New Girl: Difference between revisions

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[[File:myyyypiiiccnewwww_6678.png|frame|Who's that girl? ''It's Jess!'']]
{{quote|''"So, you know in [[Horror Films|horror movies]], where the girl's like 'oh my god, there's something in the basement... let me just [[Too Dumb to Live|run down there in my underwear and see what's going on in the dark]].' And you're like 'what is your problem? Call the police!' And she's like 'okay!' But it's too late, because she's already getting murdered -- well, my story's kinda like that."''|'''Jess Day'''}}
|'''Jess Day'''}}
''New Girl'' is an [[American Series|American-made]] [[Sitcom]] starring [[Zooey Deschanel]] that premiered in 2011 on [[FOX]].
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** Precisely two people (including Jess) have called Nick "Nicholas", and the other one got snapped at for it.
** "Schmitty".
* [[The Alleged Car]]: Winston's truck, professionally deemed as "not officially a car anymore." After it breaks down for good, he reluctantly abandons it and acquires a [[Cool Car|vintage Chevelle SS convertible]] (though it's possible the latter is his boss' car and his boss just isn't allowed to drive it anymore because of all his DUIs).
** Potentially Jess' station wagon, which apparently used to be her parents' station wagon, and which she has a long tradition of pushing places when it stalls. Unlike Winston's, it hasn't dropped dead yet, though.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: Averted with Paul. Played straight with Schmidt. Also played straight whenever Cece is involved.
** Played straight while self-completing, as far as Jess is concerned.
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]
* [[The Alleged Car]]: Winston's truck, professionally deemed as "not officially a car anymore." After it breaks down for good, he reluctantly abandons it and acquires a [[Cool Car|vintage Chevelle SS convertible]] (though it's possible the latter is his boss' car and his boss just isn't allowed to drive it anymore because of all his DUIs).
** Potentially Jess' station wagon, which apparently used to be her parents' station wagon, and which she has a long tradition of pushing places when it stalls. Unlike Winston's, it hasn't dropped dead yet, though.
* [[Almost Kiss]]: Jess and Nick in "The Landlord". In the most awkward and hilarious context possible.
** Specifically, when about to engage in an accidental threesome with their landlord. Yeah.
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* [[Dance Party Ending]]: The roommate chicken dance at the end of "Wedding", and all dancing to the same song in their various rooms in collective joy in the Season 1 finale -- the chicken dance even comes out again.
* [[Discontinuity]]: In the pilot, Jess says the word "penis". In the third episode, she is unable to say it. (Then again, it was a little sing-songy in the first episode.)
* [[Do Not Try This At Home]]: As demonstrated in one episode, defrosting your turkey in a dryer? ''Bad idea!''
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Jess and Schmidt attempting to shove a very large turkey into a very small oven. Immediately lampshaded by Schmidt.
{{quote|'''Schmidt:''' We've all been here, am I right?
'''Nick and Winston:''' Jar.}}
* [[Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune]]:
** Co-written<ref>with [[Donnie Darko|Michael]] [[Freaks and Geeks|Andrews]], show creator [[No Strings Attached|Elizabeth Meriwether]] and executive producers Dave Finkel and Brett Baer</ref> and performed by Deschanel.
** Jess creates one in-universe, as seen below in [[Pep Talk Song]].
** Schmidt also has one in universe, but it's not exactly a pep talk.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Jess and Schmidt attempting to shove a very large turkey into a very small oven. Immediately lampshaded by Schmidt.
{{quote|'''Schmidt:''' We've all been here, am I right?
'''Nick and Winston:''' Jar.}}
* [[Do Not Try This At Home]]: As demonstrated in one episode, defrosting your turkey in a dryer? ''Bad idea!''
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: Everyone in the apartment to some extent.
* [[Erotic Dream]]: In Winston's dream, Jess had raccoon hands and was "digging through his garbage".
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** [[The Heart]]: Nick.
* [[Formerly Fat]]: Both Jess and Schmidt.
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: Schmidt is the Id, Winston is the Ego, and Nick is the Superego.
* [[Friends with Benefits]]/[[Secret Relationship]]
* [[Friend to All Children]]: Winston, seemingly.
* [[Friends with Benefits]]/[[Secret Relationship]]
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: Nadia, Cece's Russian model roommate.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Part of the reason why Julia doesn't like Jess is because she can see that she is the "mean lawyer girl" while Jess is the "nice teacher girl".
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: This is basically what happens when people find out Schmidt and Cece are sleeping together. Winston, especially.
** "Is that a stop sign? Maybe it's a go sign. Because if somebody like you is sleeping with somebody like her, then maybe the whole damn world is upside down."
* [[Girl of the Week|Guy/Girl of the Week]]: Paul and then Russell for Jess and Julia for Nick, though technically each hung around for more than one episode.
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** When trying to hire a stripper for Schmidt's birthday, she asks for one with a heart of gold "and a crotch of gold, too."
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Socially, Cece's this to Jess.
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: When we first meet Jess' friend Sadie, she has just heard the story of Nick's girlfriend insulting Jess' entire personality as being a quaint ploy for attention. The first thing out of Sadie's mouth is "I'm sorry, she doesn't like desserts?"
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Jess resolves on doing this for Nick in the finale, inspired by Schmidt's more delusional version of "''[[White Fang]]''-ing" (as he calls it) in relation to Cece.
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: The majority of the episodes thus far have consisted of a single-word title.
* [[Inelegant Blubbering]]: Both Paul {{spoiler|and his girlfriend}} are "ugly criers".
* [[Ironic Echo]]: "Dip your toe in the pool of possibilities."
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: When we first meet Jess' friend Sadie, she has just heard the story of Nick's girlfriend insulting Jess' entire personality as being a quaint ploy for attention. The first thing out of Sadie's mouth is "I'm sorry, she doesn't like desserts?"
* [[Its Pronounced Tropay]]: Schmidt's pronunciation of the word chutney. He pronounces it ''chuh-te-nay''. [[Running Gag|In several episodes.]]
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Jess resolves on doing this for Nick in the finale, inspired by Schmidt's more delusional version of "''[[White Fang]]''-ing" (as he calls it) in relation to Cece.
* [[Jiggle Show]]: The girl dressed as a Native American in the pilot.
* [[Large Ham]]: Winston's strategy for getting a girl out of the apartment involves a dramatic monologue about his love affair with Nick.
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* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]/[[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: When Nick gets a cactus from Julia during "Bully", he assumes it's some kind of sign that she wants to break up. {{spoiler|It wasn't. ''At first''. After a series of pitiful phone messages explaining his reasoning, Julia starts believing it, and breaks up with him}}.
** It's more that {{spoiler|his series of messages make her decide she can't deal with someone that neurotic}}.
* [[Noble Male, Roguish Male]]: Nick and Schmidt. The former is emotional, unused to casual flings, and dislikes "throwing a woman out like a piece of meat"; the latter identifies that as exactly his problem and coaches him on how to be a douchebag.
* [[Noisy Shut Up]]: [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Poor, poor Winston]] in "Secrets".
* [[No Name Given]]:
** Schmidt, as that is obviously a last name and not his first.
** Coach is an example of the [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]] subtrope.
* [[No Sparks]]: In "Tomatoes", Jess breaks up with Russell when she realizes she'll never have the passion she wants with him.
* [[Noble Male, Roguish Male]]: Nick and Schmidt. The former is emotional, unused to casual flings, and dislikes "throwing a woman out like a piece of meat"; the latter identifies that as exactly his problem and coaches him on how to be a douchebag.
* [[Noisy Shut Up]]: [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Poor, poor Winston]] in "Secrets".
* [[Not So Different]]: A big theme of the show is how however they may seem, everybody is a big weirdo on the inside. The guys are initially unsettled by Jess' quirks, but their own quirks become rapidly apparent.
** Jess and Nick have are apparently opposites in temperament, but they're both sentimental, generally cautious, instinctive caretakers, and laugh at a lot of the same things.
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'''Nick:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|Wait, did you make up a theme song for yourself?]]}}
** "Nick Miller, Nick Miller, from the streets of Chicago..."
* [[Power Trio]]: Schmidt is the Id, Winston is the Ego, and Nick is the Superego.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Due to the unexpected renewal of Damon Wayans Jr.'s series ''[[Happy Endings]]'', his character Coach was sent away after the pilot and replaced with Winston.
* [[Random Events Plot]]: A lot of the episodes are a sequence of thrown-together character scenes that don't prioritize punchlines.
* [[Rant-Inducing Slight]]: After Nick spends all day disapproving of Paul, Jess gives us this gem:
{{quote|'''Jess:''' I want to have sex with him big time! Big time! I want to take him down to Chinatown and slice him off a piece of this pumpkin pie, okay? I want to do all the things that you do in a bedroom with him! I want to do it standing up and sitting down and half-up and half-down and the Wiggly One and the Bear Attack and the claws in the head and the one that figure skaters do and the "what's for lunch?" and the "gimme that hat!" The point is that I'm good. I'm really good and I don't care what you think!}}
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: For all that they have some typically male tendencies and insecurities, the three guys have never exhibited any trouble hugging each other, telling each other or other people they love them, or crying. Schmidt in particular is also not averse to kissing his male friends (although Nick tells him multiple times to stop "Fredo-kissing" him when they think {{spoiler|that Nick has cancer}}). There's also his cooking, Winston's comfort with girl talk, and Nick's claim to be good with babies.
** Winston's a nanny for awhile, and he and the kid Elvin are total buddies.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Schmidt, and possibly Cece.
** Nick, for awhile there.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: For all that they have some typically male tendencies and insecurities, the three guys have never exhibited any trouble hugging each other, telling each other or other people they love them, or crying. Schmidt in particular is also not averse to kissing his male friends (although Nick tells him multiple times to stop "Fredo-kissing" him when they think {{spoiler|that Nick has cancer}}). There's also his cooking, Winston's comfort with girl talk, and Nick's claim to be good with babies.
** Winston's a nanny for awhile, and he and the kid Elvin are total buddies.
* [[Recurring Character]]: Cece.
** The show's already racked up a lot of recurrers to smaller degrees.
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* [[Shaggy Dog Story]]: "Control". Efforts to get Schmidt to loosen up are abandoned and he's back to being the dominant force in the house. No one learns how to pick up the slack and take care of themselves in his absence, and anything Schmidt might've learned is unlearned. Also, Nick never does pay Winston back his hundreds of dollars, but Winston stops pressuring him about it.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Schmidt and Coach's reaction when they see Jess in the [[Little Black Dress]] her friend Cece helps her pick out... a reaction which is killed soon after, when Jess breaks into a celebratory dance. This happens again in Episode 3, when Jess is wearing her "Who let the dirty slut out of the slut house?" dress, but promptly kills the reaction again when she dons a pair of false buck teeth and puts on a [[Fauxreigner|fake Cockney accent]].
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Cece for Nick/Jess and Jess for Schmidt/Cece.
* [[Ship Tease]]:
** The half-dozen per episode lingering looks between Jess and Nick can't be coincidence surely.
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** Nick and Jess, as well as Schmidt "Fredo kissing" Nick twice, in "Injury".
** *Nick and Schmidt while doing an "exercise" in how to get rid of one night stands, when Jess walks in on them (shortly after finding out about Cece/Schmidt) and [[Mistaken for Gay|is understandably confused]].
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Cece for Nick/Jess and Jess for Schmidt/Cece.
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** To ''[[Dirty Dancing]]'' and ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' in the pilot.
** To ''[[Footloose]]'' in "Cece Crashes":
{{quote|'''Nick:''' I don't dance. I'm from the town in ''[[Footloose]]''.}}
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* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Julia and Jess' conflict seems to be based around this.
* [[True Companions]]: As an example, two of Jess' roommates show up to her students' science fair -- Winston to help her fix a project for one student, and Nick in turn because Winston is also in the middle of baby-sitting him through a meltdown. There are also the many occasions where they all come together as a group in defense of one of them, and stuff like Jess' ease with telling all of them she loves them, or Schmidt and Nick's comfort with showing affection for each other in public.
* [[The Un-Smile]]: When Nick smiles disingenuously... he suddenly has an awful lot of teeth.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: Nick and Jess, occasionally [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|belligerently so]], like when she goes home from breaking up with a boyfriend over their lack of passion and immediately gets into a fight with Nick about his horrible life decisions, but usually of the variety where they get along well.
* [[The Un-Smile]]: When Nick smiles disingenuously... he suddenly has an awful lot of teeth.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: Hector J, Harold & Kumar, White Castle, and most of Jess' alternative words for penis.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: Jess has seen male nudity so often since moving in with the guys that she doesn't even blink anymore (she used to [ gigglescream]). In "Jess and Julia", Schmidt can't find his towel so he walks through the house naked. She doesn't even look up (as much as he wishes she would). First thing in the morning in "Fancyman" (Part 2), she walks in on Nick's friend in the bathroom with his pants down without having bothered to close the door behind him and simply walks sleepily out again.
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** Schmidt usually finds a way to employ this trope. [[Fan Service|Not that anyone's complaining.]]
** This seems to be the primary reason for Schmidt's contributions to the Douchebag Jar.
{{quote|'''Elvin:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|Then why doesn't he have a shirt?]]
'''Winston:''' You know, [[Once an Episode|we ask ourselves that every single day.]]}}
* [[Welcome Episode]]
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]]: Becomes the plot of "Control". Jess gets Schmidt to finally stop being so uptight and nitpicky and to finally relax. Unfortunately, he becomes a little ''too'' relaxed, and joins some sort of hippie commune on the beach, stops going to work, and spends the whole day playing a bongo drum. And it turns out that without Schmidt there to nag the other roommates, the apartment falls into chaos, as Winston and Nick have no idea how to shop on a budget (they are in awe at the fact that Schmidt, thanks to his finickiness and obsession with detail, is able to get the groceries with less than $100), all three of them apparently can't dress without Schmidt's fashion advice, and the apartment starts becoming dirty. At the end of the episode, they coax him back to the apartment, partially by offering him Calvin Klein slacks. By the end, he's obsessively cleaning the apartment, tells Nick "Your hair is doing that thing that I just HATE," and in general is back to his usual self... and the roomies couldn't be happier about it.
* [[Welcome Episode]]
* [[What Does She See in Him?]]: Seems to be ''everybody's'' opinion about any woman who dates [[Cool Loser|Schmidt]], but turned [[Up to Eleven]] when the group finds out about him and Cece.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Horrific]]: Jess' Kermit impression scares the crap out of Cece.
* [[What Does She See in Him?]]: Seems to be ''everybody's'' opinion about any woman who dates [[Cool Loser|Schmidt]], but turned [[Up to Eleven]] when the group finds out about him and Cece.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Schmidt is terrified of the birdcat (cat raised by birds) which lives on the roof.
** Winston is deathly afraid of the dark.
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