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'''Jack:''' Biggest murdering, thieving, lying piece of morally-bankrupt shite I've ever laid eyes on.
'''Brian:''' Oh. Nothing personal then. }}
* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]: Jack}} confesses that he is sometimes this, when explaining {{spoiler|why he doesn't want an award for bravery when he knows he was really just trying to get killed.}}
* [[Defective Detective]]: Brian, as mentioned above.
** To a lesser extent, the others as well: Jack most obviously with his grieving for his late wife Mary, but Gerry has to deal with borderline addictions to gambling and cigarettes (although he can control his booze, oddly enough) and a lingering reputation for corruption, and Sandra has to cope with being a workaholic with no social life and the lingering memory of her father's suicide.
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* [[Red Baron]]: Brian "Memory" Lane and Gerry "Last Man" Standing. The former because of his impressive memory ("Memory Lane"). The later {{spoiler|was mockingly given to him by a mob boss, in both a straight forward<ref>Because he was the only copper on the force who didn't take a bribe from him</ref> and [[Irony|ironic]]<ref>Because he was the [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished|only officer who was accused of corruption as a result]].</ref> manner).}}
* [[The Seventies]] and [[The Eighties]]: Some episodes revolve around cases from that period.
* [[Shout-Out]]: A recent episode had Sandra describe some of Gerry's dodgier actions as being "out of the ''[[Life On Mars]]'' handbook". The two shows have often been compared by critics because their concepts can be viewed as mirror images (70s coppers back at work in the present vs modern copper in the 70s).
* [[Ship Tease]]: Earlier episodes seemed to suggest some kind of potential relationship between Gerry and Sandra, but this was gradually dropped. The two nevertheless over time went from being quite sharp with each other to becoming quite good friends, however,.
* [[Shout-Out]]: A recent episode had Sandra describe some of Gerry's dodgier actions as being "out of the ''[[Life On Mars]]'' handbook". The two shows have often been compared by critics because their concepts can be viewed as mirror images (70s coppers back at work in the present vs modern copper in the 70s).
* [[Slave to PR]]: Sandra's bosses are very aware of the power of publicity and often saddles the team with pointless cases merely for the sake of favourable press. Averted for the team, they simply don't care as they are not technically policemen anymore.
* [[Someone Elses Problem]]: At the end of the pilot, the final arrest occurs at a dinner the villain is hosting, which results in a punch-up between the villain's family and friends and the cops, with everyone pitching in... except for one bloke, presumably not ''that'' fond of the villain, who just calmly finishes his meal with the chaos going on around him and walks out when everyone's gone, blithely muttering 'very nice' to the main characters as he leaves.
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* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: Several episodes end on a sombre or even bleak note, which can make it a bit disorientating when Dennis Waterman suddenly starts singing "It's alright, it's okay, doesn't really matter if you're old and grey..." in a cheerful tone with the end credits. Later series introduced a more melancholy ending theme which would be played in such situations.
* [[Stealth Insult]]: While investigating a crime in a museum, Gerry wonders what it is like to spend every day surrounded by fossils. Sandra thinks she has an idea.
* [[The Swear Jar]]: Has the detectives install one, which eventually allows them to go out for a nice meal on the town. Gerry's a bit aggrieved that he didn't get to choose, since he "put most of the bloody money in."
* [[The Summation]]: A neat little subversion occurred once, in which Gerry explained how a crime ''didn't'' occur.
* [[The Swear Jar]]: Has the detectives install one, which eventually allows them to go out for a nice meal on the town. Gerry's a bit aggrieved that he didn't get to choose, since he "put most of the bloody money in."
* [[Theme Naming]]: The writer named Jack, Brian and Gerry after the oldest spectator stand at his favourite football (soccer) club, West Bromwich Albion (Halford Lane Standing).
** Late in the series it turns out Gerry has relatives in the meat business. Their names? Barry, Harry, Gary, Mary, Larry, and [[Overly Long Gag|Terry]].