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* ''The Inn of the Sixth Happiness'' is about a British missionary in a remote corner of northern China in the 1930s.
* ''The Bitter Tea of General Yen'' by Frank Capra is about the love story between a warlord and a missionary.
* [[Tintin (Comic Book)]]'s adventure ''The Blue Lotus'' depicts the Japanese encroachment on China in the 1930s and the opium trade.
* ''A Pinwheel Without Wind'' (starring [[Zhou Xun]]) is set in the short lull between the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War and the resumption of the civil war in the late 1940s.
* So is the 1948 classic film ''Spring in a Small Town'' (小城之春) by Fei Mu, as well as its 2002 remake by Tian Zhuangzhuang.
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* [[The Purge]]: Jiang Jieshi did it to the Communists when he figured they were becoming dangerous. He was right, actually; they were always planning to betray him, he just betrayed them first. Also, the Nationalists and Communists to themselves. Mao was not top dog by a long shot when he was borne by Sedan chair on the Long March, for instance.
* [[The Uriah Gambit]]: Used by Jiang all the time to get rid of or weaken troublesome elements within the army and party. Doing too well for yourself? Here, defend this town against the Japanese...
* [[The Triads and Thethe Tongs]]: Due to the breakdown of organized government and the general corruption of institutions, criminal organizations were quite powerful throughout the period. The most powerful man in Shanghai, for example, was a triad boss named Du Yuesheng.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Arguably, this is what the Communists were like before taking over. Afterwards...