Neverwinter Nights 2/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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== Original Campaign ==
* Right before the Shadow Army's attack on Crossroad Keep, {{spoiler|Ammon Jerro returns to his granddaughter Shandra's farm in search of some magic items he left there. You arrive just in time to see him ambushed by a Pit Fiend who he had imprisoned in his Haven, who mocks him for his [[Accidental Murder]] of Shandra before attacking. After you both defeat the Devil, Ammon starts berating you, saying he didn't need any help. You and him then start going back and forth in an argument, with you trying to convince him that what he did before joining you was wrong, and him trying to justify it. Finally, Ammon demands to know what Shandra saw in you, since all her troubles were technically indirectly caused by you. If your influence with Shandra was high, you then tell him ''exactly'' what she saw in you. Taken aback by this, Ammon ''finally'' realizes that his methods, while well intentioned, ended up hurting the world he had sought to protect, but most of all, it hurt himself. He falls to his knees and solemnly calls out to Shandra's spirit, apologizing for his actions and begging forgiveness. As if on cue, a flash of light reveals a magical pendent that belonged to Shandra, which Ammon then takes. This final conversation cinches the whole scene.}}