Nevermoor: Difference between revisions

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* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: ''Mog'', given to Morrigan by Jupiter, used throughout the entire series. Jupiter states that he likes giving people nicknames and tries hard to find one for Morrigan. {{quote|'''Jupiter North''': Oh, just thinking about what we can do with Morrigan. You know, for a nickname. Morrie ... Moro ... No. Moz. Mozza. Mozzie?}}
* [[Alternative Calendar]]: In the series, time is divided into Ages. Each Age starts with Morningtide and Eventide, and usually lasts for twelve years. The first book is kickstarted when Eventide comes a year early, and Morrigan, being a cursed child, is destined to die on the year, setting the events for Jupiter North to come and spirit her away to the Free States and Nevermooor.
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: Wundersmiths are viewed as this by most people. They once has a great reputation, and are seen as forces of good, using their powers to help their community. With Ezra Squall, that perception changed, and they are now viewed as Always Chaotic Evil, and the name ''Wundersmith'' used with fear and caution. {{spoiler|Then Morrigan turns out to be a Wundersmith, and starts doubting herself despite Jupiter's constant [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are]] speeches.}}
* [[The Apprentice]]: Ezra Squall wishes to make Morrigan his apprentice. Unfortunately, being perceived as the world's most evil man mildly hampers your ability to get apprentices. {{spoiler|He finally succeeds in the end of ''Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow'', where Morrigan signs a contract to learn more about her abilities and the contract will only end once she has mastered all nine Wretched Arts.}}
* [[Aura Vision]]: The power granted to Jupiter North and his nephew Jack. Jupiter, through practice, is able to control this ability, and turn it off as well as share it with others. Jack, on the other hand, is not so lucky, and wears an eyepatch to turn it off, initially leading Morrigan to believe that he is actually blind in that eye.
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* [[Cats Are Snarkers]]: The Magnificat Fenestra inserts some sort of sarcastic phrase or remark into every other sentence.
* [[Character Title]]: Morrigan Crow herself appears in the title of all the books in the series.
* [[Child Prodigy]]: Every candidate who wishes to join the Wunderous society, possessing a knack which makes them exceptionally talented in a specific field. Every child who has made it through the trials, thus, is even more special because they have to get a patron to notice them, and pass through all four trials.
* [[Coming of Age]]: A ''literal'' coming of age at the start of the book on Morrigan's eleventh birthday, then she gets "whisked away" to Nevermoor. The series deals strongly with her psyche, and her maturing and {{spoiler|learning to control her powers as a Wundersmith}} while growing up and making friends.
* [[Compelling Voice]]: This is Cadance Blackburn's ability, referred to in universe as being a mesmerist. She can steal, then make the policeman that comes handcuff themselves. This does lead to a [[Blessed With Suck]] situation, where no one remembers her except Morrigan {{spoiler|and the rest of Unit 919 once they receive the proper training}}, so she struggles to make friends. In addition, this ability makes her mistrusted among her peers.
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** The second book depicts Morrigan surrounded by a bunch of magical orbs. It turns out that {{spoiler|these orbs are actually memories, and that the cover takes place in the Museum of Stolen Memories.}}
** The third book's cover depicts the climax of the novel, where {{spoiler|Morrigan works with Fenestra to eradicate the Hollowpox from all the infected Wunimals.}}
* [[Deconstruction]]: {{spoiler|Morrigan's status of being a Wundersmith can be linked to the idea of being a chosen one, as they are both blessed with powerful abilities and expected to accomplish great feats. It discusses the stigma which is associated with chosen ones, as all it takes is one person like Ezra Squall to go rogue and their reputation will be forever tarnished. They then have to face judgement and controversy the moment they bring up their abilities. It also covers the stress of being such an individual, at the center of negative attention.}}
** The Free States' isolation is also explored. While it keeps out Ezra Squall and the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow, it also means that genuine, useful trade between it and the Wintersea Republic cannot happen. {{spoiler|In ''Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow'', Nevermoor could really use the cure for Hollowpox developed by the Wintersea Republic, but the closed borders as well as reluctance to outsiders, combined with Squall's warning about the president of the Wintersea Republic, meant that the trade did not go through.}}
* [[Dragon Rider]]: Hawthorne Swift's knack is this.
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: {{spoiler|Subverted.}} Wundersmiths are seen as this by the residents of Nevermoor due to the actions of {{spoiler|Ezra Squall}}. The name itself is feared throughout the city, and {{spoiler|Unit 919 is reclusive and silent towards Morrigan because she is a Wundersmith. Subverted because Morrigan should be a ruthless dictator based on societal expectations, but she is just a [[Deadpan Snarker]].}}
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* [[Mega Neko]]: The Magnificats, described as being the size of an elephant, and as the largest cat that Morrigan has seen. One Magnificat, Fenestra, works at the Hotel Deucalion, and her growl can make people faint. Before the events of the plot, she is a cage fighter, and became the champion for three years in a row. She even agrees to be Morrigan's steed for the chase trial, and is considerably faster than the other mounts.
* [[Never Accepted in His Hometown]]: Morrigan, because she is viewed as a cursed child. {{spoiler|This also extends to her new town in Nevermoor, initially due to her illegal immigration, but then due to her reveal as a Wundersmith. The trope is ultimately played straight because, through hard work, Morrigan becomes accepted by the people around her.}}
* [[No Hugging, No Kissing]]: Books one to three never discuss any kind of romance or relationships, despite having many characters that are the opposite gender. Romance is never the focus of any story arcs. This applies to characters of different ages: the pre-teen (and teenage) Morrigan, the teenage Jack, and the adult Jupiter.
* [[The Order]]: The prestigious Wunderous Society. It only accepts the most advanced and talented of people in Nevermoor, recruiting only nine new members a year, who has to pass rigorous trials. {{spoiler|Their original goal is to train Wundersmiths, and to cater to their abilities. After Ezra Squall's masscare, they reestablished their public image as being firmly against Wundersmiths, closing down the ninth floor.}} Their members are expected to help around the community, and, in return, they are treated with dignity and respect. Joining this order, however, can prove stressful, due to the added responsibilities.
* [[Pensieve Flashback]]: The Ghostly Hours work like this. They are recorded moments of the past, stuck in a time loop, and pops up on a regular basies. They are recorded in a book, which Morrigan uses to {{spoiler|find the next lesson to take to further her abilities.}} Once inside, individuals can move and walk around, as well as talk, which allows them to follow along with recorded lessons.
* [[Persona Non Grata]]: Ezra Squall is barred from entering the Free States where Nevermoor is situated. [[Justified]] as he is considered the world's most evil man in the series, having killed many before finally being banished. He still manages to occasionally sneak an embodiment of him in using the Gossamer line, leaving his physical body behind but enabling him to talk to people within the city.
* [[Phantasy Spelling]]: ''Wunder'', the in universe version of magic, as well as the correspondingly named Wunderous Society and Wundersmith.
* [[Platonic Life Partners]]: Hawthorne and Morrigan has been best friends since book one, and, despite being opposite genders, the potential of them entering a romantic relationship is [[No Hugging, No Kissing|never discussed or acknowledged]]. [[Justified]], in that they are too young to think about romance.
* [[Plucky Girl]]: Morrigan Crow. Let's see, she survived nearly dying, nearly getting deported, the trials to get into Wunsoc, {{spoiler|dealing with the social stigma of being a Wundersmith inside her unit, having a [[Superpower Meltdown]], and dealing with the social stigma of being a Wundersmith outside of her unit}}. She's still as snarky as ever.
* [[Portmanteau]]: The '''Wun'''derous '''Soc'''iety is shortened to '''Wunsoc'''.
** '''Magnifi'''cent + '''Cat''' = '''Magnificat'''
** '''Wun'''derous + an'''imal''' = '''Wunimal''', the term for animals which possess human intelligence and language.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Hawthorne is much more energetic and outgoing than his best friend Morrigan.
* [[Secret Art]]: The nine Wretched Arts that Wundersmiths have to learn. They can be learned by non-Wundersmiths, however it takes a lifetime to master just one. Because there can only be nine Wundersmiths alive at a time, and {{spoiler|most of them were killed by Ezra Squall}}, they are mostly lost. Ezra Squall is the only person who has mastered all of the arts, although there are some select people, like the Yule Queen and {{spoiler|Professor Onstald}}, who has learnt Weaving and Tempus, respectively. {{spoiler|There are no living tutors which can help Morrigan further her abilities, so she has to rely on [[Pensieve Flashback]]s.}} The named arts are:
** Nocturne, the act of calling Wunder by [[Magic Music]]
** Weaving, the act of changing reality with one's mind.
** Ruination, the act or delibrate destruction and breaking something apart from the inside.
** Masquerade, the act of replicating others' actions and voice.
** Veil, the manipulation of shadows to hide its user and others.
** Tempus, the act of manipulating time, like slowing down time. Its user can choose people to exempt fromthe effect.
** Inferno, the act of using fire. It allows Wundersmiths to breath fire from their mouth. {{spoiler|The Inferno seal is the only one that Morrigan has obtained at the end of book three, signifying that she has mastered this art.}}
* [[Short Title: Long Elaborate Subtitle]]: All of the books in the series are named like this, with a single word followed by ''The (verb) of Morrigan Crow''.
* [[Significant Birth Date]]: Morrigan's birthday is stated to be on Morningtide, the beginning of a new age, causing her to be cursed.