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''Ninja High School v2'' was an attempted [[Spin-Off]] set after a [[Time Skip]], revolving around Jeremy's thrill-seeking younger brother Ricky; it originally ran alongside the original series, but the new storyline was brought back into the main title though Ricky was now the main character.
For those that wanna follow along it goes like this:
* Original series (Vol 1-9). Ran for 100 issues. 1987 to November, 2002. The first bulk is mostly that of Jeremy's adventures with a few stories focused on side characters. Later on most of the stories focused on Ricky and his own entourage of girls (In this case Lendo's step-sister Yumei, Superhero Heidi, and a Salusian Princess with a purchased title, Solora). This is considered Vol 2 of the series. There is also the mini series "Quagmire USA".
* Hawaiian series (#101-129, December, 2002 - June, 2005): Focuses on supporting character, Yumei, as she goes to Hawaii under the request of a family member and has her own adventures.
* Shidoshi series (#130-175, August, 2005-August, 2009) : Continuation of vol 2, something of a reboot of the series to distinguish it from the original. The story now focuses entirely on Ricky and a new cast of characters as they come into conflict with a deadly rival ninja clan.
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* [[Almighty Janitor]]: Seen in the Hawaii issues; while he wasn't the best fighter, he was stronger and more skilled than the main character for awhile.
* [[Animesque]]: Dunn is an admitted anime and manga addict.
* [[Art Evolution]]: Not surprising since the series started in 1987. The first artwork was mostly that of a usual American comic book. Then evolved into more manga like standards, likely Ben experimenting with his art and sticking with the latter style.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: The reason that Asrial and Ichi were initially after Jeremy.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: Akaru, Jeremy managed to use it as a weakness during their first meeting.
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: "The world shall be saved by ''STEAM!!''"
** Even more frequent are references to Salusians of imperial birth ("It's simple for...", "Your strength is no match for...", and so on).
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: Started off as a fairly slapstick action adventure series. Then later story arcs got much more serious. The Ricky Feeple era is especially notable for this.
* [[City of Adventure]]: Quagmire
* [[City of Weirdos]]: Quagmire as well - despite it being much smaller than many other examples.
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* [[Deconstructor Fleet]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Ichi initially as she only wanted marry Jeremy to become leader of her ninja clan. But the more she comes to know Jeremy the more she seem genuinely willing to marry him. {{spoiler|Ultimately it doesn't happen and she marries Lendo.}}
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Jermey's, subverted as he finds out his dad is [[Trapped in Another World]], a mouse based one, highly ironic in that Mr.Feeple's profession is a ''rat exterminator''. What's more, he is now the ''king'' of the land and can't return to the human one as the mouse people don't have the technology to do so without fatal side effects.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Yuudai was a huge victim of this thanks to the Elder Stars' displeasure at the growing closeness between him and Empress Meisho.
* [[Expy]]
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* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: When Jeremy is first brainwashed by Lendo in issue 3, Ichi uses a ninja spell to break into his subconscious and undo the mind control. Also appears later in the Copier issue.
{{quote|"Please. You're not this person. You're not this person."}}
* [[Jerkass]]: Lendo, before [[Character Development]] post-Timeskip turned him into a [[Badass Normal]] version of a [[Replacement Flat Character]]. Tetsuo took his place as the resident Jerkass to Ricky in the second series.
* [[Keep Circulating the Tapes|Keep Passing Around The Comics]]: The volumes of the original series only cover one half of the comics. The other half, including the volume two comics have yet to have any volume sets.
* [[Lawyer-Friendly Cameo]]
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Mostly due to all the expies running around.
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{{quote|'''Ricky''': That gotta be the second biggest Hitler robot I've ever seen!}}
* [[Super Strength]]: One of the powers of a "Salusian of Imperial birth" like Asrial.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: [[Cute Witch]] Mimi has one which nearly took over Hell. Suzume (one of Ricky's ninja partners) also has one that can't tell friend from foe due to her clan's very brutal training from birth.
** Thanks to a brainwashing early in the series, ''Jeremy'' also has a super''genius'' evil side ([[Badass Normal|good in a fight, too]]), more or less [[Doctor Doom]] in a [[Putting on the Reich|Nazi-esque]] uniform.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: How Tetsuo manages to get one over on the Elder Stars {{spoiler|After they deny him the choice of marrying his true love. He decides to play it their way and follow tradition, which means he could spread his secrets to other ninja clans and bankrupt them financially without breaking from their iron clad traditions. Say the least while he doesn't beat them psychically (he tried but was no match) he manages to do so by sheer wit and turning their customs back at them.}}
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: Akaru, an island native who doesn't know anything about modern civilization and largely judges everything on how manly it is.
* [[Troperiffic]]: Or a [[Cliché Storm]]; your mileage may vary.
* [[Time Skip]]: Starting with Issue 75, which picks up 5 years after the original series, and later in Issue 168, which takes place seven years after ''that.''
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Rival-san Lendo after the [[Time Skip]]. Sora, when she had her chi unlocked by her grandfather.
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: This is pretty much Jeremy all over. Despite the fact he takes ninja training, he hardly ever uses it.
* [[Unsound Effect]]
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