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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Jack, whilst normally a pleasant, gentle sort of fellow, possesses a sharp and sometimes violent temper if someone (usually a murderer or corrupt cop) has ''really'' managed to annoy him. Also Brian, when he hasn't been taking his meds.
* [[Big Secret]]: There are usually three or four of these per episode, invariably complicating the murder investigation.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: It's established that Brian's remarkable photographic instant-recall memory and outstanding abilities as a detective and forensic investigator are the direct result of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and a manic depression that, if he doesn't take his medication, leaves him with crippling, obsessive paranoia and at the best of times renders him an anti-social pedant. He is also a recovered alcoholic.
* [[The Charmer]]: Gerry.
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: Brian turns into one of these if he comes off his anti-depressants; most notably in one episode where the team are investigating the suspicious death of a prominent 1970s trade unionist, Brian — himself a member of the Police Union during his service — becomes convinced that he's being observed.
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* [[Eureka Moment]]: Brian is sometimes given to these.
** Parodied with a subversion in one episode when Gerry sees someone he recognises in an old 1980s video about a peace protest. We're lead to assume that he's just had a sudden breakthrough about the case... until he proudly announces "I ''had'' her!"
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Penguins]]: Brian's tattoo.
* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: Sandra is choleric, Gerry is sanguine, Brian is melancholic, and Jack is phlegmatic.
* [[Giving Them the Strip]]: In "Dark Chocolate", Gerry escapes the [[Conveyor Belt O' Doom]] by taking off his jacket.
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* [[The Mourning After]]: Jack's wife may be dead, but he still considers himself very married.
* [[Necro Cam]]: Not as often as you'd think, though, especially given that most of the cases that are dealt with occurred up to 20 years ago and this isn't ''[[Waking the Dead]]''.
* [[Need a Hand - Oror A Handjob?]] - During a case that briefly took Brian into Soho, a lady of the night approached him asking if he 'had the time.' Misunderstandings ensued.
* [[No Medication for Me]] - Averted, Brian never gets any better if he comes off his meds.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: {{spoiler|Whatever Gerry did when he got neuro-linguistically programmed and "Baker Street" was played}}
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* [[Pac-Man Fever]] - averted, as Jack is seen playing ''Ghost Squad'' on the Wii and doing very well.
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]] - although they're not too bad for the most part, the boys can at times have difficulty adjusting to more modern ways of thinking about things like race, gender equality, etc., which can cause tension.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]] - P.C Clarke, the squad's uniformed IT officer-slash-gofer, disappears between Series 1 and Series 2.
* [[Real Life Relative]]: Gerry's {{spoiler|illegitimate and heretofore unknown}} daughter is played by Hannah Waterman, Dennis Waterman's real daughter. {{spoiler|Paternity tests prove that she's not his, but he refuses to tell her. She finds out}}
** Also, James Bolam and Susan Jameson, although not married to each other in the show, have been married to each other for over 35 years, playing husband and wife in ''[[When the Boat Comes In]]''.