Never Live It Down/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| "Well, I guess it'll be a date to '''die''' for."}}
** On a related case to Sonic, Dimps. This development studio made some nice [[Sonic Advance Trilogy (Video Game)|2D]] [[Sonic Rush Series (Video Game)|platformers]] for the series, and [[Street Fighter IV (Video Game)|some other well-received games.]] But the only thing they'll ever be remembered for is "[[Ruined FOREVER|ruining]] [[Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Video Game)|Sonic 4]]".
* Zelda is known for being kidnapped constantly, and apparently every game is based on this concept. This is not the case. Admittedly, Zelda has been rescued in several games, she is often depicted as being able to take care of herself. The most famous Zelda game is arguably ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'', and you actually discover late in the game that {{spoiler|she was the kick-awesome ninja dude that has been fighting evil and bossing you around for half the game.}} Zelda HAS been kidnapped, enchanted, turned to stone and whatnot for half of the game, but the other half was spent kicking butt.
** She also [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)|surrendered her entire kingdom to Zant without a fight]], which left some fans less than impressed with her, even though the ''reasoning'' behind this was because Zant had all her soldiers at gunpoint (so to speak) and made it clear that his power could ''destroy'' her kingdom if she didn't hand it over. She was basically doing the logical thing, and even if you think that's bad, she more than makes up for it later by {{spoiler|saving Midna's life, and later helping fight Ganondorf on horseback.}}
** If one happens to run across a page that makes an example of ''[[The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker]]'' and isn't [[Butt Monkey|joking at Link's expense]], then it'll be [[Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?|gushing]] about him {{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|stabbing Ganon through the head]].}}
** [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)|Fi]]. Most fans [[The Scrappy|loathe her]] for effectively taking the [[Stop Helping Me!]] factor [[Up to Eleven]], even rivaling fellow [[Exposition Fairy]] Navi. While she can get rather annoying, by the way some people talk about her, [[Flanderization|she constantly interrupts gameplay every five seconds and always reports information shown right in front of your face,]] [[Ruined FOREVER|and made the game near unplayable.]] The fact that [[The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask (Video Game)|Tatl]], [[The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker (Video Game)|the King of Red Lions]], and [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)|Midna]] were [[Ensemble Darkhorse|fan-favorites]] didn't help, and Fi's comparatively [[The Spock|cold]] and sometimes [[Uncanny Valley|creepy]] disposition only made it worse.
* Veigue of ''[[Tales of Rebirth (Video Game)|Tales of Rebirth]]'' is only remembered by the fandom as "that guy who [[Say My Name|screams his girlfriend's name a lot]].
* [[Way Forward Technologies]] is better known for their oft-maligned launch period [[Nintendo DS]] messenger app release Ping Pals and [[The Problem With Licensed Games|mediocre cartoon tie-in]] than their more applauded work, notably the rare and [[Needs More Love|underappreciated]] [[Game Boy Color]] game [[Shantae]], and as such, has infuriatingly been referenced instead in features and reviews on their work in [[Contra|Contra 4]] for the [[Nintendo DS]].
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* Sony Online Entertainment will never live down the "New Game Enhancements" to ''[[Star Wars Galaxies (Video Game)|Star Wars Galaxies]]'' in Nov. 2005, which caused the hemorrhaging of subscriptions and saw the beginning of the six-year slippery slope to the game's cancellation in late 2011.
** Simiarlly, the Playstation Network will never be looked at the same way again thanks to Sony not handling the hacking incidents on its networks more swiftly, which caused the PSN to be down for almost a month.
* [[Super Mario Bros|Yoshi]] is often thought of as a mindless monster who eats people, gets ridden on all the time, and [[Pokémon -Speak|speaks like a Pokémon]]. However, many video games have shown that he is kind, intelligent, and perfectly capable of speech, and ever since the Gamecube era, he has stood in a pose that makes him practically impossible to ride.
* Bianca Whitaker from ''[[Dragon Quest V (Video Game)|Dragon Quest V]]'', DS remake, is remembered for having a habit of reminding you [[Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?|how she and the hero went on a ghost hunting when they were kids]]. She only talks about ghost hunting a few time after she and her childhood friend reunion, and will only talk about it more along with other things when you're revisiting her places of memory in a party chat. Of course, some fans ignore this, resulting Bianca being a lot less dateable.
* If one were to mention the name [[CAVE]], the ONLY image that will pop into most gamers' minds is that of their infamous [[True Final Boss|True Final Bosses]], never mind the other 98% of the games they appear in.
* The only thing ever mentioned when ''[[Doom (Video Game)|Doom]] 3'' is brought up is that [[Who Forgot the Lights?|the game is really dark]]. Nobody ever mentions [[Nightmare Fuel|how scary that makes the overall experience]], of course.
* Not to forget ''[[Zero Wing]]''. "All your base are belong to us!"
* In-universe in [[Solatorobo]], protagonist Red finds out that [[Tagalong Kid]] Elh is scared of bugs. It becomes a [[Running Gag]] in the game. Elh even says "I'm never going to live this down, am I?" the first time the fact is discovered.