a [[Dirty Coward]], or a walking panoply of all the worst stereotypes of the [[Deep South]] (despite the fact that she was born in Oregon).
* It looks like it will happen here: [ "Sam Katz... he kicks children in the face."]
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* General Xiahou Dun is mostly remembered for being shot in the eye with an arrow, rather than his many accomplishments as a military leader. Though at least ''[[Romance of the Three Kingdoms]]'' let him also be (untruthfully) remembered for [[Badass|pulling out the eye and eating it]] directly afterwards.
** Likewise, Liu Shan will always be remembered as the guy who destroyed Shu. Despite the fact that there were others who were responsible for Shu's downfall.
* Mark Hamill will forever be known as [[Star Wars|Luke Skywalker]].
** Unless you're one of those kids who'll forever know him as [[Batman: The Animated Series|the voice of The Joker]].
*** Or one of the younger siblings of those kids, who know him best as [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Fire Lord Ozai]].
* Baseball player Fred Merkle is to this day known as "Bonehead" for an error that cost the New York Giants the 1908 pennant. While running to second base, Merkle saw the run that would win the game cross home, and headed to the dugout to celebrate, allowing the Cubs' second baseman Johnny Evers to nullify the run by forcing him out. What's not as well-known is that this was common practice at the time as the rule against it had never been enforced; it was just Merkle's bad luck that Evers was an expert on the official baseball rules.
* Pat O'Brien covered the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, World Series, US Open tennis tournament, NCAA Men's basketball tournament, and Winter Olympics just to name a few for [[CBS]] during the 1980s and 1990s. He later transitioned himself into being an infotainment host for ''Access Hollywood'' and ''The Insider''. Yet, these days, Pat O'Brien is probably more (in)famous for his creepily obscene drunken voice-mail messages.
Line 208 ⟶ 219:
* Alan Turing is mostly remembered for being a homosexual scientist who killed himself with a poisoned apple. Of his actual scientific career, only [[Turing Test]] is somewhat common knowledge.
* [[Nikola Tesla]], sometimes called "the man who invented the modern world". Just about any modern appliance that uses electricity requires the use of a device that was invented by him, or is an adaptation of a Tesla design. What's he remembered the most for? "Inventing" the [[Death Ray]], or other such fanciful weapons of mass destruction. In fact, modern interpretations of him tend to [[Flanderise]] into a [[Mad Scientist]], despite the many, ''many'' legitimate contributions he made to the utilization of electricity.
* J. Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line who happened to be the highest-ranking White Star official to survive the ''[[RMS Titanic]]'' sinking. One day a chairman of a premier shipping line (which was at some point acquired by JP Morgan who wished to build an [[Mega Corp|international shipping conglomerate]]), a day or two later an overnight pariah in the eyes of the public, no thanks to sensationalist coverage especially in America, where the anti-Ismay smear campaign was orchestrated by William Randolph Hearst who was [[Strawman News Media|in control of the press]] back in the day and had a falling out with Ismay, bashing the living daylights out of the beleaguered chairman with derisive nicknames like "Coward of the Titanic" or "J. Brute Ismay". Ismay was haunted by the spectre the ''Titanic'' incident for the rest of his life, and was unable to recover from it. His reputation was damaged so much that most if not all portrayals of him in ''Titanic''-related media cast him in a wholly negative light, either as a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] bent at chasing the fabled Blue Ribald maritime speed record and thus attract more investors (in reality, the White Star Line was more after passenger comfort and luxury than pure speed) as in the case of the 1943 [[Nazi]] [[Propaganda Machine|propaganda film]] ''[[Titanic (1943 film)|Titanic]]'', or just some White Star figurehead who should have known better. To his credit though, he was far from the callous villain he was often portrayed as; the ''Titanic'' did have more than enough lifeboats (or at least more than enough according to the outdated standards of the time), and that he too helped usher many other passengers into lifeboats before finding a spot for himself. To this day, Ismay's (undeserving) notoriety [[Sins of Our Fathers|spilled over to his family]], who apparently received hate mail in relation to Bruce's indiscretions.
* [[J. K. Rowling]] of ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fame couldn't shake off criticism from the LGBTQ+ community and the ''Potter'' fandom for her many statements on [[transgender]] people - this includes supporting Maya Forstater, who lost her employment tribunal against her former employer after tweeting "men cannot change into women", and stating "If sex isn't real, there's no same-sex attraction. If sex isn't real, the lived reality of women globally is erased". Needless to say, many in the HP community, including the principal actors of the films, have condemned Rowling; fan sites began to distance themselves from the author over her views, criticizing the hypocrisy in an author whose works espoused messages of tolerance, acceptance and empowerment being thoroughly intolerant of trans people's existence.
* [[Marie Antoinette]], for the (in)famous "Let them eat cake" line [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|that she didn't even say]]. Although she got loads of worse associations in the century after the revolution, based on what the libel pamphlets claimed she did.
* Gerald Ratner. He ran a company making very cheap jewellery. At one function, he said in his speech: "We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap." His company's stock dropped by £500 million and, in British business circles, such a gaffe is referred to as "a Ratner.
== Cities, Countries and Locations ==
* [[France]]. Once one of the biggest [[Badass]] nations in Europe, fighting [[The British Empire|The Empire Where The Sun Never Sets]] to a stand-still cold war for ''over a hundred years'', not to mention helping Americans out in [[The American Revolution|fighting for their independence]]. And at one time was even lead by [[Napoleon Bonaparte|a real-life]] [[Magnificent Bastard]]. Then, one day, [[World War II|they get ambushed by Germany]], and suddenly they're [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|the world's biggest pussies]]. For perspective, this is like if after [[Magneto]] ripped some of the adamantium out of his skeleton, everyone started calling [[Wolverine]] a wimp.
** Within France, you have the descendants of Vendée, who simply won't forget the fact that their cause was lost in the [[French Revolution]] and their subsequent rebellion. Even the admiration and respect given them by [[Napoleon Bonaparte]] doesn't stop their rather persistent "defiance" to the Republic.
** While we're at it, the French government's declaration that Chernobyl's radioactive cloud was somehow magically stopped at the French border still draws a lot of snark. Even though the sentence is a [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|legend]].
{{quote|"Why close the airports? We all know the cloud will stop at the border as usual." ''— Public reaction to the 2010 Icelandic ash cloud approaching French airspace.''}}
* [[All Germans Are Nazis]].
** And to an extent, anything related to [[Adolf Hitler|that guy]] will [[Never Live It Down]] [[Hitler Ate Sugar|as being associated with pure evil]].
* ''[[Philadelphia (useful notes)|Philadelphia]]'': [[Memetic Mutation|They boo]] [[Santa Claus]]. Or they'll [[Memetic Mutation|throw batteries]] at you.
** And they also cheer when an opposing player suffers a serious back injury. And there was a courtroom set up in Veterans Stadium because there was so much violence and misbehavior going on.
** And unlike most other cities, Philly fans ''and'' players are largely unrepentant about these types of misbehaviors and tend to openly relish brutal or violent [[Good Old Fisticuffs|gameplay]].
** Which should not be surprising at all, considering their [[NHL]] team's nickname is the "Broad Street ''Bullies,''" who pretty much [[Good Old Fisticuffs|punched their way]] to the [[Stanley Cup]] two years in a row in the 1970s and are still fairly well-known for [[Good Old Fisticuffs|playing with their fists before their sticks]] in the 2000s.
* [[Cleveland Rocks]]: Where rivers are flammable. The infamous Cuyahoga River fire was ''forty'' years ago. It wasn't the first, but it ''did'' get them to clean up their act.
* Kansas is forever seen as being stuck in the early 20th century, thanks to stuff like ''[[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]'', which was written and/or made in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century. That's like thinking that New York is still stuck in the late 1800's because you saw it in ''[[Gangs of New York]]''.
* The US joining the two world wars years after they had started, creating many 'late to the game' jokes throughout the decades.
{{quote|'''[[Winston Churchill]]''': You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.}}
** Whenever a 'Flavour 2' from [[Eagle Land]] gets into a fight about the wars with any other citizen from another nation, expect this to be brought up immediately after the American makes the obligatory "[[America Wins the War|If it weren't for us you'd be speaking German!]]" comment.
*** If the hapless citizen being thus addressed is British, the obvious riposte is "If it weren't for us you'd be speaking Dutch".
** Another thing bashers always bring up is the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
*** Going by lower limits of the number of Hiroshima and Nagasaki casualties and the 9/11 casualties (according to the other wiki), more civilians died in the first 4 months of the bombings than would have died in 50 WTC attacks. Of course, apples and oranges, but it could segue into a discussion about whether embargoing Japan constituted a declaration of war and the validity of pre-emptive attacks (vis a vis Pearl Harbor, the Iraq war and the September 11th attacks) which would be a marked improvement over mud slinging.
**** By international law and established practice, a trade embargo is not an act of war. Free trade includes freedom not to trade.
* Pop quiz: Name the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "Pulaski, Tennessee"... ''other than'' "Birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan" (A stigma the town has been fighting for decades).
** On the other hand, filmmaker [[Spike Lee]] seems to lay the blame for this on Indianapolis, Indiana. While it's true that Indianapolis probably had more Klansmen per capita than any other major American city in the early 20th century, it is clear that Lee [[Did Not Do the Research]] - which is rather disappointing, because (for his movies, at least) he usually ''does''.
* Devotional self-crucifixion only occurs among a very minor community in the Philippines, mostly [[wikipedia:San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites|around the city of San Fernando, Pampanga.]] Foreigners who hear about this are understandably extremely weirded out and think that the practice is not only common in the Philippines, it's accepted and encouraged. It is '''not''': the Catholic Church refuses to endorse them. Outside of those certain communities, most Filipinos find such self-crucifixions unnecessary and unhealthy too.
* Despite the city of [[Pittsburgh]] getting rid of most of its steel industry, most people who have never been to Pittsburgh still remember it as the polluted Steel City.
** The Pittsburgh Steelers might have something to do with that...
* [[Japan]]:
** Enshrining war criminals is admittedly not cool at all, and granted that a sizeable unapologetic ultranationalist revisionist segment still exists, but from the way China and South Korea kick up a fuss whenever some politician visits the Yasukuni Shrine even decades after the end of the war, you might think the country never stopped murdering and raping its way across the Asia-Pacific. Even much of Southeast Asia, despite having suffered its share of atrocities, has already let go by now.
** It suffered this to an extent during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Look at all the Facebook reactions around the time the disaster happened and see how many consisted of variations on "That's for [[Pearl Harbor]]!" [[Completely Missing the Point|Because obviously Mother Nature is on America's side.]] Not to mention all the Facebook users who posted those comments, as they were both guilty of [[Unfortunate Implications]] and [[Dude, Not Funny]]. To say nothing about the reactions to the Fukushima nuclear reactor incident as mentioned elsewhere on this page.
** There were also people saying this kind of comment about almost every other kind of natural disaster - count how many people make comments of "Well your fault, you chose to live there" whenever a wildfire breaks out or a tornado blows away half the town. That said, maybe not so much tornados, but building your house in a wildfire zone is rather inexcusable. The US Forest Service are smart people. They know all about forest fires and wildfires and will cheerfully tell you where there is a high risk of said forest and wildfires. If you build your house in one of said zones because of the pretty view, and a wildfire or forest fire occurs, like it does many a year, and then your house burns down, well, that's that. The same goes for flood and hurricane zones. You built your house on sand in a flood zone. Then a flood happens. This isn't in respect to people in developing nations who live in a mudslide zone but have no choice, this is more people who can build their house whereever they really please and do so in a bad area to build a house.
*** There was [[wikipedia:Sharon Stone#Chinese earthquake|Sharon Stone on the Chinese earthquake]].
* The Canadian attitude towards Toronto is lukewarm at best. The stereotype is that Torontonians are self-centered, money-grubbing fussbudgets who panic at the mere mention of snow. Nowhere is this attitude more prevalent than Quebec, the Prairies and Northern Ontario. Imagine the reaction when, after a particularly nasty snowfall (about a metre; child's play for Quebec, the North or the Prairies) the mayor of Toronto called in the ''Armed Forces'' to assist. With ''snow''. In ''Canada''. You don't need to, actually. The reaction was laughter. Lots of it.
* Ask anyone what immediately comes to mind when they think about Chicago, Illinois. One of the biggest cities in the Midwest? Final stop for cowboys on long cattle drives? The Sears/Willis Tower? Nope. Most of the time, it will be one of four things: Bootlegging, [[Al Capone]], [[The Mafia]] and corrupt politicians.
** To be fair, our corrupt politicians are indeed that mind-blowingly corrupt and more. It's entirely legitimate to be famous for something when you are perhaps the most extreme example of that something in the Western world. Honestly, the only more politically corrupt administrations I can think of all exist in Third World kleptocracies or Communist dictatorships.
** And since [ many things] equally scandalous - and some of which didn't stop being dangerous yet - tend to be [[Viewers Are Goldfish|forgotten in about five minutes]], the answer is obvious: it's Hollywood.
== Companies and Organizations ==
* The ''[[British Newspapers|Daily Mail]]'' will never live down how it once supported Hitler's Nazis; some people argue that it still ''does''.
** Not to mention being the [[Trope Namer]] for "Political correctness gone mad!" and other sensationalist headlines.
** The whole Hannah Bond fiasco (where they described "emo" as some kind of malevolent cultish religion) has also firmly painted it as a terrible newspaper for a lot of young readers.
** The Daily Mail is well-known for saying that most things will cause cancer based on scientific reports of [ this nature]. Unfortunately, many elderly tend to believe this.
* 2010 - So you're a criminal organization in Denmark, with a fearsome name like: "The Black Cobras". Looking to make an impression on the world? Steal a ridiculous amount of [ snack cakes], [ never live it down] thanks to an [[And That's Terrible|existing]] [[Memetic Mutation]].
* [[4Kids! Entertainment]] may be adamant about maintaining its policy of self-censorship, but compared to years ago they have been more subtle about it, now largely rely on animation imported from countries other than Japan, and even placed subtitled episodes of some of their acquired anime on their Youtube channel. But none of this is going to change the minds of their many detractors over past fiascos like ''[[One Piece]]'' until they see the company rot to the ground. Not to mention that there are worse companies out there than 4Kids.
* Coca Cola is still ridiculed over New Coke. This despite the fact that the original Coke was already losing ground to Pepsi at the time, and that New Coke used the same formula as Diet Coke which was also outselling the original. Or that they switched back less than three months later due to the backlash. Apparently the stupidest thing a company can do is go with what looks like a good idea by the research and then quickly correct their mistake when it doesn't work.
* On top of the previous incident with religious groups calling for a boycott over their use of the controversial [[Madonna]] single "Like A Prayer" whose use of Christian iconography alarmed the [[Vatican]], Pepsi has had a hard time shaking off the "Number Fever" or "[[Arc Number|349]]" incident in the [[Philippines]] where what was to be a run-of-the-mill sales promotion intended to boost sales of the cola brand–which was being [[Curb Stomp Battle|outsold three to one]] by arch-rival Coca-Cola (a minuscle 4% for Pepsi compared to around 96% for Coke)–ended up in [[Serious Business|a series of protests and deadly riots]] from those let down by Pepsi's promises of quick fortunes in a country plagued by widespread poverty and still reeling from the aftermath of the EDSA Revolution and subsequent calamities. Pepsi executives and employees got death threats, and as if the outrage wasn't enough, cargo trucks carrying PepsiCo products were torched, turtled or otherwise vandalised. The cause? An computer oversight leading to over 800 thousand bottle caps stamped with the winning number 349, and while only two of them were the intended winners as distinguished with a unique security code, the resulting number combination led droves of people to believe Pepsi owes them a million pesos. Pepsi managed to weasel out of the case in what was a typical protracted legal battle in the Philippines, but they still end up playing second fiddle to the dominant Coke.<ref>[ The Computer Error That Led to a Country Declaring War on Pepsi]</ref>
* Vauxhall, for creating the odd-looking (at the time) 1980 Vauxhall Astra, which is an automobile now [[Vindicated by History]], but [[Convicted by Public Opinion]] at the time. Nevertheless, it sold well enough.
* These days, BP is mostly remembered and hated for the oil spill. It doesn't help that they had all but disappeared off the map in the decade leading up to it.
* Averted by Dow Chemicals, which acquired Union Carbide and found legal loopholes to make all of UC's obligations to clean up its horrendous chemical spill in Bhopal, India (a disaster 10-20 times worse than Chernobyl) simply disappear. Chernobyl is a [[Never Live It Down]], but Bhopal is largely forgotten and Dow's image didn't suffer a bit. This is probably because people in general have an irrational fear of radiation, such that nuclear disasters tend to be reacted to with a greater amount of panic than other types. Look at the press coverage of the Fukushima reactor disaster, which completely overshadowed the earthquake which set it off despite not a single person dying of anything radiation related, yet thousands died in the resulting tidal wave. And of course, people's irrational fear of radiation is itself an example of this trope, due to the paranoia of [[The End of the World as We Know It|Mutually Assured Destruction]] during the [[Cold War]].
* [[NASA]] itself suffers from this. The organization that managed to put man in orbit, man on the moon, recover from a potential disaster in the middle of space, nearly 130 space shuttle missions, with a grand total of 17 fatalities (3 accidents: 1967 Apollo 1, 1986 Challenger, 2003 Columbia) in 40 years, and the only time they get attention (lately anyway) and thus cries for them to be shut down, is when an accident occurs. In ''[[Apollo 13]]'', it's pointed out that very few viewers tuned in to the lift-off and none of the networks aired an in-flight broadcast, but after the accident, suddenly everyone's interested.
{{quote|'''Marilyn Lovell:''' I thought they didn't care about this mission. They didn't even run Jim's show.
'''Henry Hurt:''' Well, it's more dramatic now. Suddenly people are...
'''Marilyn Lovell:''' Landing on the moon wasn't dramatic enough for them. Why should ''NOT'' landing on it be? }}
* [[Sony]] having the PSN network hacked and the personal information of over 77 million users being compromised as a result. To make matters worse, they didn't inform their costumer base that their personal info was at risk until a week after it happened. With evidence surfacing on how poorly Sony handled sensitive info, no one will ever trust Sony with their personal data after this.
** To be fair, [ Sony wasn't aware of how bad the breach was until the end of that aforementioned week], something that many companies don't typically report until a month passes ([ at least according to this]). Also, a security expert staunchly defended Sony by saying that such a breach was inevitable anyway, no matter how secure a network. Still, the most ironic part of all this? Almost everyone's furious at Sony, but few laid blame where it should've really gone: ''the hackers themselves''.
** The hackers certainly bear the principal portion of the blame but that in no way excuses Sony for their own negligence in security setup. If your bank is robbed because the bank left the doors unlocked at night and the vault open, while criminal liability may fall on the bank robbers you still have an abundance of reasons to be dissatisfied with the level of service at your bank.
* The Boy Scouts of America going all the way to the Supreme Court to fight for their right as a private organization to forbid homosexuals from joining. The jokes about "gay bashing merit badges" likely aren't going to stop any time soon.
* Airlines who have major accidents can have this happen to them. Pan Am folded a few years after the Lockerbie bombing, and ValuJet changed their name to AirTran after [[wikipedia:ValuJet Flight 592|Flight 592]] crashed in the Everglades.
* While [[Nintendo]] was (and still is) praised for its seminal franchises and its role in reinvigorating the North American video game market in the 1980s, the Japanese gaming giant is largely reviled in recent decades for what the gaming community perceives as backwards, out-of-touch and downright draconian treatment of its fanbase especially in the West, ranging from things such as suppression of ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]'' tournaments (particularly those using modified clients, though those who host the tournaments in question do not in any way intend to endorse or condone piracy), overly-zealous enforcement of copyrights e.g. litigation and cease-and-desist orders against those hosting and/or developing fan games (and in one extreme case, having someone [ arrested] for [ selling] hacked ''[[Pokemon]]'' [[Disproportionate Retribution|save files]]), and its "blue ocean" strategy of releasing intentionally-underpowered consoles at the expense of developers who would either make cut-down ports or separate editions of their games to account for Nintendo's unique hardware or avoid porting to a Nintendo console at all. Nintendo's actions are sometimes compared unfavourably to either [[Valve Corporation]] or [[Sega]] largely due to the latter companies' lenient stance towards fan labour.
== Other ==
Line 217 ⟶ 290:
* A staple of basically every stand-up impressionist's act, except Pablo Francisco.
** And in Pablo Francisco's case, what celebrities can Never Live Down is their own voices, which are used to hilarious effect simply because they are funny.
** Similarly, Vaughn Meader, a best-selling comedian whose key act was his spot-on impersonation of [[John F. Kennedy]] (one of his albums, ''The First Family'', sold millions). [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|Then Kennedy got assassinated]], [,,435135,00.html and his career was over], since no one could think of him doing anything else. [[Lenny Bruce]] opened his first performance after the assassination with "Whew! Vaughn Meader is '''screwed!'''"
* Regular comics don't have it easy either. Seinfeld is known for "What's up with that?", especially "What's the deal with airline food?"
* [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys]].
** While we're at it, the French government's declaration that Chernobyl's radioactive cloud was somehow magically stopped at the French border still draws a lot of snark. Even though the sentence is a [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|legend]].
{{quote|"Why close the airports? We all know the cloud will stop at the border as usual." ''— Public reaction to the 2010 Icelandic ash cloud approaching French airspace.''}}
* [[All Germans Are Nazis]].
** And to extent, anything related to [[Adolf Hitler|that guy]] will [[Never Live It Down]] [[Hitler Ate Sugar|as being associated with pure evil]].
* White South Africans and Apartheid.
** And for anyone who thinks that's justified, remember that there were quite a few white South Africans who opposed apartheid. And [[Cry the Beloved Country|wrote passionately against it.]]
Line 234 ⟶ 302:
** NPR interviewed a pilot whose callsign was Poo. He refused to go into detail as to how he got it.
** Honestly, too many callsign stories to list here, but many, many, [[Rule of Three|many]], can be found with a Google search.
* These days, the words "Catholic priest" have basically become synonymous with "[[Paedophile Priest|paedophile]]" thanks to case after case worldwide of priests preying upon children (particularly, young altar boys)–many of them covered up by church authorities and only now coming to light. If it weren't for the cover-ups, no doubt more people would notice that the vast majority of priests ''aren't'' child molesters.
* [[Marie Antoinette]], for the (in)famous "Let them eat cake" line [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|that she didn't even say]]. Although she got loads of worse associations in the century after the revolution, based on what the libel pamphlets claimed she did.
* Gerald Ratner. He ran a company making very cheap jewellery. At one function, he said in his speech: "We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap." His company's stock dropped by £500 million and, in British business circles, such a gaffe is referred to as "a Ratner.
* These days, the words "Catholic priest" have basically become synonymous with "paedophile" thanks to case after case worldwide of priests preying upon children -- many of them covered up by church authorities and only now coming to light. If it weren't for the cover-ups, no doubt more people would notice that the vast majority of priests ''aren't'' child molesters.
* Pretty much anyone who is well-known mainly via supermarket tabloids.
* The Space Shuttle Challenger completed nine successful missions before it exploded. But there are not mentions of those. From all the stories about it, you'd think it was the maiden voyage.
** The Space Shuttle Columbia gets this sometimes, too, especially among younger people and it flew successful missions for TWENTY YEARS before it was destroyed.
** [[NASA]] itself suffers from this. The organization that managed to put man in orbit, man on the moon, recover from a potential disaster in the middle of space, nearly 130 space shuttle missions, with a grand total of 17 fatalities (3 accidents: 1967 Apollo 1, 1986 Challenger, 2003 Columbia) in 40 years, and the only time they get attention (lately anyway) and thus cries for them to be shut down, is when an accident occurs.
*** In ''[[Apollo 13]]'', it's pointed out that very few viewers tuned in to the liftoff and none of the networks aired an in-flight broadcast, but after the accident, suddenly everyone's interested.
{{quote|'''Marilyn Lovell:''' I thought they didn't care about this mission. They didn't even run Jim's show.
'''Henry Hurt:''' Well, it's more dramatic now. Suddenly people are...
'''Marilyn Lovell:''' Landing on the moon wasn't dramatic enough for them. Why should ''NOT'' landing on it be? }}
* ''[[Philadelphia (useful notes)|Philadelphia]]'': [[Memetic Mutation|They boo]] [[Santa Claus]]. Or they'll [[Memetic Mutation|throw batteries]] at you.
** And they also cheer when an opposing player suffers a serious back injury. And there was a courtroom set up in Veterans Stadium because there was so much violence and misbehavior going on.
** And unlike most other cities, Philly fans ''and'' players are largely unrepentant about these types of misbehaviors and tend to openly relish brutal or violent [[Good Old Fisticuffs|gameplay]].
** Which should not be surprising at all, considering their [[NHL]] team's nickname is the "Broad Street ''Bullies,''" who pretty much [[Good Old Fisticuffs|punched their way]] to the [[Stanley Cup]] two years in a row in the 1970s and are still fairly well-known for [[Good Old Fisticuffs|playing with their fists before their sticks]] in the 2000s.
** [[Cleveland Rocks]]: Where rivers are flammable. The infamous Cuyahoga River fire was ''forty'' years ago. It wasn't the first, but it ''did'' get them to clean up their act.
* Kansas is forever seen as being stuck in the early 20th century, thanks to stuff like ''[[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]'', which was written and/or made in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century. That's like thinking that New York is still stuck in the late 1800's because you saw it in ''[[Gangs of New York]]''.
* The literary journal Social Text published a paper by physicist Alan Sokal that was a parody of postmodern philosophy as a protest against "fashionable nonsense" in the humanities. When the hoax was revealed, many people saw it as discrediting postmodernism.
* The US joining the two world wars years after they had started, creating many 'late to the game' jokes throughout the decades.
{{quote|'''[[Winston Churchill]]''': You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.}}
** Whenever a 'Flavour 2' from [[Eagle Land]] gets into a fight about the wars with any other citizen from another nation, expect this to be brought up immediately after the American makes the obligatory "[[America Wins the War|If it weren't for us you'd be speaking German!]]" comment.
*** If the hapless citizen being thus addressed is British, the obvious riposte is "If it weren't for us you'd be speaking Dutch".
** Another thing bashers always bring up is the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
*** Going by lower limits of the number of Hiroshima and Nagasaki casualties and the 9/11 casualties (according to the other wiki), more civilians died in the first 4 months of the bombings than would have died in 50 WTC attacks. Of course, apples and oranges, but it could segue into a discussion about whether embargoing Japan constituted a declaration of war and the validity of pre-emptive attacks (vis a vis Pearl Harbor, the Iraq war and the September 11th attacks) which would be a marked improvement over mud slinging.
**** By international law and established practice, a trade embargo is not an act of war. Free trade includes freedom not to trade.
* Pop quiz: Name the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "Pulaski, Tennessee"... ''other than'' "Birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan" (A stigma the town has been fighting for decades).
** On the other hand, filmmaker [[Spike Lee]] seems to lay the blame for this on Indianapolis, Indiana. While it's true that Indianapolis probably had more Klansmen per capita than any other major American city in the early 20th century, it is clear that Lee [[Did Not Do the Research]] - which is rather disappointing, because (for his movies, at least) he usually ''does''.
* Devotional self-crucifixion only occurs among a very minor community in the Philippines, mostly [[wikipedia:San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites|around the city of San Fernando, Pampanga.]] Foreigners who hear about this are understandably extremely weirded out and think that the practice is not only common in the Philippines, it's accepted and encouraged. It is '''not''': the Catholic Church refuses to endorse them. Outside of those certain communities, most Filipinos find such self-crucifixions unnecessary and unhealthy too.
* Despite the fact that Macs have been able to use multi-button USB mice for years and that Apple's mice have been capable of right-clicking for a while, a lot of Mac haters still love to deride the Mac as a computer that only has one mouse button.
* The ''[[British Newspapers|Daily Mail]]'' will never live down how it once supported Hitler's Nazis; some people argue that it still ''does''.
** Not to mention being the [[Trope Namer]] for "Political correctness gone mad!" and other sensationalist headlines.
** The whole Hannah Bond fiasco (where they described "emo" as some kind of malevolent cultish religion) has also firmly painted it as a terrible newspaper for a lot of young readers.
** The Daily Mail is well-known for saying that most things will cause cancer based on scientific reports of [ this nature]. Unfortunately, many elderly tend to believe this.
* Anyone who is caught cheating on their spouse can fall under this. Many people today seem to be taught to never forgive or forget, as they will constantly remind the person that they are a horrible person because they cheated, even if they've done all they can to make up for it. It also doesn't help that many talk shows and TV drama shows display this type of behavior.
** It also doesn't help that many caught cheaters (mostly men), along with many who simply don't subscribe to monogamy, will try to excuse their behaviors with the flimsiest of rationales: "It was just sex/a fling." "It didn't mean anything." "[[I'm Aa Man, I Can't Help It]]." Or the ever-popular "If I was getting what I needed at home..."
*** Given that in some countries adultery is a crime punishable by death (though in several of those countries a woman's testimony is not as reliable as a man's), a partner with a "zero tolerance" policy towards cheating is rather insignificant in comparison.
* [[Joss Whedon]]'s ''[[Firefly]]'' was set in a hybrid Chinese-American culture, yet none of the leads or speaking roles are ostensibly Asian. To this day, there is still [[Internet Backdraft]] around whether it's a simple accident due to being constantly [[Screwed by the Network]], or an exhibition of a mentality that thinks of Asian culture as nothing more than window-dressing. For some of the worse detractors, they will claim that Joss "never" has any Asians in lead or speaking roles. Apparently ''[[Dollhouse]]'' doesn't count.
** ''[[Firefly]]'' being canceled after a single season led people to believe that everything Joss touched was doomed to fail, and there were petitions to save ''[[Dollhouse]]'' before it even aired. Before ''[[Firefly]]'', Joss had Buffy which ran 7 seasons, and was brought back after two series finales in season 3 and 5, and Angel, which ran five seasons. Despite its poor reviews and numbers, ''[[Dollhouse]]'' was allowed to return for a second season and a proper series finale. Yet people still act like Joss's series never make it past the first season.
* 2010 - So you're a criminal organization in Denmark, with a fearsome name like: "The Black Cobras". Looking to make an impression on the world? Steal a ridiculous amount of [ snack cakes], [ never live it down] thanks to an [[And That's Terrible|existing]] [[Memetic Mutation]].
* This is more or less the rule for all nicknames: commit one innocuously embarrassing act at the age of 8, and be nicknamed after it forever.
** Scott Adams, in ''[[Dilbert|The Joy of Work]]'', recommends not saying anything at all around witty people that they can use to make fun of you. He gives an example in which a speaker says they watched a movie last night, is called a "couch potato", and despite their best efforts is nicknamed "Spud".
* [[4Kids Entertainment]] may be adamant about maintaining its policy of self-censorship, but compared to 6 years ago they have been more subtle about it, now largely relies on animation imported from countries other than Japan, and even placed subtitled episodes of some of their acquired anime on their Youtube channel. But none of this is going to change the minds of their many detractors until they see the company rot to the ground.
** Not to mention that there are worse companies out there than 4Kids.
** [[One Piece]].
* [[Image Boards|Anonymous]] '''''really''''' likes to do this to anyone who even so much as makes one stupid decision on the internet, especially if said person responds to any one of them. Yet another good reason [[Just Ignore It|not to feed the trolls]].
* Coca Cola is still ridiculed over New Coke. This despite the fact that the original Coke was already losing ground to Pepsi at the time, and that New Coke used the same formula as Diet Coke which was also outselling the original. Or that they switched back less than three months later due to the backlash. Apparently the stupidest thing a company can do is go with what looks like a good idea by the research and then quickly correct their mistake when it doesn't work.
* Vauxhall, for creating the odd-looking (at the time) 1980 Vauxhall Astra, which is an automobile now [[Vindicated by History]], but [[Convicted by Public Opinion]] at the time. Nevertheless, it sold well enough.
* [[wikipedia:Freedom fries|The one incident]] where the cafeterias of the US Congress and certain eating establishments in the US renamed French fries to "Freedom fries" and French toast to "Freedom toast". Because France didn't want to help them in the Iraq War. The world is NOT going to let America forget this.
** This was not the first time this happened to the USA - many people still remember the infamous "Liberty cabbage" during WWII.
Line 286 ⟶ 321:
* Lemmings. For the false assumption that they commit mass suicide, no less. What really happens is that some species of lemmings do mass migrations, and the migrating lemmings aren't smart enough to realize that some rivers and lakes are too wide to swim across, so they drown before before getting to the other side.
** This was ''not'' helped by [[Disney]] production studios hearing the claims, and the production staff, while shooting a documentary, [[Executive Meddling|decided to capture it on-screen... even if they had to]] [ herd the lemmings off the cliff to do so].
* France. Once one of the biggest [[Badass]] nations in Europe, fighting [[The British Empire|The Empire Where The Sun Never Sets]] to a stand-still cold war for ''over a hundred years'', not to mention helping Americans out in [[The American Revolution|fighting for their independence]]. And at one time was even lead by [[Napoleon Bonaparte|a real-life Magnificent Bastard]]. Then, one day, [[World War II|they get ambushed by Germany]], and suddenly they're [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|the world's biggest pussies]]. For perspective, this is like if after Magneto ripped some of the adamantium out of his skeleton, everyone started calling [[Wolverine]] a wimp.
** Within France, you have the descendants of Vendée, who simply won't forget the fact that their cause was lost in the [[French Revolution]] and their subsequent rebellion. Even the admiration and respect given them by [[Napoleon Bonaparte]] doesn't stop their rather persistent "defiance" to the Republic.
* Thanks to the Lindy Chamberlain case, [[Australian Wildlife|Dingoes]] are infamous worldwide for [[Eats Babies|eating babies]].
** And Australians in general were left with the stigma of thinking a bereaved family member must have murdered the dead person themselves if they don't look sufficiently broken up.
Line 293 ⟶ 326:
** Thanks to several fairly well publicized cases, Christian Science is becoming associated with parents who let their children die of conditions that are treatable, such as diabetes.
* When most people think of Mormonism, they immediately think of polygamy, despite the LDS Church banning the practice in 1890. And magic underwear.
* These days, BP is mostly remembered and hated for the oil spill. It doesn't help that they had all but disappeared off the map in the decade leading up to it.
* Averted by Dow Chemicals, which acquired Union Carbide and found legal loopholes to make all of UC's obligations to clean up its horrendous chemical spill in Bhopal, India (a disaster 10-20 times worse than Chernobyl) simply disappear. Chernobyl is a [[Never Live It Down]], but Bhopal is largely forgotten and Dow's image didn't suffer a bit.
** This is probably because people in general have an irrational fear of radiation, such that nuclear disasters tend to be reacted to with a greater amount of panic than other types. Look at the press coverage of the Fukushima reactor disaster, which completely overshadowed the earthquake which set it off despite not a single person dying of anything radiation related; yet thousands died in the resulting tidal wave.
*** And of course, people's irrational fear of radiation is itself an example of this trope, due to the paranoia of [[The End of the World as We Know It|Mutually Assured Destruction]] during the [[Cold War]].
* Fukushima is this to Chernobyl. Just when it looked like the world was finally going to get over its irrational fear of Nuclear power after Chernobyl, Fukushima gets hit with a double whammy earthquake, then tidal wave. Now you have people calling it the second Chernobyl, despite the fact only a fraction of the amount of radiation leaked. Fukushima is now rated on the same severity as Chernobyl; even though the area around it will be considered hazardous for decades to come due to the reactor materials buried around the site and sitting at the bottom of the nearby lake.
* The Three Mile Island incident is still regarded as a terrible accident within America, going to far as to have it rated just 2 steps down from Chernobyl, even though no radiation leaked.
* The M16 series has been the United States military's mainstay for half a century now. Thanks to both attempted sabotage and less-than-intelligent design decisions during the Vietnam War where it was first fielded, it has a reputation that would suggest it can't even fire a full magazine without some form of problem rendering it unusable. This is especially so because the primary competitor is the AK series, which has a legendary reputation for reliability to the point there are tales of leaving one in a swamp for a month and it'll still fire. Modern variations are far more reliable and even outperform the AK series in several durability areas (The AK has more open areas for stuff to get in)
* [[Sony]] having the PSN network hacked and the personal information of over 77 million users being compromised as a result. To make matters worse, they didn't inform their costumer base that their personal info was at risk until a week after it happened. With evidence surfacing on how poorly Sony handled sensitive info, no one will ever trust Sony with their personal data after this.
** To be fair, [ Sony wasn't aware of how bad the breach was until the end of that aforementioned week], something that many companies don't typically report until a month passes ([ at least according to this]). Also, a security expert staunchly defended Sony by saying that such a breach was inevitable anyway, no matter how secure a network. Still, the most ironic part of all this? Almost everyone's furious at Sony, but few laid blame where it should've really gone: ''the hackers themselves''.
** The hackers certainly bear the principal portion of the blame but that in no way excuses Sony for their own negligence in security setup. If your bank is robbed because the bank left the doors unlocked at night and the vault open, while criminal liability may fall on the bank robbers you still have an abundance of reasons to be dissatisfied with the level of service at your bank.
* The M16 series has been the United States military's mainstay for half a century now. Thanks to both attempted sabotage and less-than-intelligent design decisions during the Vietnam War where it was first fielded, it has a reputation that would suggest it can't even fire a full magazine without some form of problem rendering it unusable. This is especially so because the primary competitor is the AK series, which has a legendary reputation for reliability to the point there are tales of leaving one in a swamp for a month and it'll still fire. Modern variations are far more reliable and even outperform the AK series in several durability areas (The AK has more open areas for stuff to get in)
** And speaking of the AK-47, the AK series is probably never going to live down the fact that it is the most widely used assault rifle amongst terrorists, criminals and insurgents. Never mind that it is the basis of almost every assault rifle, SMG and marksman's firearm East of Germany and a few to the West, or that the AK-47 and its derivatives are used by just as many military and police agencies.
* Despite the city of [[Pittsburgh]] getting rid of most of its steel industry, most people who have never been to Pittsburgh still remember it as the polluted Steel City.
** The Pittsburgh Steelers might have something to do with that...
* Arguably, this can happen in the case of radical or hard-line nationalists and revolutionaries. Imagine Mexico ''still'' viewing America as an evil enemy to this day over the Alamo and losing the Mexican-American War, and you get the idea.
** [[Mexico Called. They Want Texas Back.|Don't they still?]]
** Additionally, open any article with the slightest reference to Mexico. [[Drinking Game|Take a tequila shot]] for every [[Internet Tough Guy|racist]] telling the evil immigrants to get out of "his" country. [[Step Three: Profit|Die from alcohol and vitriol poisoning.]]
* Animals will be stereotyped accordingly to one trait, or one mishap by a member of the species. This is especially noticeable in Dog breeds; just ask anyone with a Pit Bull type breed.
* The Boy Scouts of America going all the way to the Supreme Court to fight for their right as a private organization to forbid homosexuals from joining. The jokes about "gay bashing merit badges" likely aren't going to stop any time soon.
* [[All Psychology Is Freudian|All psychologists sit in couches, talking about your mom.]]
* Airlines who have major accidents can have this happen to them. Pan Am folded a few years after the Lockerbie bombing, and ValuJet changed their name to AirTran after [[wikipedia:ValuJet Flight 592|Flight 592]] crashed in the Everglades.
* [[Ozzy Osbourne]] will always be remembered for biting the head off a live bat on-stage (he thought it was a prop, and there's debate as to whether or not the bat was already dead when it was handed to him.)
** Better that than drunkenly peeing on the Alamo, which got him banned from Texas for nearly a decade.
* Japan suffered this to an extent during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Look at all the Facebook reactions around the time the disaster happened and see how many consisted of variations on "That's for [[Pearl Harbor]]!" [[Completely Missing the Point|Because obviously Mother Nature is on America's side.]]
** Not to mention all the Facebook users who posted those comments, as they were both guilty of [[Unfortunate Implications]] and [[Dude, Not Funny]].
** There were also people saying this kind of comment about almost every other kind of natural disaster - count how many people make comments of "Well your fault, you chose to live there" whenever a wildfire breaks out or a tornado blows away half the town.
*** Maybe not so much tornados, but building your house in a wildfire zone is rather inexcusable. The US Forest Service are smart people. They know all about forest fires and wildfires and will cheerfully tell you where there is a high risk of said forest and wildfires. If you build your house in one of said zones because of the pretty view, and a wildfire or forest fire occurs, like it does many a year, and then your house burns down, well, that's that. The same goes for flood and hurricane zones. You built your house on sand in a flood zone. Then a flood happens. This isn't in respect to people in developing nations who live in a mudslide zone but have no choice, this is more people who can build there house where ever they really please and do so in a bad area to build a house.
** There was [[wikipedia:Sharon Stone#Chinese earthquake|Sharon Stone on the Chinese earthquake]]
* Assuming you trust that stories on [[The Daily WTF]] aren't made up, the conclusion of [ this story]: Brad (probably not his real name) used to be known as '''the''' senior trader at Æxecor (probably also not its real name). Brad is now known as "the guy who bought an enormous pile of coal by accident".
* The Canadian attitude towards Toronto is lukewarm at best. The stereotype is that Torontonians are self-centered, money-grubbing fussbudgets who panic at the mere mention of snow. Nowhere is this attitude more prevalent than Quebec, the Prairies and Northern Ontario. Imagine the reaction when, after a particularly nasty snowfall (about a metre; child's play for Quebec, the North or the Prairies) the mayor of Toronto called in the ''Armed Forces'' to assist. With ''snow''. In ''Canada''. You don't need to, actually. The reaction was laughter. Lots of it.
* After a spate of crashes in [[The Seventies]], the DC-10 got a reputation as an unsafe airliner, even years after some of its design flaws were fixed. Try mentioning the plane in an aviation forum some time.
** Another plane that still generates a [[Broken Base]] is the F-104 Starfighter. The first reason was that it had developed a reputation as an unsafe and unreliable aircraft. [[Ace Pilot|Erich Hartmann]], one of the first people to ever fly in a jet fighter and a commander in the West German Luftwaffe declared it unfit for Luftwaffe service. This was before the Starfighter was even introduced. The second was the Lockheed Bribery Scandals. It made it look like the Starfighter was so bad/dangerous to fly that you had to ''bribe'' some one to use it. Needless to say, there is still some argument as to if the Starfigher deserves that reputation or not.
** Given that the casualty figures for Starfighter pilots ''in peacetime'' are, by percentage, about identical to the casualty figures for infantry platoon leaders during the Vietnam war<ref>Which was one of the least safe jobs in the military you could find at the time.</ref>, I think we can fairly call the Starfighter a less than entirely safe aircraft to fly.
* From the way people talk about it, you'd think that nothing happened on any September 11th, ever, except for planes crashing into the World Trade Centre in 2001. Lampshaded in ''[[More Information Than You Require]]''.
* Ask anyone what immediately comes to mind when they think about Chicago, Illinois. One of the biggest cities in the Midwest? Final stop for cowboys on long cattle drives? The Sears/Willis Tower? Nope. Most of the time, it will be one of four things: Bootlegging, [[Al Capone]], [[The Mafia]] and corrupt politicians.
* Due to its heavy reliance on regular expressions and its extreme flexibility, Perl got a reputation as a programming language designed to create unreadable programs.
* The "GOTO" command in Basic, Perl, and PHP: An article was written entitled "Goto considered harmful" -- ''one'' article, mind you -- and to this day people act as if inserting a single Goto into a program will render it indecipherable.
* Police officers. It doesn't seem to matter that the majority obey their codes of conduct and have cordial to uneventful interactions with their communities. No thanks to a number of high-profile black sheep charged with crimes ranging from taking bribes to beating suspected criminals to pulp, some people have developed contempt towards them especially in marginalised communities. A number of [[Cop Show]]s and similar media portraying them and other emergency services groups have attracted scrutiny especially in the 2010s and 2020s for glorifying what critics call "copaganda" aiming to present a squeaky-clean image of police officers. One such example was the Canadian children's animated series ''[[PAW Patrol]]'', which gained controversy in 2020 due to its portrayal of police pup Chase in an overly positive light which critics juxtapose with news articles about police corruption and brutality.
* No thanks to the series of battery safety incidents in 2016, Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 became better remembered as the phone which doubles as an improvised explosive device than for its intended features.
* Anyone with the slightest bit of corporate experience knows that getting fired just once, unless you have some clear extenuating circumstance, will leave a permanent black mark on your record that will have any future employers extremely wary about hiring you, even if you buck up and completely turn your life around after the firing. Granted, most companies don't fire at the first sign of incompetence, but only after multiple rounds of disciplinary action, so it's not exactly something that comes out of nowhere. That said, even one round of disciplinary action can also be a stain that mars your chances of promotion.
* First impressions do this, for better or worse. Just the first few seconds of interaction can forever taint how you are viewed by others despite whatever evidence to the contrary emerges later.
[[Category:Real Life]]
[[Category:Never Live It Down]]