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Dear Pip,
I'm sorry you thought TREACLE was spelt with a K.
I'm sorry you're an idiot
I'm sorry to hear you lost your recent spelling bee because you're an idiot. Please accept my deepest apologies for any trouble I may have caused you. I promise I'll never wish you luck again you ungrateful little.
Yours faithfully,
Morrigan Crow

Morrigan: Fen?
Fenestra: Mmm?
Morrigan: Your saliva smells like sardines
Fenestra: Yeah, well. I'm a cat
Morrigan: Now my face smells like sardines.
Fenestra: I don't care. I'm a cat.

Nobody had mentioned a very intense garden party. (Morrigan could think of at least twelve disasters she and her curse could bring to a garden party, not even counting bumblebee stings and hay fever.)

[Jupiter North]:“Don’t be alarmed; I’m ginger.” Ginger was an understatement, Morrigan thought, trying to hide her astonishment as the hat came off. Ginger of the Year or King Ginger or Big Gingery President of the Ginger Foundation for the Incurably Ginger would have been more accurate.

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