No Badass to His Valet: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"You tell me where my suit is, woman!! We are talking about the greater good!"
"'Greater good?!' I am your WIFE''wife''! I am the greatest GOOD''good'' you're EVER''ever'' gonna get!"''|'''Frozone''' and [[Sassy Black Woman|wife]], ''[[The Incredibles]]''}}
|'''Frozone''' and [[Sassy Black Woman|wife]], ''[[The Incredibles]]''}}
[[Badass|Archetypical tough guys]] and [[Anti-Hero|anti-heroes]] often give off an aura of authority and attitude around them, a countenance that gives even the most courageous individuals feelings of doubt and fear; a warning to all to treat the character with caution. As a result, these characters are apt to intimidate anyone they meet into doing what they want, whether it be doing their bidding or merely just leaving them alone.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'': Keiko Yukimura is one of the few people who knows [[Delinquent|Yusuke Urameshi]] and isn't scared of him, and she doesn't even allow his attitude to affect her. As a result, she often acts as his conscience, and isn't afraid to [[Megaton Punch|knock him on his ass]] if he crosses the line.
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* The ultimate comic book example is [[Batman|Alfred Pennyworth]], Bruce Wayne's faithful retainer, friend, and one-man support system. As the man who practically raised Bruce Wayne, he is absolutely immune to Batman's intimidation, one of the few who can unflinchingly confront him to his face if need be, and is the first to deflate him when he gets too obsessive. Alfred is one of the few people Batman has complete faith in, and, in fact, he doesn't even try (or even desire to try) to control Alfred (beyond the whole butler/employer relationship they have, which is... complicated) the way he keeps absolute control over the rest of his world. Of course, Alfred Pennyworth is afraid of ''no one''. Being a former SAS commando can do that to you.
** He is the only BatfamilyBat family member with the balls to confront Batman about his poor treatment of family members. His manipulation of Stephanie Brown, his abandonment of Cassandra Cain, his terrible fathering of Damian. Three of the most badass heroes there are, who rarely even stand up for themselves to Bruce. Alfred does it regularly.
** Dick Grayson is utterly unafraid of Batman, as well. [[Lampshade Hanging|This is pointed out]] in at least a couple of issues.
** At least since coming [[Back From the Dead]], so is [[Green Lantern]] Hal Jordan. Which makes sense; Batman wields fear as a weapon but the Green Lanterns are all about defying it.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* Ginny Weasley shows signs of this in ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]''. Everyone else has no idea how to deal with Harry's angry, angsty rampages. Ginny coolly and calmly defuses him.
* ''[[Discworld]]'': Reformed [[Gentleman Thief]] Moist Von Lipwig has his [[Love Interest]] Adora Bell "Spike" Dearhart. Part of the reason he was attracted to her in the first place was [[I Love You Because I Can't Control You|because she wasn't fooled by him]]. In his [[Discworld/Making Money|second book]], he's taken up needlessly dangerous pastimes to make up for the normality of his life, while she's away on an archaeological dig; Lord Veternari notes that it seems he doesn't need to do that when his fiancée is around.
** Having grown up as [[The Grim Reaper|Death]]'s adopted daughter, Ysabell was utterly unintimidated {{smallcaps|by his voice}}. His granddaughter, Susan, acts much the same way, as does his ''actual'' valet Albert. Albert is a bit of an odd case, though, in that he ''is'' terrified of death; he just doesn't find the anthropomorphic personification of it all that worrisome.
*** In fairness to Albert, he's been living on about three months of life for the past 2,000 years and is now down to about ten seconds.
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* In the ''[[Star Trek Expanded Universe]]'', Federation President Bacco and Bajoran First Minister Asarem both have secretaries who embody this trope, as did Worf during his stretch as Klingon ambassador.
* In ''[[1632]]'', nearly everyone is careful of Emperor Gustav's well-known volatile temper (his valets carry around extra chairs when he's campaigning, because they know he likes to smash chairs when he's angry) and his touchy nature when it comes to insults. Julie Simms isn't intimidated at all, and even once called him a fathead to his face. And got away with it.
*In the ''[[Belisarius Series]]'', the title character's bodyguards are not particularly impressed by him despite the fact that he is a heroic Roman general. The Ethiopian prince, Eon takes it [[Up to Eleven]]. His valet regularly slaps him and otherwise abuses him to make sure he has had [[Training From Hell]].
*In ''[[Honor Harrington]]'' there is a subversion. Grayson Noblesnobles on campaign have a bodyguard assigned by law. And in both of the cases where a female Grayson noble serves in the Manticore Navy (Honor herself who is a Manty with a Grayson title, and Abigail Hearns, who is a [[Foreign Exchange Student|foreign exchange officer]] from a Grayson family), the bodyguard is secretly in love with his charge.
* In the [[Conan the Barbarian]] story ''[[The Phoenix on the Sword]]'', there is a scene where King Conan of Aquilonia and General Prospero are discussing the state of the kingdom. Prospero speaks to Conan as he would an old friend rather than his king, and the story even mentions the "easy familiarity" that exists between Conan and Prospero.
* Eve and Roarke are both intimidating people in the [[In Death]] series. Eve's used to bullying her way around, and Roarke is a [[Badass]] who [[Fiction 500|owns everything]]. The only people to consistently and calmly deflect their spite whenever they rage or angst are Mira and Summerset, their respective parental figures.
*In ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|The Vor Game]]'', Miles is not a bit intimidated by the Emperor. Subverted in that not only is he a viable claim to be heir under some theories, he was practically raised with the Emperor. Others are a zig-zag depending on their position. Armsmen are always respectful because that is part of their duty but service officers tend to treat him according to his rank at the moment.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* [[Almighty Janitor|Merlin]] is most definitely this to [[White Prince|Prince Arthur]] in ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]''. He is almost completely immune to Arthur's royal demands and complaining, largely due to the fact that Arthur cannot intimidate him. He's also totally willing to knock the royal ''prat'' down a knotch or twenty whenever he becomes too unbearable, punishment be damned.
** There's an element of this with Gaius and Uther as well. He's one of the few who isn't afraid to call Uther out from time to time.
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* Chizuru Kagura, the cool-headed [[Miko]] from [[The King of Fighters]], cannot make [[Anti-Hero|Iori]] [[Jerkass Woobie|Yagami]] completely bend to her will, but she ''can'' make him team-work with none other than his sworn enemy [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|Kyo Kusanagi]].
== Webcomics[[Web Comics]] ==
* [[Handicapped Badass|Viktor]] and [[Genki Girl|Ivy]] have this relationship in ''[[Lackadaisy]]''.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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