No Medication for Me: Difference between revisions

added fanworks section and example
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Covered in and used as a justification for [[Flowers for Algernon Syndrome]].
== [[Comics]] ==
* Doc Will Magnus, creator of the [[Metal Men]], takes regular medication to treat his Manic/Depressive bipolar disorder with delusional episodes, but his 'stabilised' self is also less inventive. in ''[[52]]'', a group of [[Super Villain]] [[Mad Scientist]] types kidnap him, confiscate his medication, and set him to work, intending to get him to recreate the [[Doomsday Device]] Plutonium Man that he made the last time he went nuts. However, this does not lead to the results that the mad scientist types had hoped for, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|and Magnus winds up tearing apart their criminal organization from the inside]].
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* Todd Rice aka Obsidian of ''[[Justice Society of America]]'' and ''[[Infinity, Inc.]]'' averts this and knows he needs to take medication for his schizophrenia, and when he starts acting strangely his teammates wonder aloud if he's gotten off of it (turns out it was due to something completed unrelated).
* In ''Lab Rat'', the prequel comic to ''[[Portal 2]]'', Doug Rattmann avoids taking medication for his schizophrenia. [[Subverted Trope|In a subversion, however]], he recognizes he needs it, but because he's running low he saves it for when he really needs it to escape.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* In ''[ The Tales of Ranma and Ranko]'' by Jack Staik and Lady Tesser, Ryouga turns out to need anti-psychotic medication, but has refused to take it because its effects prevent him from performing his signature [[Ki Attacks|Ki Attack]]. Once his father ensures that he takes his meds properly, Ryouga calms down considerably, gets in a relationship with one of Ranma's former fiancees, and becomes a valued friend and ally to Ranma.