Night Trap/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch]] -: One of the ''biggest'' victims of this trope next to the CD-I system. It received a lot of enemies who had never even played the game (and even ''admitted'' to having never played it). They claimed that the game was about kidnapping and raping women, never mind that if a girl died, you got a ''game over'' because you were supposed to ''save'' the women. As for the scantily clad? The most scantily clad you get are nightgowns... which would be scantily clad to fundamentalist Muslim or Amish people and no one else.
* [[Cult Classic]]: Its legacy as a legendarily bad FMV game with corny acting has given it a following that continues to the present day, to the point that it is being rereleased for ''modern'' platforms.
* [[Narm]]: A lot of the dialogue, but the ending especially.
** This was actually invoked, too. The "Violence" in the game was deliberately designed to be so cartoonish and over-the-top that nobody would possibly think to try it in real life. The crew was even laughing on-stage.